moel@87: /* moel@87: moel@344: This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public moel@344: License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this moel@344: file, You can obtain one at moel@87: moel@384: Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Michael Möller moel@344: moel@87: */ moel@87: moel@87: using System; moel@87: using System.Runtime.InteropServices; moel@87: moel@87: namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.TBalancer { moel@87: moel@165: internal enum FT_DEVICE : uint { moel@186: FT_DEVICE_232BM, moel@186: FT_DEVICE_232AM, moel@87: FT_DEVICE_100AX, moel@87: FT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, moel@186: FT_DEVICE_2232C, moel@87: FT_DEVICE_232R, moel@87: FT_DEVICE_2232H, moel@87: FT_DEVICE_4232H moel@87: } moel@87: moel@165: internal enum FT_STATUS { moel@87: FT_OK, moel@87: FT_INVALID_HANDLE, moel@87: FT_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, moel@87: FT_DEVICE_NOT_OPENED, moel@87: FT_IO_ERROR, moel@87: FT_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, moel@87: FT_INVALID_PARAMETER, moel@87: FT_INVALID_BAUD_RATE, moel@87: FT_DEVICE_NOT_OPENED_FOR_ERASE, moel@87: FT_DEVICE_NOT_OPENED_FOR_WRITE, moel@87: FT_FAILED_TO_WRITE_DEVICE, moel@87: FT_EEPROM_READ_FAILED, moel@87: FT_EEPROM_WRITE_FAILED, moel@87: FT_EEPROM_ERASE_FAILED, moel@87: FT_EEPROM_NOT_PRESENT, moel@87: FT_EEPROM_NOT_PROGRAMMED, moel@87: FT_INVALID_ARGS, moel@87: FT_OTHER_ERROR moel@87: } moel@87: moel@165: internal enum FT_FLOW_CONTROL : ushort { moel@87: FT_FLOW_DTR_DSR = 512, moel@87: FT_FLOW_NONE = 0, moel@87: FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS = 256, moel@87: FT_FLOW_XON_XOFF = 1024, moel@87: } moel@87: moel@165: internal enum FT_PURGE : uint { moel@87: FT_PURGE_RX = 1, moel@87: FT_PURGE_TX = 2, moel@87: FT_PURGE_ALL = 3, moel@87: } moel@87: moel@87: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] moel@165: internal struct FT_HANDLE { moel@195: private readonly uint handle; moel@87: } moel@87: moel@87: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] moel@165: internal struct FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE { moel@87: public uint Flags; moel@87: public FT_DEVICE Type; moel@87: public uint ID; moel@87: public uint LocId; moel@87: [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 16)] moel@87: public string SerialNumber; moel@87: [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 64)] moel@87: public string Description; moel@87: public FT_HANDLE Handle; moel@87: } moel@87: moel@165: internal class FTD2XX { moel@87: moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_CreateDeviceInfoListDelegate( moel@87: out uint numDevices); moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_GetDeviceInfoListDelegate( moel@87: [Out] FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[] deviceInfoNodes, ref uint length); moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_OpenDelegate(int device, out FT_HANDLE handle); moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_CloseDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle); moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_SetBaudRateDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle, moel@87: uint baudRate); moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_SetDataCharacteristicsDelegate( moel@87: FT_HANDLE handle, byte wordLength, byte stopBits, byte parity); moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_SetFlowControlDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle, moel@87: FT_FLOW_CONTROL flowControl, byte xon, byte xoff); moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_SetTimeoutsDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle, moel@87: uint readTimeout, uint writeTimeout); moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_WriteDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle, byte[] buffer, moel@87: uint bytesToWrite, out uint bytesWritten); moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_PurgeDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle, FT_PURGE mask); moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_GetStatusDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle, moel@87: out uint amountInRxQueue, out uint amountInTxQueue, out uint eventStatus); moel@87: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_ReadDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle, moel@87: [Out] byte[] buffer, uint bytesToRead, out uint bytesReturned); moel@384: public delegate FT_STATUS FT_ReadByteDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle, moel@384: