Added the remote web enhancement developed by Prince Samuel.
3 This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 file, You can obtain one at
7 Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Michael Möller <>
12 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
14 namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.TBalancer {
16 internal enum FT_DEVICE : uint {
27 internal enum FT_STATUS {
48 internal enum FT_FLOW_CONTROL : ushort {
49 FT_FLOW_DTR_DSR = 512,
51 FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS = 256,
52 FT_FLOW_XON_XOFF = 1024,
55 internal enum FT_PURGE : uint {
61 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
62 internal struct FT_HANDLE {
63 private readonly uint handle;
66 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
67 internal struct FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE {
69 public FT_DEVICE Type;
72 [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 16)]
73 public string SerialNumber;
74 [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 64)]
75 public string Description;
76 public FT_HANDLE Handle;
79 internal class FTD2XX {
81 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_CreateDeviceInfoListDelegate(
83 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_GetDeviceInfoListDelegate(
84 [Out] FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[] deviceInfoNodes, ref uint length);
85 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_OpenDelegate(int device, out FT_HANDLE handle);
86 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_CloseDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle);
87 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_SetBaudRateDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle,
89 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_SetDataCharacteristicsDelegate(
90 FT_HANDLE handle, byte wordLength, byte stopBits, byte parity);
91 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_SetFlowControlDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle,
92 FT_FLOW_CONTROL flowControl, byte xon, byte xoff);
93 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_SetTimeoutsDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle,
94 uint readTimeout, uint writeTimeout);
95 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_WriteDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle, byte[] buffer,
96 uint bytesToWrite, out uint bytesWritten);
97 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_PurgeDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle, FT_PURGE mask);
98 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_GetStatusDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle,
99 out uint amountInRxQueue, out uint amountInTxQueue, out uint eventStatus);
100 public delegate FT_STATUS FT_ReadDelegate(FT_HANDLE handle,
101 [Out] byte[] buffer, uint bytesToRead, out uint bytesReturned);
103 public static readonly FT_CreateDeviceInfoListDelegate
104 FT_CreateDeviceInfoList = CreateDelegate<
105 FT_CreateDeviceInfoListDelegate>("FT_CreateDeviceInfoList");
106 public static readonly FT_GetDeviceInfoListDelegate
107 FT_GetDeviceInfoList = CreateDelegate<
108 FT_GetDeviceInfoListDelegate>("FT_GetDeviceInfoList");
109 public static readonly FT_OpenDelegate
110 FT_Open = CreateDelegate<
111 FT_OpenDelegate>("FT_Open");
112 public static readonly FT_CloseDelegate
113 FT_Close = CreateDelegate<
114 FT_CloseDelegate>("FT_Close");
115 public static readonly FT_SetBaudRateDelegate
116 FT_SetBaudRate = CreateDelegate<
117 FT_SetBaudRateDelegate>("FT_SetBaudRate");
118 public static readonly FT_SetDataCharacteristicsDelegate
119 FT_SetDataCharacteristics = CreateDelegate<
120 FT_SetDataCharacteristicsDelegate>("FT_SetDataCharacteristics");
121 public static readonly FT_SetFlowControlDelegate
122 FT_SetFlowControl = CreateDelegate<
123 FT_SetFlowControlDelegate>("FT_SetFlowControl");
124 public static readonly FT_SetTimeoutsDelegate
125 FT_SetTimeouts = CreateDelegate<
126 FT_SetTimeoutsDelegate>("FT_SetTimeouts");
127 public static readonly FT_WriteDelegate
128 FT_Write = CreateDelegate<
129 FT_WriteDelegate>("FT_Write");
130 public static readonly FT_PurgeDelegate
131 FT_Purge = CreateDelegate<
132 FT_PurgeDelegate>("FT_Purge");
133 public static readonly FT_GetStatusDelegate
134 FT_GetStatus = CreateDelegate<
135 FT_GetStatusDelegate>("FT_GetStatus");
136 public static readonly FT_ReadDelegate
137 FT_Read = CreateDelegate<
138 FT_ReadDelegate>("FT_Read");
142 public static FT_STATUS Write(FT_HANDLE handle, byte[] buffer) {
144 FT_STATUS status = FT_Write(handle, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length,
146 if (bytesWritten != buffer.Length)
152 public static int BytesToRead(FT_HANDLE handle) {
153 uint amountInRxQueue;
154 uint amountInTxQueue;
156 if (FT_GetStatus(handle, out amountInRxQueue, out amountInTxQueue,
157 out eventStatus) == FT_STATUS.FT_OK) {
158 return (int)amountInRxQueue;
164 public static byte ReadByte(FT_HANDLE handle) {
165 byte[] buffer = new byte[1];
167 FT_STATUS status = FT_Read(handle, buffer, 1, out bytesReturned);
168 if (status != FT_STATUS.FT_OK || bytesReturned != 1)
169 throw new InvalidOperationException();
173 private static string GetDllName() {
174 int p = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
175 if ((p == 4) || (p == 128))
176 return "";
181 private static T CreateDelegate<T>(string entryPoint)
183 DllImportAttribute attribute = new DllImportAttribute(GetDllName());
184 attribute.CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall;
185 attribute.PreserveSig = true;
186 attribute.EntryPoint = entryPoint;
188 PInvokeDelegateFactory.CreateDelegate(attribute, out newDelegate);