moel@136: /* moel@136: moel@344: This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public moel@344: License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this moel@344: file, You can obtain one at moel@136: moel@405: Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Michael Möller moel@344: moel@136: */ moel@136: moel@136: using System.Collections.Generic; moel@166: using System.Globalization; moel@136: using System.IO; moel@268: using System.Text; moel@136: moel@136: namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.LPC { moel@136: moel@165: internal class LMSensors { moel@136: moel@195: private readonly List lmChips = new List(); moel@136: moel@136: public LMSensors() { moel@266: string[] basePaths = Directory.GetDirectories("/sys/class/hwmon/"); moel@266: foreach (string basePath in basePaths) { moel@266: foreach (string devicePath in new[] { "/device", "" }) { moel@266: string path = basePath + devicePath; moel@136: moel@266: string name = null; moel@266: try { moel@266: using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path + "/name")) moel@266: name = reader.ReadLine(); moel@266: } catch (IOException) { } moel@136: moel@266: switch (name) { moel@266: case "atk0110": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.ATK0110, path)); break; moel@266: moel@266: case "f71858fg": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.F71858, path)); break; moel@266: case "f71862fg": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.F71862, path)); break; moel@388: case "f71869": moel@388: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.F71869, path)); break; moel@266: case "f71882fg": moel@388: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.F71882, path)); break; moel@388: case "f71889a": moel@388: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.F71889AD, path)); break; moel@388: case "f71889ed": moel@388: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.F71889ED, path)); break; moel@266: case "f71889fg": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.F71889F, path)); break; moel@388: case "f71808e": moel@388: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.F71808E, path)); break; moel@266: moel@353: case "it8705": moel@353: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.IT8705F, path)); break; moel@266: case "it8712": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.IT8712F, path)); break; moel@266: case "it8716": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.IT8716F, path)); break; moel@266: case "it8718": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.IT8718F, path)); break; moel@266: case "it8720": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.IT8720F, path)); break; moel@405: moel@405: case "nct6775": moel@405: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.NCT6771F, path)); break; moel@405: case "nct6776": moel@405: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.NCT6776F, path)); break; moel@266: moel@266: case "w83627ehf": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.W83627EHF, path)); break; moel@266: case "w83627dhg": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.W83627DHG, path)); break; moel@266: case "w83667hg": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.W83667HG, path)); break; moel@266: case "w83627hf": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.W83627HF, path)); break; moel@266: case "w83627thf": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.W83627THF, path)); break; moel@266: case "w83687thf": moel@266: lmChips.Add(new LMChip(Chip.W83687THF, path)); break; moel@266: } moel@136: } moel@136: } moel@136: } moel@136: moel@136: public void Close() { moel@136: foreach (LMChip lmChip in lmChips) moel@136: lmChip.Close(); moel@136: } moel@136: moel@136: public ISuperIO[] SuperIO { moel@136: get { moel@136: return lmChips.ToArray(); moel@136: } moel@136: } moel@136: moel@136: private class LMChip : ISuperIO { moel@136: moel@136: private string path; moel@195: private readonly Chip chip; moel@136: moel@195: private readonly float?[] voltages; moel@195: private readonly float?[] temperatures; moel@195: private readonly float?[] fans; moel@323: private readonly float?[] controls; moel@136: moel@268: private readonly FileStream[] voltageStreams; moel@268: private readonly FileStream[] temperatureStreams; moel@268: private readonly FileStream[] fanStreams; moel@136: moel@136: public Chip Chip { get { return chip; } } moel@136: public float?[] Voltages { get { return voltages; } } moel@136: public float?[] Temperatures { get { return temperatures; } } moel@136: public float?[] Fans { get { return fans; } } moel@323: public float?[] Controls { get { return controls; } } moel@136: moel@136: public LMChip(Chip chip, string path) { moel@136: this.path = path; moel@136: this.chip = chip; moel@136: moel@136: string[] voltagePaths = Directory.GetFiles(path, "in*_input"); moel@136: this.voltages = new float?[voltagePaths.Length]; moel@268: this.voltageStreams = new FileStream[voltagePaths.Length]; moel@136: for (int i = 0; i < voltagePaths.Length; i++) moel@268: voltageStreams[i] = new FileStream(voltagePaths[i], moel@268: FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); moel@136: moel@136: string[] temperaturePaths = Directory.GetFiles(path, "temp*_input"); moel@136: this.temperatures = new float?[temperaturePaths.Length]; moel@268: this.temperatureStreams = new FileStream[temperaturePaths.Length]; moel@136: for (int i = 0; i < temperaturePaths.Length; i++) moel@268: temperatureStreams[i] = new FileStream(temperaturePaths[i], moel@268: FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); moel@136: moel@136: string[] fanPaths = Directory.GetFiles(path, "fan*_input"); moel@136: = new float?[fanPaths.Length]; moel@268: this.fanStreams = new FileStream[fanPaths.Length]; moel@136: for (int i = 0; i < fanPaths.Length; i++) moel@268: fanStreams[i] = new FileStream(fanPaths[i], moel@268: FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); moel@323: moel@323: this.controls = new float?[0]; moel@136: } moel@136: moel@228: public byte? ReadGPIO(int index) { moel@228: return null; moel@228: } moel@228: moel@228: public void WriteGPIO(int index, byte value) { } moel@228: moel@136: public string GetReport() { moel@136: return null; moel@136: } moel@136: moel@323: public void SetControl(int index, byte? value) { } moel@323: moel@268: private string ReadFirstLine(Stream stream) { moel@268: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); moel@268: try { moel@268: stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); moel@268: int b = stream.ReadByte(); moel@268: while (b != -1 && b != 10) { moel@268: sb.Append((char)b); moel@268: b = stream.ReadByte(); moel@268: } moel@268: } catch { } moel@268: return sb.ToString(); moel@268: } moel@268: moel@136: public void Update() { moel@136: for (int i = 0; i < voltages.Length; i++) { moel@268: string s = ReadFirstLine(voltageStreams[i]); moel@136: try { moel@268: voltages[i] = 0.001f * moel@166: long.Parse(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); moel@136: } catch { moel@136: voltages[i] = null; moel@136: } moel@136: } moel@136: moel@136: for (int i = 0; i < temperatures.Length; i++) { moel@268: string s = ReadFirstLine(temperatureStreams[i]); moel@136: try { moel@268: temperatures[i] = 0.001f * moel@166: long.Parse(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); moel@136: } catch { moel@136: temperatures[i] = null; moel@136: } moel@136: } moel@136: moel@136: for (int i = 0; i < fans.Length; i++) { moel@268: string s = ReadFirstLine(fanStreams[i]); moel@136: try { moel@166: fans[i] = long.Parse(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); moel@136: } catch { moel@136: fans[i] = null; moel@136: } moel@136: } moel@136: } moel@136: moel@136: public void Close() { moel@268: foreach (FileStream stream in voltageStreams) moel@268: stream.Close(); moel@268: foreach (FileStream stream in temperatureStreams) moel@268: stream.Close(); moel@268: foreach (FileStream stream in fanStreams) moel@268: stream.Close(); moel@136: } moel@136: } moel@136: } moel@136: }