author StephaneLenclud
Thu, 18 Apr 2013 23:25:10 +0200
changeset 444 9b09e2ee0968
parent 345 0c551e8818e0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Front View plug-in does not init if no sensor added.
Fixing some format to make strings shorter.
Now trying to start SoundGraphAccess.exe process from same directory.
Packed mode now can display three sensors along with the current time.
     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
     4 using System.ComponentModel;
     5 using System.Drawing;
     6 using System.Drawing.Design;
     7 using System.Windows.Forms;
     9 using Aga.Controls.Tree.NodeControls;
    11 namespace Aga.Controls.Tree
    12 {
    13 	public partial class TreeViewAdv
    14 	{
    15 		private Cursor _innerCursor = null;
    17 		public override Cursor Cursor
    18 		{
    19 			get
    20 			{
    21                 if (_innerCursor != null)
    22                     return _innerCursor;
    23                 else
    24 					return base.Cursor;
    25 			}
    26 			set
    27 			{
    28 				base.Cursor = value;
    29 			}
    30 		}
    32 		#region Internal Properties
    34 		private IRowLayout _rowLayout;
    36 		private bool _dragMode;
    37 		private bool DragMode
    38 		{
    39 			get { return _dragMode; }
    40 			set
    41 			{
    42 				_dragMode = value;
    43 				if (!value)
    44 				{
    45 					StopDragTimer();
    46 					if (_dragBitmap != null)
    47 						_dragBitmap.Dispose();
    48 					_dragBitmap = null;
    49 				}
    50 				else
    51 					StartDragTimer();
    52 			}
    53 		}
    55 		internal int ColumnHeaderHeight
    56 		{
    57 			get
    58 			{
    59 				if (UseColumns)
    60 					return _columnHeaderHeight;
    61 				else
    62 					return 0;
    63 			}
    64 		}
    66 		/// <summary>
    67 		/// returns all nodes, which parent is expanded
    68 		/// </summary>
    69 		private IEnumerable<TreeNodeAdv> VisibleNodes
    70 		{
    71 			get
    72 			{
    73 				TreeNodeAdv node = Root;
    74 				while (node != null)
    75 				{
    76 					node = node.NextVisibleNode;
    77 					if (node != null)
    78 						yield return node;
    79 				}
    80 			}
    81 		}
    83 		private bool _suspendSelectionEvent;
    84 		internal bool SuspendSelectionEvent
    85 		{
    86 			get { return _suspendSelectionEvent; }
    87 			set
    88 			{
    89 				if (value != _suspendSelectionEvent)
    90 				{
    91 					_suspendSelectionEvent = value;
    92 					if (!_suspendSelectionEvent && _fireSelectionEvent)
    93 						OnSelectionChanged();
    94 				}
    95 			}
    96 		}
    98 		private List<TreeNodeAdv> _rowMap;
    99 		internal List<TreeNodeAdv> RowMap
   100 		{
   101 			get { return _rowMap; }
   102 		}
   104 		private TreeNodeAdv _selectionStart;
   105 		internal TreeNodeAdv SelectionStart
   106 		{
   107 			get { return _selectionStart; }
   108 			set { _selectionStart = value; }
   109 		}
   111 		private InputState _input;
   112 		internal InputState Input
   113 		{
   114 			get { return _input; }
   115 			set
   116 			{
   117 				_input = value;
   118 			}
   119 		}
   121 		private bool _itemDragMode;
   122 		internal bool ItemDragMode
   123 		{
   124 			get { return _itemDragMode; }
   125 			set { _itemDragMode = value; }
   126 		}
   128 		private Point _itemDragStart;
   129 		internal Point ItemDragStart
   130 		{
   131 			get { return _itemDragStart; }
   132 			set { _itemDragStart = value; }
   133 		}
   136 		/// <summary>
   137 		/// Number of rows fits to the current page
   138 		/// </summary>
   139 		internal int CurrentPageSize
   140 		{
   141 			get
   142 			{
   143 				return _rowLayout.CurrentPageSize;
   144 			}
   145 		}
   147 		/// <summary>
   148 		/// Number of all visible nodes (which parent is expanded)
   149 		/// </summary>
   150 		internal int RowCount
   151 		{
   152 			get
   153 			{
   154 				return RowMap.Count;
   155 			}
   156 		}
   158 		private int _contentWidth = 0;
