author paulwerelds
Mon, 04 Oct 2010 16:56:42 +0000
changeset 209 dee42c887ab0
parent 177 510f27ad65ac
child 220 e51749b206ee
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed the context menu positioning as well, following the previous fix to multimonitor setups.
     1 /*
     3   Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
     5   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
     6   1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
     7   the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
     9   http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
    11   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
    12   WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
    13   for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
    15   The Original Code is the Open Hardware Monitor code.
    17   The Initial Developer of the Original Code is 
    18   Michael Möller <m.moeller@gmx.ch>.
    19   Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2009-2010
    20   the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
    22   Contributor(s):
    24   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
    25   either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
    26   the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
    27   in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
    28   of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
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    31   decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
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    33   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
    34   the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
    36 */
    38 using System;
    39 using System.Collections.Generic;
    40 using System.IO;
    41 using System.Management;
    42 using System.Text;
    44 namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Mainboard {
    46   internal class SMBIOS {
    48     private readonly byte[] raw;
    49     private readonly Structure[] table;
    51     private readonly BIOSInformation biosInformation;
    52     private readonly BaseBoardInformation baseBoardInformation;
    54     private static string ReadSysFS(string path) {
    55       try {
    56         if (File.Exists(path)) {
    57           using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path)) 
    58             return reader.ReadLine();
    59         } else {
    60           return null;
    61         }
    62       } catch {
    63         return null;
    64       }
    65     }
    67     public SMBIOS() {
    68       int p = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
    69       if ((p == 4) || (p == 128)) {
    70         this.raw = null;
    71         this.table = null;
    73         string boardVendor = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_vendor");
    74         string boardName = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_name");        
    75         string boardVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_version");        
    76         this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
    77           boardVendor, boardName, boardVersion, null);
    79         string biosVendor = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor");
    80         string biosVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version");
    81         this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(biosVendor, biosVersion);
    83       } else {              
    84         List<Structure> structureList = new List<Structure>();
    86         raw = null;
    87         try {
    88           ManagementObjectCollection collection;
    89           using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = 
    90             new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\WMI", 
    91               "SELECT SMBiosData FROM MSSMBios_RawSMBiosTables")) {
    92             collection = searcher.Get();
    93           }
    95           foreach (ManagementObject mo in collection) {
    96             raw = (byte[])mo["SMBiosData"];
    97             break;
    98           }
    99         } catch { }
   101         if (raw != null && raw.Length > 0) {
   102           int offset = 0;
   103           byte type = raw[offset];
   104           while (offset + 4 < raw.Length && type != 127) {
   106             type = raw[offset];
   107             int length = raw[offset + 1];
   108             ushort handle = (ushort)((raw[offset + 2] << 8) | raw[offset + 3]);
   110             if (offset + length > raw.Length)
   111               break;
   112             byte[] data = new byte[length];
   113             Array.Copy(raw, offset, data, 0, length);
   114             offset += length;
   116             List<string> stringsList = new List<string>();
   117             if (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] == 0)
   118               offset++;
   120             while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0) {
   121               StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   122               while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0) {
   123                 sb.Append((char)raw[offset]); offset++;
   124               }
   125               offset++;
   126               stringsList.Add(sb.ToString());
   127             }
   128             offset++;
   129             switch (type) {
   130               case 0x00:
   131                 this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(
   132                   type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
   133                 structureList.Add(this.biosInformation); break;
   134               case 0x02: this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
   135                   type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
   136                 structureList.Add(this.baseBoardInformation); break;
   137               default: structureList.Add(new Structure(
   138                 type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray())); break;
   139             }
   140           }
   141         }
   143         table = structureList.ToArray();
   144       }
   145     }
   147     public string GetReport() {
   148       StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder();
   150       if (BIOS != null) {
   151         r.Append("BIOS Vendor: "); r.AppendLine(BIOS.Vendor);
   152         r.Append("BIOS Version: "); r.AppendLine(BIOS.Version);
   153         r.AppendLine();
   154       }
   156       if (Board != null) {
   157         r.Append("Mainboard Manufacturer: ");
   158         r.AppendLine(Board.ManufacturerName);
   159         r.Append("Mainboard Name: ");
   160         r.AppendLine(Board.ProductName);
   161         r.Append("Mainboard Version: ");
   162         r.AppendLine(Board.Version);
   163         r.AppendLine();
   164       }
   166       if (raw != null) {
   167         string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(raw);
   168         r.AppendLine("SMBIOS Table");
   169         r.AppendLine();
   171         for (int i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling(base64.Length / 64.0); i++) {
   172           r.Append(" ");
   173           for (int j = 0; j < 0x40; j++) {
   174             int index = (i << 6) | j;
   175             if (index < base64.Length) {              
   176               r.Append(base64[index]);
   177             }
   178           }
   179           r.AppendLine();
   180         }
   181         r.AppendLine();
   182       }
   184       return r.ToString();
   185     }
