Changed the maximum buffer size for double buffering of controls that isn't disposed after each draw call to the size of the screen. This should reduce the memory allocation and disposing on each sensor update. Also page faults are no longer increasing with this change.
Sat, 25 Jun 2011 14:46:28 +0000 (2011-06-25)
changeset 30416a86362c2ca
parent 303 f6db7258890e
child 305 9652074e6ee5
Changed the maximum buffer size for double buffering of controls that isn't disposed after each draw call to the size of the screen. This should reduce the memory allocation and disposing on each sensor update. Also page faults are no longer increasing with this change.
     1.1 --- a/GUI/MainForm.cs	Sat Jun 25 11:06:54 2011 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/GUI/MainForm.cs	Sat Jun 25 14:46:28 2011 +0000
     1.3 @@ -99,6 +99,11 @@
     1.5        this.unitManager = new UnitManager(settings);
     1.7 +      // make sure the buffers used for double buffering are not disposed 
     1.8 +      // after each draw call
     1.9 +      BufferedGraphicsManager.Current.MaximumBuffer =
    1.10 +        Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size;  
    1.11 +
    1.12        // set the DockStyle here, to avoid conflicts with the MainMenu
    1.13        this.splitContainer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
    1.15 @@ -258,7 +263,7 @@
    1.16        // Make sure the settings are saved when the user logs off
    1.17        Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.SessionEnded += delegate {
    1.18          SaveConfiguration();
    1.19 -      };  
    1.20 +      };
    1.21      }
    1.23      private void InitializePlotForm() {