   159 		private int ContentWidth
   160 		{
   161 			get
   162 			{
   163 				return _contentWidth;
   164 			}
   165 		}
   167 		private int _firstVisibleRow;
   168 		internal int FirstVisibleRow
   169 		{
   170 			get { return _firstVisibleRow; }
   171 			set
   172 			{
   173 				HideEditor();
   174 				_firstVisibleRow = value;
   175 				UpdateView();
   176 			}
   177 		}
   179 		private int _offsetX;
   180 		public int OffsetX
   181 		{
   182 			get { return _offsetX; }
   183 			private set
   184 			{
   185 				HideEditor();
   186 				_offsetX = value;
   187 				UpdateView();
   188 			}
   189 		}
   191 		public override Rectangle DisplayRectangle
   192 		{
   193 			get
   194 			{
   195 				Rectangle r = ClientRectangle;
   196 				//r.Y += ColumnHeaderHeight;
   197 				//r.Height -= ColumnHeaderHeight;
   198 				int w = _vScrollBar.Visible ? _vScrollBar.Width : 0;
   199 				int h = _hScrollBar.Visible ? _hScrollBar.Height : 0;
   200 				return new Rectangle(r.X, r.Y, r.Width - w, r.Height - h);
   201 			}
   202 		}
   204 		private List<TreeNodeAdv> _selection;
   205 		internal List<TreeNodeAdv> Selection
   206 		{
   207 			get { return _selection; }
   208 		}
   210 		#endregion
   212 		#region Public Properties
   214 		#region DesignTime
   216 		private bool _shiftFirstNode;
   217 		[DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior")]
   218 		public bool ShiftFirstNode
   219 		{
   220 			get { return _shiftFirstNode; }
   221 			set { _shiftFirstNode = value; }
   222 		}
   224 		private bool _displayDraggingNodes;
   225 		[DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior")]
   226 		public bool DisplayDraggingNodes
   227 		{
   228 			get { return _displayDraggingNodes; }
   229 			set { _displayDraggingNodes = value; }
   230 		}
   232 		private bool _fullRowSelect;
   233 		[DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior")]
   234 		public bool FullRowSelect
   235 		{
   236 			get { return _fullRowSelect; }
   237 			set
   238 			{
   239 				_fullRowSelect = value;
   240 				UpdateView();
   241 			}
   242 		}
   244 		private bool _useColumns;
   245 		[DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior")]
   246 		public bool UseColumns
   247 		{
   248 			get { return _useColumns; }
   249 			set
   250 			{
   251 				_useColumns = value;
   252 				FullUpdate();
   253 			}
   254 		}
   256 		private bool _allowColumnReorder;
   257 		[DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior")]
   258 		public bool AllowColumnReorder
   259 		{
   260 			get { return _allowColumnReorder; }
   261 			set { _allowColumnReorder = value; }
   262 		}
   264 		private bool _showLines = true;
   265 		[DefaultValue(true), Category("Behavior")]
   266 		public bool ShowLines
   267 		{
   268 			get { return _showLines; }
   269 			set
   270 			{
   271 				_showLines = value;
   272 				UpdateView();
   273 			}
   274 		}
   276 		private bool _showPlusMinus = true;
   277 		[DefaultValue(true), Category("Behavior")]
   278 		public bool ShowPlusMinus
   279 		{
   280 			get { return _showPlusMinus; }
   281 			set
   282 			{
   283 				_showPlusMinus = value;
   284 				FullUpdate();
   285 			}
   286 		}
   288 		private bool _showNodeToolTips = false;
   289 		[DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior")]
   290 		public bool ShowNodeToolTips
   291 		{
   292 			get { return _showNodeToolTips; }
   293 			set { _showNodeToolTips = value; }
   294 		}
   296 		[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters", MessageId = "value"), System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1822:MarkMembersAsStatic"), DefaultValue(true), Category("Behavior"), Obsolete("No longer used")]
   297 		public bool KeepNodesExpanded
   298 		{
   299 			get { return true; }
   300 			set {}
   301 		}
   303 		private ITreeModel _model;
   304         /// <Summary>
   305         /// The model associated with this <see cref="TreeViewAdv"/>.