   187     public BIOSInformation BIOS {
   188       get { return biosInformation; }
   189     }
   191     public BaseBoardInformation Board {
   192       get { return baseBoardInformation; }
   193     }
   195     public class Structure {
   196       private readonly byte type;
   197       private readonly ushort handle;
   199       private readonly byte[] data;
   200       private readonly string[] strings;
   202       protected string GetString(int offset) {
   203         if (offset < data.Length && data[offset] > 0 &&
   204          data[offset] <= strings.Length)
   205           return strings[data[offset] - 1];
   206         else
   207           return "";
   208       }
   210       public Structure(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data, string[] strings) 
   211       {
   212         this.type = type;
   213         this.handle = handle;
   214         this.data = data;
   215         this.strings = strings;
   216       }
   218       public byte Type { get { return type; } }
   220       public ushort Handle { get { return handle; } }
   221     }
   223     public class BIOSInformation : Structure {
   225       private readonly string vendor;
   226       private readonly string version;
   228       public BIOSInformation(string vendor, string version) 
   229         : base (0x00, 0, null, null) 
   230       {
   231         this.vendor = vendor;
   232         this.version = version;
   233       }
   235       public BIOSInformation(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data,
   236         string[] strings)
   237         : base(type, handle, data, strings) 
   238       {
   239         this.vendor = GetString(0x04);
   240         this.version = GetString(0x05);
   241       }
   243       public string Vendor { get { return vendor; } }
   245       public string Version { get { return version; } }
   246     }
   248     public class BaseBoardInformation : Structure {
   250       private readonly string manufacturerName;
   251       private readonly string productName;
   252       private readonly string version;
   253       private readonly string serialNumber;
   254       private readonly Manufacturer manufacturer;
   255       private readonly Model model;
   257       private static Manufacturer GetManufacturer(string name) {               
   258         switch (name) {
   259           case "ASRock":
   260             return Manufacturer.ASRock;
   261           case "ASUSTeK Computer INC.":
   262             return Manufacturer.ASUS;
   263           case "Dell Inc.":
   264             return Manufacturer.Dell;
   265           case "DFI":
   266           case "DFI Inc.":            
   267             return Manufacturer.DFI;
   268           case "ECS":
   269             return Manufacturer.ECS;
   270           case "EPoX COMPUTER CO., LTD":
   271             return Manufacturer.EPoX;
   272           case "EVGA":
   273             return  Manufacturer.EVGA;
   274           case "First International Computer, Inc.":
   275             return Manufacturer.FIC;
   276           case "Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.":
   277             return  Manufacturer.Gigabyte;
   278           case "Hewlett-Packard":
   279             return  Manufacturer.HP;
   280           case "IBM":
   281             return  Manufacturer.IBM;
   282           case "MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD":
   283           case "MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD":
   284             return  Manufacturer.MSI;
   285           case "XFX":
   286             return  Manufacturer.XFX;
   287           case "To be filled by O.E.M.":
   288             return  Manufacturer.Unknown;
   289           default:
   290             return  Manufacturer.Unknown;
   291         }
   292       }
   294       private static Model GetModel(string name) {
   295         switch (name) {
   296           case "880GMH/USB3":
   297             return Model._880GMH_USB3;
   298           case "Crosshair III Formula":
   299             return Model.Crosshair_III_Formula;
   300           case "M2N-SLI DELUXE":
   301             return Model.M2N_SLI_DELUXE;
   302           case "M4A79XTD EVO":
   303             return Model.M4A79XTD_EVO;
   304           case "P5W DH Deluxe":
   305             return Model.P5W_DH_Deluxe;
   306           case "P6X58D-E":
   307             return Model.P6X58D_E;
   308           case "Rampage Extreme":
   309             return Model.Rampage_Extreme;
   310           case "Rampage II GENE":
   311             return Model.Rampage_II_GENE;
   312           case "LP BI P45-T2RS Elite":
   313             return Model.LP_BI_P45_T2RS_Elite;
   314           case "LP DK P55-T3eH9":
   315             return Model.LP_DK_P55_T3eH9;
   316           case "A890GXM-A":
   317             return Model.A890GXM_A;
   318           case "X58 SLI Classified":
   319             return Model.X58_SLI_Classified;
   320           case "965P-S3":
   321             return Model._965P_S3;
   322           case "EP45-DS3R":
   323             return Model.EP45_DS3R;
   324           case "EP45-UD3R":
   325             return Model.EP45_UD3R;
   326           case "EX58-EXTREME":
   327             return Model.EX58_EXTREME;
   328           case "GA-MA770T-UD3":
   329             return Model.GA_MA770T_UD3;
   330           case "GA-MA785GMT-UD2H":
   331             return Model.GA_MA785GMT_UD2H;
   332           case "P35-DS3":
   333             return Model.P35_DS3;
   334           case "P35-DS3L":
   335             return Model.P35_DS3L;
   336           case "P55-UD4":
   337             return Model.P55_UD4;
   338           case "P55M-UD4":
   339             return Model.P55M_UD4;
   340           case "X38-DS5":
   341             return Model.X38_DS5;
   342           case "X58A-UD3R":
   343             return Model.X58A_UD3R;
   344           case "To be filled by O.E.M.":
   345             return Model.Unknown;
   346           default:
   347             return Model.Unknown;
   348         }
   349       }
   351       public BaseBoardInformation(string manufacturerName, string productName, 
   352         string version, string serialNumber) 
   353         : base(0x02, 0, null, null) 
   354       {
   355         this.manufacturerName = manufacturerName;
   356         this.manufacturer = GetManufacturer(manufacturerName);
   357         this.productName = productName;
   358         this.model = GetModel(productName);
   359         this.version = version;
   360         this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
   361       }
   363       public BaseBoardInformation(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data,
   364         string[] strings)
   365         : base(type, handle, data, strings) {
   367         this.manufacturerName = GetString(0x04).Trim();
   368         this.manufacturer = GetManufacturer(this.manufacturerName);
   369         this.productName = GetString(0x05).Trim();
   370         this.model = GetModel(this.productName);
   371         this.version = GetString(0x06).Trim();
   372         this.serialNumber = GetString(0x07).Trim();               
   373       }
   375       public string ManufacturerName { get { return manufacturerName; } }
   377       public string ProductName { get { return productName; } }
   379       public string Version { get { return version; } }
   381       public string SerialNumber { get { return serialNumber; } }
   383       public Manufacturer Manufacturer { get { return manufacturer; } }
   385       public Model Model { get { return model; } }
   387     }
   388   }
   389 }