Restored CTSHolding check and added more report output for T-Balancer enumeration.
Tue, 16 Feb 2010 21:44:25 +0000 (2010-02-16)
changeset 471d02fde1bb23
parent 46 f847947b7f8e
child 48 eb04985b7b6a
Restored CTSHolding check and added more report output for T-Balancer enumeration.
     1.1 --- a/Hardware/Computer.cs	Mon Feb 15 22:58:29 2010 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/Hardware/Computer.cs	Tue Feb 16 21:44:25 2010 +0000
     1.3 @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
     1.5          foreach (IGroup group in groups) {
     1.6            string report = group.GetReport();
     1.7 -          if (report != null) {
     1.8 +          if (report != null && report != "") {
     1.9              NewSection(w);
    1.10              w.Write(report);
    1.11            }
    1.12 @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
    1.13            IHardware[] hardwareArray = group.Hardware;
    1.14            foreach (IHardware hardware in hardwareArray) {
    1.15              string hardwareReport = hardware.GetReport();
    1.16 -            if (hardwareReport != null) {
    1.17 +            if (hardwareReport != null && hardwareReport != "") {
    1.18                NewSection(w);
    1.19                w.Write(hardwareReport);
    1.20              }
     2.1 --- a/Hardware/TBalancer/TBalancerGroup.cs	Mon Feb 15 22:58:29 2010 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/Hardware/TBalancer/TBalancerGroup.cs	Tue Feb 16 21:44:25 2010 +0000
     2.3 @@ -56,54 +56,64 @@
     2.5            SerialPort serialPort =
     2.6              new SerialPort(portNames[i], 19200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
     2.7 -          serialPort.Open();
     2.8 +          
     2.9            bool isValid = false;
    2.10            byte protocolVersion = 0;
    2.11            report.Append("Port Name: "); report.AppendLine(portNames[i]);
    2.13 +          try {
    2.14 +            serialPort.Open();
    2.15 +          } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) {
    2.16 +            report.AppendLine("Exception: Access Denied");
    2.17 +          }
    2.18 +       
    2.19            if (serialPort.IsOpen) {
    2.20 -            serialPort.DiscardInBuffer();
    2.21 -            serialPort.DiscardOutBuffer();
    2.22 -            serialPort.Write(new byte[] { 0x38 }, 0, 1);
    2.23 -            int j = 0;
    2.24 -            while (serialPort.BytesToRead == 0 && j < 2) {
    2.25 -              Thread.Sleep(100);
    2.26 -              j++;
    2.27 -            }
    2.28 -            if (serialPort.BytesToRead > 0) {
    2.29 -              if (serialPort.ReadByte() == TBalancer.STARTFLAG) {
    2.30 -                while (serialPort.BytesToRead < 284 && j < 5) {
    2.31 -                  Thread.Sleep(100);
    2.32 -                  j++;
    2.33 -                }
    2.34 -                int length = serialPort.BytesToRead;
    2.35 -                if (length >= 284) {
    2.36 -                  byte[] data = new byte[285];
    2.37 -                  data[0] = TBalancer.STARTFLAG;
    2.38 -                  for (int k = 1; k < data.Length; k++)
    2.39 -                    data[k] = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte();
    2.40 +            if (serialPort.CtsHolding) {
    2.41 +              serialPort.DiscardInBuffer();
    2.42 +              serialPort.DiscardOutBuffer();
    2.43 +              serialPort.Write(new byte[] { 0x38 }, 0, 1);
    2.44 +              int j = 0;
    2.45 +              while (serialPort.BytesToRead == 0 && j < 2) {
    2.46 +                Thread.Sleep(100);
    2.47 +                j++;
    2.48 +              }
    2.49 +              if (serialPort.BytesToRead > 0) {
    2.50 +                if (serialPort.ReadByte() == TBalancer.STARTFLAG) {
    2.51 +                  while (serialPort.BytesToRead < 284 && j < 5) {
    2.52 +                    Thread.Sleep(100);
    2.53 +                    j++;
    2.54 +                  }
    2.55 +                  int length = serialPort.BytesToRead;
    2.56 +                  if (length >= 284) {
    2.57 +                    byte[] data = new byte[285];
    2.58 +                    data[0] = TBalancer.STARTFLAG;
    2.59 +                    for (int k = 1; k < data.Length; k++)
    2.60 +                      data[k] = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte();
    2.62 -                  // check protocol version 2X (protocols seen: 2C, 2A, 28)
    2.63 -                  isValid = (data[274] & 0xF0) == 0x20;
    2.64 -                  protocolVersion = data[274];
    2.65 -                  if (!isValid) {
    2.66 -                    report.Append("Status: Wrong Protocol Version: 0x");
    2.67 -                    report.AppendLine(protocolVersion.ToString("X"));
    2.68 +                    // check protocol version 2X (protocols seen: 2C, 2A, 28)
    2.69 +                    isValid = (data[274] & 0xF0) == 0x20;
    2.70 +                    protocolVersion = data[274];
    2.71 +                    if (!isValid) {
    2.72 +                      report.Append("Status: Wrong Protocol Version: 0x");
    2.73 +                      report.AppendLine(protocolVersion.ToString("X"));
    2.74 +                    }
    2.75 +                  } else {
    2.76 +                    report.AppendLine("Status: Wrong Message Length: " +length);
    2.77                    }
    2.78                  } else {
    2.79 -                  report.AppendLine("Status: Wrong Message Length: " + length);
    2.80 +                  report.AppendLine("Status: Wrong Startflag");
    2.81                  }
    2.82                } else {
    2.83 -                report.AppendLine("Status: Wrong Startflag");
    2.84 +                report.AppendLine("Status: No Response");
    2.85                }
    2.86              } else {
    2.87 -              report.AppendLine("Status: No Response");
    2.88 +              report.AppendLine("Status: Not Clear to Send");
    2.89              }
    2.90 -          } else {
    2.91 +            serialPort.DiscardInBuffer();
    2.92 +            serialPort.Close();
    2.93 +          } else {            
    2.94              report.AppendLine("Status: Port not Open");
    2.95 -          }
    2.96 -          serialPort.DiscardInBuffer();
    2.97 -          serialPort.Close();
    2.98 +          }                          
    2.99            if (isValid) {
   2.100              report.AppendLine("Status: OK");
   2.101              hardware.Add(new TBalancer(portNames[i], protocolVersion));
   2.102 @@ -111,8 +121,6 @@
   2.103            }
   2.104          } catch (IOException ioe) {
   2.105            report.AppendLine(ioe.ToString());
   2.106 -        } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException uae) {
   2.107 -          report.AppendLine(uae.ToString());
   2.108          } catch (NullReferenceException ne) {
   2.109            report.AppendLine(ne.ToString());
   2.110          }
     3.1 --- a/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs	Mon Feb 15 22:58:29 2010 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs	Tue Feb 16 21:44:25 2010 +0000
     3.3 @@ -69,5 +69,5 @@
     3.4  // You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers 
     3.5  // by using the '*' as shown below:
     3.6  // [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
     3.7 -[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
     3.8 -[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
     3.9 +[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
    3.10 +[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]