moel@1: /* moel@1: moel@344: This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public moel@344: License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this moel@344: file, You can obtain one at moel@1: moel@413: Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Michael Möller moel@344: moel@1: */ moel@1: moel@1: using System; moel@86: using System.IO; moel@86: using System.Threading; moel@1: using System.Windows.Forms; moel@86: using OpenHardwareMonitor.GUI; moel@1: moel@1: namespace OpenHardwareMonitor { moel@86: public static class Program { moel@86: moel@1: [STAThread] moel@86: public static void Main() { moel@1: #if !DEBUG moel@87: Application.ThreadException += moel@87: new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); moel@87: Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode( moel@87: UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); moel@87: moel@86: AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += moel@86: new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); moel@1: #endif moel@55: moel@106: if (!AllRequiredFilesAvailable()) moel@106: Environment.Exit(0); moel@106: moel@86: Application.EnableVisualStyles(); moel@86: Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); moel@86: using (GUI.MainForm form = new GUI.MainForm()) { moel@86: form.FormClosed += delegate(Object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { moel@86: Application.Exit(); moel@86: }; moel@86: Application.Run(); moel@1: } moel@1: } moel@55: moel@106: private static bool IsFileAvailable(string fileName) { moel@106: string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + moel@106: Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; moel@106: moel@106: if (!File.Exists(path + fileName)) { moel@106: MessageBox.Show("The following file could not be found: " + fileName + moel@253: "\nPlease extract all files from the archive.", "Error", moel@106: MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); moel@106: return false; moel@106: } moel@106: return true; moel@106: } moel@106: moel@106: private static bool AllRequiredFilesAvailable() { moel@106: if (!IsFileAvailable("Aga.Controls.dll")) moel@106: return false; moel@253: if (!IsFileAvailable("OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll")) moel@253: return false; moel@413: if (!IsFileAvailable("OxyPlot.dll")) moel@413: return false; moel@413: if (!IsFileAvailable("OxyPlot.WindowsForms.dll")) moel@413: return false; moel@413: moel@106: return true; moel@106: } moel@106: moel@87: private static void ReportException(Exception e) { moel@150: CrashForm form = new CrashForm(); moel@87: form.Exception = e; moel@87: form.ShowDialog(); moel@87: } moel@87: moel@87: public static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, moel@87: ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) moel@87: { moel@87: try { moel@87: ReportException(e.Exception); moel@87: } catch { moel@87: } finally { moel@87: Application.Exit(); moel@87: } moel@87: } moel@87: moel@86: public static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, moel@86: UnhandledExceptionEventArgs args) moel@86: { moel@87: try { moel@87: Exception e = args.ExceptionObject as Exception; moel@87: if (e != null) moel@87: ReportException(e); moel@98: } catch { moel@98: } finally { moel@98: Environment.Exit(0); moel@98: } moel@86: } moel@1: } moel@1: }