   306         /// </Summary>
   307         /// <seealso cref="ITreeModel"/>
   308         /// <seealso cref="TreeModel"/>
   309         [Browsable(false)]
   310 		public ITreeModel Model
   311 		{
   312 			get { return _model; }
   313 			set
   314 			{
   315 				if (_model != value)
   316 				{
   317 					AbortBackgroundExpandingThreads();
   318 					if (_model != null)
   319 						UnbindModelEvents();
   320 					_model = value;
   321 					CreateNodes();
   322 					FullUpdate();
   323 					if (_model != null)
   324 						BindModelEvents();
   325 				}
   326 			}
   327 		}
   329         private static Font _font = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont; 
   330         /// <summary>
   331         /// The font to render <see cref="TreeViewAdv"/> content in.
   332         /// </summary>
   333         [Category("Appearance"), Description("The font to render TreeViewAdv content in.")]
   334         public override Font Font
   335         {
   336             get
   337             {
   338                 return (base.Font);
   339             }
   340             set
   341             {
   342                 if (value == null)
   343                     base.Font = _font;
   344                 else
   345                 {
   346                     if (value == DefaultFont)
   347                         base.Font = _font;
   348                     else
   349                         base.Font = value;
   350                 }
   351             }
   352         }
   353         public override void ResetFont()
   354         {
   355             Font = null;
   356         }
   357         private bool ShouldSerializeFont()
   358         {
   359             return (!Font.Equals(_font));
   360         }
   361         // End font property
   363 		private BorderStyle _borderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
   364 		[DefaultValue(BorderStyle.Fixed3D), Category("Appearance")]
   365 		public BorderStyle BorderStyle
   366 		{
   367 			get
   368 			{
   369 				return this._borderStyle;
   370 			}
   371 			set
   372 			{
   373 				if (_borderStyle != value)
   374 				{
   375 					_borderStyle = value;
   376 					base.UpdateStyles();
   377 				}
   378 			}
   379 		}
   381 		private bool _autoRowHeight = false;
   382 		/// <summary>
   383 		/// Set to true to expand each row's height to fit the text of it's largest column.
   384 		/// </summary>
   385 		[DefaultValue(false), Category("Appearance"), Description("Expand each row's height to fit the text of it's largest column.")]
   386 		public bool AutoRowHeight
   387 		{
   388 			get
   389 			{
   390 				return _autoRowHeight;
   391 			}
   392 			set
   393 			{
   394 				_autoRowHeight = value;
   395 				if (value)
   396 					_rowLayout = new AutoRowHeightLayout(this, RowHeight);
   397 				else
   398 					_rowLayout = new FixedRowHeightLayout(this, RowHeight);
   399 				FullUpdate();
   400 			}
   401 		}
   403         private GridLineStyle _gridLineStyle = GridLineStyle.None;
   404         [DefaultValue(GridLineStyle.None), Category("Appearance")]
   405         public GridLineStyle GridLineStyle
   406         {
   407             get
   408             {
   409                 return _gridLineStyle;
   410             }
   411             set
   412             {
   413 				if (value != _gridLineStyle)
   414 				{
   415 					_gridLineStyle = value;
   416 					UpdateView();
   417 					OnGridLineStyleChanged();
   418 				}
   419             }
   420         }
   422 		private int _rowHeight = 16;
   423 		[DefaultValue(16), Category("Appearance")]
   424 		public int RowHeight
   425 		{
   426 			get
   427 			{
   428 				return _rowHeight;
   429 			}
   430 			set
   431 			{
   432 				if (value <= 0)
   433 					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
   435 				_rowHeight = value;
   436 				_rowLayout.PreferredRowHeight = value;
   437 				FullUpdate();
   438 			}
   439 		}
   441 		private TreeSelectionMode _selectionMode = TreeSelectionMode.Single;
