Thu, 20 May 2010 21:23:54 +0000Fixed Issue 10.
moel.mich [Thu, 20 May 2010 21:23:54 +0000] rev 122
Fixed Issue 10.

Tue, 18 May 2010 19:16:55 +0000Fixed an EntryPointNotFoundException in the NVAPI wrapper:
moel.mich [Tue, 18 May 2010 19:16:55 +0000] rev 121
Fixed an EntryPointNotFoundException in the NVAPI wrapper:

System.EntryPointNotFoundException: N?o ? poss?vel localizar um ponto de entrada denominado 'nvapi_QueryInterface' na DLL 'nvapi.dll'.
em PInvokeDelegateFactoryInternalWrapperType38.nvapi_QueryInterface(UInt32 id)
em OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Nvidia.NVAPI.GetDelegate[T](UInt32 id, T& newDelegate)
em OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Nvidia.NVAPI..cctor()

Tue, 18 May 2010 19:12:13 +0000Fixed Issue 60.
moel.mich [Tue, 18 May 2010 19:12:13 +0000] rev 120
Fixed Issue 60.