Front View plug-in does not init if no sensor added.
Fixing some format to make strings shorter.
Now trying to start SoundGraphAccess.exe process from same directory.
Packed mode now can display three sensors along with the current time.
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
5 using System.Windows.Forms;
6 using System.Reflection;
7 using System.ComponentModel;
8 using System.Drawing.Design;
10 namespace Aga.Controls.Tree.NodeControls
12 public class NodeComboBox : BaseTextControl
16 private int _editorWidth = 100;
18 public int EditorWidth
20 get { return _editorWidth; }
21 set { _editorWidth = value; }
24 private int _editorHeight = 100;
26 public int EditorHeight
28 get { return _editorHeight; }
29 set { _editorHeight = value; }
32 private List<object> _dropDownItems;
33 [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1002:DoNotExposeGenericLists")]
34 [Editor(typeof(StringCollectionEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
35 public List<object> DropDownItems
37 get { return _dropDownItems; }
42 public event EventHandler<EditEventArgs> CreatingEditor;
46 _dropDownItems = new List<object>();
49 protected override Size CalculateEditorSize(EditorContext context)
51 if (Parent.UseColumns)
53 if (context.Editor is CheckedListBox)
54 return new Size(context.Bounds.Size.Width, EditorHeight);
56 return context.Bounds.Size;
60 if (context.Editor is CheckedListBox)
61 return new Size(EditorWidth, EditorHeight);
63 return new Size(EditorWidth, context.Bounds.Height);
67 protected override Control CreateEditor(TreeNodeAdv node)
70 object value = GetValue(node);
71 if (IsCheckedListBoxRequired(node))
72 c = CreateCheckedListBox(node);
74 c = CreateCombo(node);
75 OnCreatingEditor(new EditEventArgs(node, c));
79 protected override void DisposeEditor(Control editor)
83 protected virtual void OnCreatingEditor(EditEventArgs args)
85 if (CreatingEditor != null)
86 CreatingEditor(this, args);
89 protected virtual bool IsCheckedListBoxRequired(TreeNodeAdv node)
91 object value = GetValue(node);
94 Type t = value.GetType();
95 object[] arr = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FlagsAttribute), false);
96 return (t.IsEnum && arr.Length == 1);
101 private Control CreateCombo(TreeNodeAdv node)
103 ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox();
104 if (DropDownItems != null)
105 comboBox.Items.AddRange(DropDownItems.ToArray());
106 comboBox.SelectedItem = GetValue(node);
107 comboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
108 comboBox.DropDownClosed += new EventHandler(EditorDropDownClosed);
109 SetEditControlProperties(comboBox, node);
113 private Control CreateCheckedListBox(TreeNodeAdv node)
115 CheckedListBox listBox = new CheckedListBox();
116 listBox.CheckOnClick = true;
118 object value = GetValue(node);
119 Type enumType = GetEnumType(node);
120 foreach (object obj in Enum.GetValues(enumType))
122 object[] attributes = enumType.GetField(obj.ToString()).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BrowsableAttribute), false);
123 if (attributes.Length == 0 || ((BrowsableAttribute)attributes[0]).Browsable)
124 listBox.Items.Add(obj, IsContain(value, obj));
127 SetEditControlProperties(listBox, node);
128 if (CreatingEditor != null)
129 CreatingEditor(this, new EditEventArgs(node, listBox));
133 protected virtual Type GetEnumType(TreeNodeAdv node)
135 object value = GetValue(node);
136 return value.GetType();
139 private bool IsContain(object value, object enumElement)
141 if (value == null || enumElement == null)
143 if (value.GetType().IsEnum)
146 int i2 = (int)enumElement;
147 return (i1 & i2) == i2;
151 var arr = value as object[];
152 foreach (object obj in arr)
153 if ((int)obj == (int)enumElement)
159 protected override string FormatLabel(object obj)
161 var arr = obj as object[];
164 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
165 foreach (object t in arr)
171 return sb.ToString();
174 return base.FormatLabel(obj);
177 void EditorDropDownClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
182 public override void UpdateEditor(Control control)
184 if (control is ComboBox)
185 (control as ComboBox).DroppedDown = true;
188 protected override void DoApplyChanges(TreeNodeAdv node, Control editor)
190 var combo = editor as ComboBox;
193 if (combo.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.DropDown)
194 SetValue(node, combo.Text);
196 SetValue(node, combo.SelectedItem);
200 var listBox = editor as CheckedListBox;
201 Type type = GetEnumType(node);
205 foreach (object obj in listBox.CheckedItems)
207 object val = Enum.ToObject(type, res);
212 List<object> list = new List<object>();
213 foreach (object obj in listBox.CheckedItems)
215 SetValue(node, list.ToArray());
220 private bool IsFlags(Type type)
222 object[] atr = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FlagsAttribute), false);
223 return atr.Length == 1;
226 public override void MouseUp(TreeNodeAdvMouseEventArgs args)
228 if (args.Node != null && args.Node.IsSelected) //Workaround of specific ComboBox control behavior