Some modifications to the OxyPlot library to simplify the use in the Open Hardware Monitor.
Sat, 08 Jun 2013 17:07:18 +0000 (2013-06-08)
changeset 393896a57d2d32a
parent 392 4b43228a9894
child 394 19848d079a33
Some modifications to the OxyPlot library to simplify the use in the Open Hardware Monitor.
     1.1 --- a/External/OxyPlot/OxyPlot.WindowsForms/Plot.cs	Sat Jun 08 17:06:00 2013 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/External/OxyPlot/OxyPlot.WindowsForms/Plot.cs	Sat Jun 08 17:07:18 2013 +0000
     1.3 @@ -841,24 +841,23 @@
     1.4              bool xb2 = e.Button == MouseButtons.XButton2;
     1.6              // MMB / control RMB / control+alt LMB
     1.7 -            if (mmb || (control && rmb) || (control && alt && lmb))
     1.8 +            if (mmb || (control && lmb) || (control && alt && rmb))
     1.9 +            {
    1.10 +                return new ZoomRectangleManipulator(this);
    1.11 +            }
    1.12 +
    1.13 +            // Right mouse button / alt+left mouse button
    1.14 +            if (lmb || (rmb && alt))
    1.15              {
    1.16                  if (e.Clicks == 2)
    1.17                  {
    1.18                      return new ResetManipulator(this);
    1.19                  }
    1.20 -
    1.21 -                return new ZoomRectangleManipulator(this);
    1.22 -            }
    1.23 -
    1.24 -            // Right mouse button / alt+left mouse button
    1.25 -            if (rmb || (lmb && alt))
    1.26 -            {
    1.27                  return new PanManipulator(this);
    1.28              }
    1.30              // Left mouse button
    1.31 -            if (lmb)
    1.32 +            if (rmb)
    1.33              {
    1.34                  return new TrackerManipulator(this) { Snap = !control, PointsOnly = shift };
    1.35              }
     2.1 --- a/External/OxyPlot/OxyPlot/Axes/Axis.cs	Sat Jun 08 17:06:00 2013 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/External/OxyPlot/OxyPlot/Axes/Axis.cs	Sat Jun 08 17:07:18 2013 +0000
     2.3 @@ -703,13 +703,13 @@
     2.4          /// Gets or sets the current view's maximum. This value is used when the user zooms or pans.
     2.5          /// </summary>
     2.6          /// <value> The view maximum. </value>
     2.7 -        protected double ViewMaximum { get; set; }
     2.8 +        public double ViewMaximum { get; protected set; }
    2.10          /// <summary>
    2.11          /// Gets or sets the current view's minimum. This value is used when the user zooms or pans.
    2.12          /// </summary>
    2.13          /// <value> The view minimum. </value>
    2.14 -        protected double ViewMinimum { get; set; }
    2.15 +        public double ViewMinimum { get; protected set; }
    2.17          /// <summary>
    2.18          /// Transforms the specified point to screen coordinates.