   442 		[DefaultValue(TreeSelectionMode.Single), Category("Behavior")]
   443 		public TreeSelectionMode SelectionMode
   444 		{
   445 			get { return _selectionMode; }
   446 			set { _selectionMode = value; }
   447 		}
   449 		private bool _hideSelection;
   450 		[DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior")]
   451 		public bool HideSelection
   452 		{
   453 			get { return _hideSelection; }
   454 			set
   455 			{
   456 				_hideSelection = value;
   457 				UpdateView();
   458 			}
   459 		}
   461 		private float _topEdgeSensivity = 0.3f;
   462 		[DefaultValue(0.3f), Category("Behavior")]
   463 		public float TopEdgeSensivity
   464 		{
   465 			get { return _topEdgeSensivity; }
   466 			set
   467 			{
   468 				if (value < 0 || value > 1)
   469 					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
   470 				_topEdgeSensivity = value;
   471 			}
   472 		}
   474 		private float _bottomEdgeSensivity = 0.3f;
   475 		[DefaultValue(0.3f), Category("Behavior")]
   476 		public float BottomEdgeSensivity
   477 		{
   478 			get { return _bottomEdgeSensivity; }
   479 			set
   480 			{
   481 				if (value < 0 || value > 1)
   482 					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value should be from 0 to 1");
   483 				_bottomEdgeSensivity = value;
   484 			}
   485 		}
   487 		private bool _loadOnDemand;
   488 		[DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior")]
   489 		public bool LoadOnDemand
   490 		{
   491 			get { return _loadOnDemand; }
   492 			set { _loadOnDemand = value; }
   493 		}
   495 		private bool _unloadCollapsedOnReload = false;
   496 		[DefaultValue(false), Category("Behavior")]
   497 		public bool UnloadCollapsedOnReload
   498 		{
   499 			get { return _unloadCollapsedOnReload; }
   500 			set { _unloadCollapsedOnReload = value; }
   501 		}
   503 		private int _indent = 19;
   504 		[DefaultValue(19), Category("Behavior")]
   505 		public int Indent
   506 		{
   507 			get { return _indent; }
   508 			set
   509 			{
   510 				_indent = value;
   511 				UpdateView();
   512 			}
   513 		}
   515 		private Color _lineColor = SystemColors.ControlDark;
   516 		[Category("Behavior")]
   517 		public Color LineColor
   518 		{
   519 			get { return _lineColor; }
   520 			set
   521 			{
   522 				_lineColor = value;
   523 				CreateLinePen();
   524 				UpdateView();
   525 			}
   526 		}
   528 		private Color _dragDropMarkColor = Color.Black;
   529 		[Category("Behavior")]
   530 		public Color DragDropMarkColor
   531 		{
   532 			get { return _dragDropMarkColor; }
   533 			set
   534 			{
   535 				_dragDropMarkColor = value;
   536 				CreateMarkPen();
   537 			}
   538 		}
   540 		private float _dragDropMarkWidth = 3.0f;
   541 		[DefaultValue(3.0f), Category("Behavior")]
   542 		public float DragDropMarkWidth
   543 		{
   544 			get { return _dragDropMarkWidth; }
   545 			set
   546 			{
   547 				_dragDropMarkWidth = value;
   548 				CreateMarkPen();
   549 			}
   550 		}
   552 		private bool _highlightDropPosition = true;
   553 		[DefaultValue(true), Category("Behavior")]
   554 		public bool HighlightDropPosition
   555 		{
   556 			get { return _highlightDropPosition; }
   557 			set { _highlightDropPosition = value; }
   558 		}
   560 		private TreeColumnCollection _columns;
   561 		[Category("Behavior"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
   562 		public Collection<TreeColumn> Columns
   563 		{
   564 			get { return _columns; }
   565 		}
   567 		private NodeControlsCollection _controls;
   568 		[Category("Behavior"), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
   569 		[Editor(typeof(NodeControlCollectionEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
   570 		public Collection<NodeControl> NodeControls
   571 		{
   572 			get
   573 			{
   574 				return _controls;
   575 			}
   576 		}
   578 		private bool _asyncExpanding;
   579 		/// <summary>
   580 		/// When set to true, node contents will be read in background thread.
