Fixed Issue 387. The new implementation does not try to start a ring 0 driver that already exists, but could not be opened. It tries to delete the driver and install it new. The driver is now stored temporarily in the application folder. The driver is not correctly removed on system shutdown.
3 This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 file, You can obtain one at
7 Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Michael Möller <>
8 Copyright (C) 2011 Roland Reinl <>
12 namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.HDD {
14 /// Localization class for SMART attribute names.
16 internal static class SmartNames {
18 public static string AirflowTemperature {
19 get { return "Airflow Temperature"; }
22 public static string Temperature {
23 get { return "Temperature"; }
26 public static string RetiredBlockCount {
27 get { return "Retired Block Count"; }
30 public static string ProgramFailCount {
31 get { return "Program Fail Count"; }
34 public static string EraseFailCount {
35 get { return "Erase Fail Count"; }
38 public static string UnexpectedPowerLossCount {
39 get { return "Unexpected Power Loss Count"; }
42 public static string WearRangeDelta {
43 get { return "Wear Range Delta"; }
46 public static string AlternativeProgramFailCount {
47 get { return "Alternative Program Fail Count"; }
50 public static string AlternativeEraseFailCount {
51 get { return "Alternative Erase Fail Count"; }
54 public static string UnrecoverableEcc {
55 get { return "Unrecoverable ECC"; }
58 public static string ReallocationEventCount {
59 get { return "Reallocation Event Count"; }
62 public static string RemainingLife {
63 get { return "Remaining Life"; }
66 public static string AvailableReservedSpace {
67 get { return "Available Reserved Space"; }
70 public static string CalibrationRetryCount {
71 get { return "Calibration Retry Count"; }
74 public static string CommandTimeout {
75 get { return "Command Timeout"; }
78 public static string CurrentPendingSectorCount {
79 get { return "Current Pending Sector Count"; }
82 public static string DataAddressMarkErrors {
83 get { return "Data Address Mark errors"; }
86 public static string DiskShift {
87 get { return "Disk Shift"; }
90 public static string DriveTemperature {
91 get { return "Drive Temperature"; }
94 public static string EmergencyRetractCycleCount {
95 get { return "Emergency Retract Cycle Count"; }
98 public static string EndToEndError {
99 get { return "End-to-End error"; }
102 public static string EnduranceRemaining {
103 get { return "Endurance Remaining"; }
106 public static string FlyingHeight {
107 get { return "Flying Height"; }
110 public static string FreeFallProtection {
111 get { return "Free Fall Protection"; }
114 public static string GmrHeadAmplitude {
115 get { return "GMR Head Amplitude"; }
118 public static string GSenseErrorRate {
119 get { return "G-sense Error Rate"; }
122 public static string HardwareEccRecovered {
123 get { return "Hardware ECC Recovered"; }
126 public static string HeadFlyingHours {
127 get { return "Head Flying Hours"; }
130 public static string HeadStability {
131 get { return "Head Stability"; }
134 public static string HighFlyWrites {
135 get { return "High Fly Writes"; }
138 public static string InducedOpVibrationDetection {
139 get { return "Induced Op-Vibration Detection"; }
142 public static string LoadedHours {
143 get { return "Loaded Hours"; }
146 public static string LoadFriction {
147 get { return "Load Friction"; }
150 public static string LoadInTime {
151 get { return "Load 'In'-time"; }
154 public static string LoadUnloadCycleCount {
155 get { return "Load/Unload Cycle Count"; }
158 public static string LoadUnloadCycleCountFujitsu {
159 get { return "Load/Unload Cycle Count (Fujitus)"; }
162 public static string LoadUnloadRetryCount {
163 get { return "Load/Unload Retry Count"; }
166 public static string MediaWearoutIndicator {
167 get { return "Media Wearout Indicator"; }
170 public static string MultiZoneErrorRate {
171 get { return "Multi-Zone Error Rate"; }
174 public static string OfflineSeekPerformance {
175 get { return "Offline Seek Performance"; }
178 public static string PowerCycleCount {
179 get { return "Power Cycle Count"; }
182 public static string PowerOffRetractCycle {
183 get { return "Power-Off Retract Cycle"; }
186 public static string PowerOnHours {
187 get { return "Power-On Hours (POH)"; }
190 public static string ReadChannelMargin {
191 get { return "Read Channel Margin"; }
194 public static string ReadErrorRate {
195 get { return "Read Error Rate"; }
198 public static string ReadErrorRetryRate {
199 get { return "Read Error Retry Rate"; }
202 public static string ReallocatedSectorsCount {
203 get { return "Reallocated Sectors Count"; }
206 public static string ReportedUncorrectableErrors {
207 get { return "Reported Uncorrectable Errors"; }
210 public static string RunOutCancel {
211 get { return "Run Out Cancel"; }
214 public static string SataDownshiftErrorCount {
215 get { return "SATA Downshift Error Count"; }
218 public static string SeekErrorRate {
219 get { return "Seek Error Rate"; }
222 public static string SeekTimePerformance {
223 get { return "Seek Time Performance"; }
226 public static string ShockDuringWrite {
227 get { return "Shock During Write"; }
230 public static string SoftEccCorrection {
231 get { return "Soft ECC Correction"; }
234 public static string SoftReadErrorRate {
235 get { return "Soft Read Error Rate"; }
238 public static string SpinBuzz {