out byte buffer, uint bytesToRead, out uint bytesReturned); moel@87: moel@167: public static readonly FT_CreateDeviceInfoListDelegate moel@167: FT_CreateDeviceInfoList = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_CreateDeviceInfoListDelegate>("FT_CreateDeviceInfoList"); moel@167: public static readonly FT_GetDeviceInfoListDelegate moel@167: FT_GetDeviceInfoList = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_GetDeviceInfoListDelegate>("FT_GetDeviceInfoList"); moel@167: public static readonly FT_OpenDelegate moel@167: FT_Open = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_OpenDelegate>("FT_Open"); moel@167: public static readonly FT_CloseDelegate moel@167: FT_Close = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_CloseDelegate>("FT_Close"); moel@167: public static readonly FT_SetBaudRateDelegate moel@167: FT_SetBaudRate = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_SetBaudRateDelegate>("FT_SetBaudRate"); moel@167: public static readonly FT_SetDataCharacteristicsDelegate moel@167: FT_SetDataCharacteristics = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_SetDataCharacteristicsDelegate>("FT_SetDataCharacteristics"); moel@167: public static readonly FT_SetFlowControlDelegate moel@167: FT_SetFlowControl = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_SetFlowControlDelegate>("FT_SetFlowControl"); moel@167: public static readonly FT_SetTimeoutsDelegate moel@167: FT_SetTimeouts = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_SetTimeoutsDelegate>("FT_SetTimeouts"); moel@167: public static readonly FT_WriteDelegate moel@167: FT_Write = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_WriteDelegate>("FT_Write"); moel@167: public static readonly FT_PurgeDelegate moel@167: FT_Purge = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_PurgeDelegate>("FT_Purge"); moel@167: public static readonly FT_GetStatusDelegate moel@167: FT_GetStatus = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_GetStatusDelegate>("FT_GetStatus"); moel@167: public static readonly FT_ReadDelegate moel@167: FT_Read = CreateDelegate< moel@167: FT_ReadDelegate>("FT_Read"); moel@384: public static readonly FT_ReadByteDelegate moel@384: FT_ReadByte = CreateDelegate< moel@384: FT_ReadByteDelegate>("FT_Read"); moel@167: moel@167: private FTD2XX() { } moel@87: moel@87: public static FT_STATUS Write(FT_HANDLE handle, byte[] buffer) { moel@87: uint bytesWritten; moel@87: FT_STATUS status = FT_Write(handle, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length, moel@87: out bytesWritten); moel@87: if (bytesWritten != buffer.Length) moel@87: return FT_STATUS.FT_FAILED_TO_WRITE_DEVICE; moel@87: else moel@87: return status; moel@87: } moel@87: moel@87: public static int BytesToRead(FT_HANDLE handle) { moel@87: uint amountInRxQueue; moel@87: uint amountInTxQueue; moel@87: uint eventStatus; moel@87: if (FT_GetStatus(handle, out amountInRxQueue, out amountInTxQueue, moel@87: out eventStatus) == FT_STATUS.FT_OK) { moel@87: return (int)amountInRxQueue; moel@87: } else { moel@87: return 0; moel@87: } moel@87: } moel@87: moel@87: public static byte ReadByte(FT_HANDLE handle) { moel@384: byte buffer; moel@87: uint bytesReturned; moel@384: FT_STATUS status = FT_ReadByte(handle, out buffer, 1, out bytesReturned); moel@87: if (status != FT_STATUS.FT_OK || bytesReturned != 1) moel@167: throw new InvalidOperationException(); moel@384: return buffer; moel@384: } moel@384: moel@384: public static void Read(FT_HANDLE handle, byte[] buffer) { moel@384: uint bytesReturned; moel@384: FT_STATUS status = moel@384: FT_Read(handle, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length, out bytesReturned); moel@384: if (status != FT_STATUS.FT_OK || bytesReturned != buffer.Length) moel@384: throw new InvalidOperationException(); moel@87: } moel@87: moel@167: private static string GetDllName() { moel@195: int p = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform; moel@167: if ((p == 4) || (p == 128)) moel@167: return ""; moel@167: else moel@167: return "ftd2xx.dll"; moel@167: } moel@87: moel@167: private static T CreateDelegate(string entryPoint) moel@87: where T : class { moel@167: DllImportAttribute attribute = new DllImportAttribute(GetDllName()); moel@87: attribute.CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall; moel@87: attribute.PreserveSig = true; moel@87: attribute.EntryPoint = entryPoint; moel@167: T newDelegate; moel@87: PInvokeDelegateFactory.CreateDelegate(attribute, out newDelegate); moel@167: return newDelegate; moel@87: } moel@87: } moel@87: }