   581 		/// </summary>
   582 		[Category("Behavior"), DefaultValue(false), Description("Read children in a background thread when expanding.")]
   583 		public bool AsyncExpanding
   584 		{
   585 			get { return _asyncExpanding; }
   586 			set { _asyncExpanding = value; }
   587 		}
   589 		#endregion
   591 		#region RunTime
   593 		private IToolTipProvider _defaultToolTipProvider = null;
   594 		[Browsable(false)]
   595 		public IToolTipProvider DefaultToolTipProvider
   596 		{
   597 			get { return _defaultToolTipProvider; }
   598 			set { _defaultToolTipProvider = value; }
   599 		}
   601 		[Browsable(false)]
   602 		public IEnumerable<TreeNodeAdv> AllNodes
   603 		{
   604 			get
   605 			{
   606 				if (_root.Nodes.Count > 0)
   607 				{
   608 					TreeNodeAdv node = _root.Nodes[0];
   609 					while (node != null)
   610 					{
   611 						yield return node;
   612 						if (node.Nodes.Count > 0)
   613 							node = node.Nodes[0];
   614 						else if (node.NextNode != null)
   615 							node = node.NextNode;
   616 						else
   617 							node = node.BottomNode;
   618 					}
   619 				}
   620 			}
   621 		}
   623 		private DropPosition _dropPosition;
   624 		[Browsable(false)]
   625 		public DropPosition DropPosition
   626 		{
   627 			get { return _dropPosition; }
   628 			set { _dropPosition = value; }
   629 		}
   631 		private TreeNodeAdv _root;
   632 		[Browsable(false)]
   633 		public TreeNodeAdv Root
   634 		{
   635 			get { return _root; }
   636 		}
   638 		private ReadOnlyCollection<TreeNodeAdv> _readonlySelection;
   639 		[Browsable(false)]
   640 		public ReadOnlyCollection<TreeNodeAdv> SelectedNodes
   641 		{
   642 			get
   643 			{
   644 				return _readonlySelection;
   645 			}
   646 		}
   648 		[Browsable(false)]
   649 		public TreeNodeAdv SelectedNode
   650 		{
   651 			get
   652 			{
   653 				if (Selection.Count > 0)
   654 				{
   655 					if (CurrentNode != null && CurrentNode.IsSelected)
   656 						return CurrentNode;
   657 					else
   658 						return Selection[0];
   659 				}
   660 				else
   661 					return null;
   662 			}
   663 			set
   664 			{
   665 				if (SelectedNode == value)
   666 					return;
   668 				BeginUpdate();
   669 				try
   670 				{
   671 					if (value == null)
   672 					{
   673 						ClearSelectionInternal();
   674 					}
   675 					else
   676 					{
   677 						if (!IsMyNode(value))
   678 							throw new ArgumentException();
   680 						ClearSelectionInternal();
   681 						value.IsSelected = true;
   682 						CurrentNode = value;
   683 						EnsureVisible(value);
   684 					}
   685 				}
   686 				finally
   687 				{
   688 					EndUpdate();
   689 				}
   690 			}
   691 		}
   693 		private TreeNodeAdv _currentNode;
   694 		[Browsable(false)]
   695 		public TreeNodeAdv CurrentNode
   696 		{
   697 			get { return _currentNode; }
   698 			internal set { _currentNode = value; }
   699 		}
   701         [Browsable(false)]
   702         public int ItemCount
   703         {
   704             get { return RowMap.Count; }
   705         }
   707 		/// <summary>
   708 		/// Indicates the distance the content is scrolled to the left
   709 		/// </summary>
   710 		[Browsable(false)]
   711 		public int HorizontalScrollPosition
   712 		{
   713 			get
   714 			{
   715 				if (_hScrollBar.Visible)
   716 					return _hScrollBar.Value;
   717 				else
   718 					return 0;
   719 			}
   720 		}
   722 		#endregion
   724 		#endregion
   726 	}
   727 }