author moel.mich
Sun, 23 Sep 2012 18:37:43 +0000
changeset 380 573f1fff48b2
parent 344 3145aadca3d2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed Issue 387. The new implementation does not try to start a ring 0 driver that already exists, but could not be opened. It tries to delete the driver and install it new. The driver is now stored temporarily in the application folder. The driver is not correctly removed on system shutdown.
     1 /*
     3   This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
     4   License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
     5   file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
     7   Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Michael Möller <mmoeller@openhardwaremonitor.org>
     9 */
    11 using System;
    12 using System.Collections.Generic;
    13 using System.Globalization;
    14 using System.Text;
    15 using System.Threading;
    17 namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.TBalancer {
    18   internal class TBalancerGroup : IGroup {
    20     private readonly List<TBalancer> hardware = new List<TBalancer>();
    21     private readonly StringBuilder report = new StringBuilder();
    23     public TBalancerGroup(ISettings settings) {
    25       uint numDevices;
    26       try {
    27         if (FTD2XX.FT_CreateDeviceInfoList(out numDevices) != FT_STATUS.FT_OK) {
    28           report.AppendLine("Status: FT_CreateDeviceInfoList failed");
    29           return;
    30         }
    31       } catch (DllNotFoundException) { return; } 
    32         catch (ArgumentNullException) { return; }
    33         catch (EntryPointNotFoundException) { return; }
    34         catch (BadImageFormatException) { return; }
    36       FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[] info = new FT_DEVICE_INFO_NODE[numDevices];
    37       if (FTD2XX.FT_GetDeviceInfoList(info, ref numDevices) != FT_STATUS.FT_OK) 
    38       {
    39         report.AppendLine("Status: FT_GetDeviceInfoList failed");        
    40         return;
    41       }
    43       // make sure numDevices is not larger than the info array
    44       if (numDevices > info.Length)
    45         numDevices = (uint)info.Length;
    47       for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) {
    48         report.Append("Device Index: ");
    49         report.AppendLine(i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
    50         report.Append("Device Type: ");
    51         report.AppendLine(info[i].Type.ToString());
    53         // the T-Balancer always uses an FT232BM
    54         if (info[i].Type != FT_DEVICE.FT_DEVICE_232BM) {
    55           report.AppendLine("Status: Wrong device type");
    56           continue;
    57         }
    59         FT_HANDLE handle;
    60         FT_STATUS status = FTD2XX.FT_Open(i, out handle);
    61         if (status != FT_STATUS.FT_OK) {
    62           report.AppendLine("Open Status: " + status);
    63           continue;
    64         }
    66         FTD2XX.FT_SetBaudRate(handle, 19200);
    67         FTD2XX.FT_SetDataCharacteristics(handle, 8, 1, 0);
    68         FTD2XX.FT_SetFlowControl(handle, FT_FLOW_CONTROL.FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS, 0x11, 
    69           0x13);
    70         FTD2XX.FT_SetTimeouts(handle, 1000, 1000);
    71         FTD2XX.FT_Purge(handle, FT_PURGE.FT_PURGE_ALL);
    73         status = FTD2XX.Write(handle, new byte[] { 0x38 });
    74         if (status != FT_STATUS.FT_OK) {
    75           report.AppendLine("Write Status: " + status);
    76           FTD2XX.FT_Close(handle);
    77           continue;
    78         }
    80         bool isValid = false;
    81         byte protocolVersion = 0;
    83         int j = 0;
    84         while (FTD2XX.BytesToRead(handle) == 0 && j < 2) {
    85           Thread.Sleep(100);
    86           j++;
    87         }
    88         if (FTD2XX.BytesToRead(handle) > 0) {
    89           if (FTD2XX.ReadByte(handle) == TBalancer.STARTFLAG) {
    90             while (FTD2XX.BytesToRead(handle) < 284 && j < 5) {
    91               Thread.Sleep(100);
    92               j++;
    93             }
    94             int length = FTD2XX.BytesToRead(handle);
    95             if (length >= 284) {
    96               byte[] data = new byte[285];
    97               data[0] = TBalancer.STARTFLAG;
    98               for (int k = 1; k < data.Length; k++)
    99                 data[k] = FTD2XX.ReadByte(handle);
   101               // check protocol version 2X (protocols seen: 2C, 2A, 28)
   102               isValid = (data[274] & 0xF0) == 0x20;
   103               protocolVersion = data[274];
   104               if (!isValid) {
   105                 report.Append("Status: Wrong Protocol Version: 0x");
   106                 report.AppendLine(
   107                   protocolVersion.ToString("X", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
   108               }
   109             } else {
   110               report.AppendLine("Status: Wrong Message Length: " + length);
   111             }
   112           } else {
   113             report.AppendLine("Status: Wrong Startflag");
   114           }
   115         } else {
   116           report.AppendLine("Status: No Response");
   117         }
   119         FTD2XX.FT_Purge(handle, FT_PURGE.FT_PURGE_ALL);
   120         FTD2XX.FT_Close(handle);
   122         if (isValid) {
   123           report.AppendLine("Status: OK");
   124           hardware.Add(new TBalancer(i, protocolVersion, settings));          
   125         }
   127         if (i < numDevices - 1)
   128           report.AppendLine();
   129       }
   130     }
   132     public IHardware[] Hardware {
   133       get {
   134         return hardware.ToArray();
   135       }
   136     }
   138     public string GetReport() {
   139       if (report.Length > 0) {
   140         StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder();
   141         r.AppendLine("FTD2XX");
   142         r.AppendLine();
   143         r.Append(report);
   144         r.AppendLine();
   145         return r.ToString();
   146       } else
   147         return null;
   148     }
   150     public void Close() {
   151       foreach (TBalancer tbalancer in hardware)
   152         tbalancer.Close();
   153     }
   154   }
   155 }