Fixed Issue 387. The new implementation does not try to start a ring 0 driver that already exists, but could not be opened. It tries to delete the driver and install it new. The driver is now stored temporarily in the application folder. The driver is not correctly removed on system shutdown.
3 This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 file, You can obtain one at
7 Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Michael Möller <>
12 using System.Collections.Generic;
14 using System.Drawing.Imaging;
18 namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Utilities {
19 public class IconFactory {
21 private struct BITMAPINFOHEADER {
26 public ushort BitCount;
27 public uint Compression;
28 public uint SizeImage;
29 public int XPelsPerMeter;
30 public int YPelsPerMeter;
32 public uint ClrImportant;
34 public BITMAPINFOHEADER(int width, int height, int bitCount) {
39 this.BitCount = (ushort)bitCount;
42 this.XPelsPerMeter = 0;
43 this.YPelsPerMeter = 0;
45 this.ClrImportant = 0;
48 public void Write(BinaryWriter bw) {
54 bw.Write(Compression);
56 bw.Write(XPelsPerMeter);
57 bw.Write(YPelsPerMeter);
59 bw.Write(ClrImportant);
63 private struct ICONIMAGE {
64 public BITMAPINFOHEADER Header;
69 public ICONIMAGE(int width, int height, byte[] colors) {
70 this.Header = new BITMAPINFOHEADER(width, height << 1,
71 (8 * colors.Length) / (width * height));
73 int maskSize = (width * height) >> 3;
74 this.XOR = new byte[maskSize];
75 this.AND = new byte[maskSize];
78 public void Write(BinaryWriter bw) {
80 int stride = Header.Width << 2;
81 for (int i = (Header.Height >> 1) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
82 bw.Write(Colors, i * stride, stride);
88 private struct ICONDIRENTRY {
91 public byte ColorCount;
94 public ushort BitCount;
95 public uint BytesInRes;
96 public uint ImageOffset;
98 public ICONDIRENTRY(ICONIMAGE image, int imageOffset) {
99 this.Width = (byte)image.Header.Width;
100 this.Height = (byte)(image.Header.Height >> 1);
103 this.Planes = image.Header.Planes;
104 this.BitCount = image.Header.BitCount;
105 this.BytesInRes = (uint)(image.Header.Size +
106 image.Colors.Length + image.XOR.Length + image.AND.Length);
107 this.ImageOffset = (uint)imageOffset;
110 public void Write(BinaryWriter bw) {
113 bw.Write(ColorCount);
117 bw.Write(BytesInRes);
118 bw.Write(ImageOffset);
126 private struct ICONDIR {
127 public ushort Reserved;
130 public ICONDIRENTRY[] Entries;
132 public ICONDIR(ICONDIRENTRY[] entries) {
135 this.Count = (ushort)entries.Length;
136 this.Entries = entries;
139 public void Write(BinaryWriter bw) {
143 for (int i = 0; i < Entries.Length; i++)
144 Entries[i].Write(bw);
148 get { return (uint)(6 + Entries.Length *
149 (Entries.Length > 0 ? Entries[0].Size : 0)); }
153 public static Icon Create(byte[] colors, int width, int height,
154 PixelFormat format) {
155 if (format != PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
156 throw new NotImplementedException();
158 ICONIMAGE image = new ICONIMAGE(width, height, colors);
159 ICONDIR dir = new ICONDIR(
160 new ICONDIRENTRY[] { new ICONDIRENTRY(image, 0) } );
161 dir.Entries[0].ImageOffset = dir.Size;
164 using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream())) {
168 bw.BaseStream.Position = 0;
169 icon = new Icon(bw.BaseStream);