239 get { return "Spin Buzz"; }
242 public static string SpinHighCurrent {
243 get { return "Spin High Current"; }
246 public static string SpinRetryCount {
247 get { return "Spin Retry Count"; }
250 public static string SpinUpTime {
251 get { return "Spin-Up Time"; }
254 public static string StartStopCount {
255 get { return "Start/Stop Count"; }
258 public static string TaCounterDetected {
259 get { return "TA Counter Detected"; }
262 public static string TemperatureDifferenceFrom100 {
263 get { return "Temperature Difference from 100"; }
266 public static string ThermalAsperityRate {
267 get { return "Thermal Asperity Rate (TAR)"; }
270 public static string ThroughputPerformance {
271 get { return "Throughput Performance"; }
274 public static string TorqueAmplificationCount {
275 get { return "Torque Amplification Count"; }
278 public static string TotalLbasRead {
279 get { return "Total LBAs Read"; }
282 public static string TotalLbasWritten {
283 get { return "Total LBAs Written"; }
286 public static string TransferErrorRate {
287 get { return "Transfer Error Rate"; }
290 public static string UltraDmaCrcErrorCount {
291 get { return "UltraDMA CRC Error Count"; }
294 public static string UncorrectableSectorCount {
295 get { return "Uncorrectable Sector Count"; }
298 public static string Unknown {
299 get { return "Unknown"; }
302 public static string VibrationDuringWrite {
303 get { return "Vibration During Write"; }
306 public static string WriteErrorRate {
307 get { return "Write Error Rate"; }
310 public static string RecalibrationRetries {
311 get { return "Recalibration Retries"; }
314 public static string LoadCycleCount {
315 get { return "Load Cycle Count"; }
318 public static string AlternativeGSenseErrorRate {
319 get { return "Alternative G-Sense Error Rate"; }
322 public static string InitialBadBlockCount {
323 get { return "Initial Bad Block Count"; }
326 public static string ProgramFailure {
327 get { return "Program Failure"; }
330 public static string EraseFailure {
331 get { return "Erase Failure"; }
334 public static string ReadFailure {
335 get { return "Read Failure"; }
338 public static string SectorsRead {
339 get { return "Sectors Read"; }
342 public static string SectorsWritten {
343 get { return "Sectors Written"; }
346 public static string ReadCommands {
347 get { return "Read Commands"; }
350 public static string WriteCommands {
351 get { return "Write Commands"; }
354 public static string BitErrors {
355 get { return "Bit Errors"; }
358 public static string CorrectedErrors {
359 get { return "Corrected Errors"; }
362 public static string BadBlockFullFlag {
363 get { return "Bad Block Full Flag"; }
366 public static string MaxCellCycles {
367 get { return "Max Cell Cycles"; }
370 public static string MinErase {
371 get { return "Min Erase"; }
374 public static string MaxErase {
375 get { return "Max Erase"; }
378 public static string AverageEraseCount {
379 get { return "Average Erase Count"; }
382 public static string UnknownUnique {
383 get { return "Unknown Unique"; }
386 public static string SataErrorCountCrc {
387 get { return "SATA Error Count CRC"; }
390 public static string SataErrorCountHandshake {
391 get { return "SATA Error Count Handshake"; }
394 public static string UnsafeShutdownCount {
395 get { return "Unsafe Shutdown Count"; }
398 public static string HostWrites {
399 get { return "Host Writes"; }
402 public static string HostReads {
403 get { return "Host Reads"; }
406 public static string MediaWearOutIndicator {
407 get { return "Media Wear Out Indicator"; }
410 public static string ProgramFailCountChip {
411 get { return "Program Fail Count (Chip)"; }
414 public static string EraseFailCountChip {
415 get { return "Erase Fail Count (Chip)"; }
418 public static string WearLevelingCount {
419 get { return "Wear Leveling Count"; }
422 public static string UsedReservedBlockCountChip {
423 get { return "Used Reserved Block Count (Chip)"; }
426 public static string UsedReservedBlockCountTotal {
427 get { return "Used Reserved Block Count (Total)"; }
430 public static string ProgramFailCountTotal {
431 get { return "Program Fail Count (Total)"; }
434 public static string EraseFailCountTotal {
435 get { return "Erase Fail Count (Total)"; }
438 public static string RuntimeBadBlockTotal {
439 get { return "Runtime Bad Block Total"; }
442 public static string UncorrectableErrorCount {
443 get { return "Uncorrectable Error Count"; }
446 public static string TemperatureExceedCount {
447 get { return "Temperature Exceed Count"; }
450 public static string ECCRate {
451 get { return "ECC Rate"; }
454 public static string OffLineUncorrectableErrorCount {
455 get { return "Off-Line Uncorrectable Error Count"; }
458 public static string CRCErrorCount {
459 get { return "CRC Error Count"; }
462 public static string SupercapStatus {
463 get { return "Supercap Status"; }
466 public static string ExceptionModeStatus {
467 get { return "Exception Mode Status"; }
470 public static string ControllerWritesToNAND {
471 get { return "Controller Writes to NAND"; }
474 public static string HostWritesToController {
475 get { return "Host Writes to Controller"; }
478 public static string RawReadErrorRate {
479 get { return "Raw Read Error Rate"; }
482 public static string NewFailingBlockCount {
483 get { return "New Failing Block Count"; }
486 public static string Non4kAlignedAccess {
487 get { return "Non-4k Aligned Access"; }
490 public static string FactoryBadBlockCount {
491 get { return "Factory Bad Block Count"; }