author moel.mich
Sun, 09 Jun 2013 20:11:20 +0000
changeset 404 1201889d413a
parent 344 3145aadca3d2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added code to handle exceptions when creating the report for drives that are no longer available/ready.
     1 /*
     3   This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
     4   License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
     5   file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
     7   Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Michael Möller <mmoeller@openhardwaremonitor.org>
     8 	Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Werelds
    10 */
    12 using System.Collections.Generic;
    13 using OpenHardwareMonitor.Collections;
    15 namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.HDD {
    17   [NamePrefix(""), RequireSmart(0xAB), RequireSmart(0xB1)]
    18   internal class SSDSandforce : AbstractHarddrive {
    20     private static readonly IEnumerable<SmartAttribute> smartAttributes =
    21       new List<SmartAttribute> {
    22       new SmartAttribute(0x01, SmartNames.RawReadErrorRate),
    23       new SmartAttribute(0x05, SmartNames.RetiredBlockCount, RawToInt),
    24       new SmartAttribute(0x09, SmartNames.PowerOnHours, RawToInt),
    25       new SmartAttribute(0x0C, SmartNames.PowerCycleCount, RawToInt),
    26       new SmartAttribute(0xAB, SmartNames.ProgramFailCount, RawToInt),
    27       new SmartAttribute(0xAC, SmartNames.EraseFailCount, RawToInt),
    28       new SmartAttribute(0xAE, SmartNames.UnexpectedPowerLossCount, RawToInt),
    29       new SmartAttribute(0xB1, SmartNames.WearRangeDelta, RawToInt),
    30       new SmartAttribute(0xB5, SmartNames.AlternativeProgramFailCount, RawToInt),
    31       new SmartAttribute(0xB6, SmartNames.AlternativeEraseFailCount, RawToInt),
    32       new SmartAttribute(0xBB, SmartNames.UncorrectableErrorCount, RawToInt),
    33       new SmartAttribute(0xC2, SmartNames.Temperature, 
    34         (byte[] raw, byte value, IReadOnlyArray<IParameter> p) 
    35           => { return value + (p == null ? 0 : p[0].Value); }, 
    36         SensorType.Temperature, 0, true, 
    37         new[] { new ParameterDescription("Offset [°C]", 
    38                   "Temperature offset of the thermal sensor.\n" + 
    39                   "Temperature = Value + Offset.", 0) }), 
    40       new SmartAttribute(0xC3, SmartNames.UnrecoverableEcc), 
    41       new SmartAttribute(0xC4, SmartNames.ReallocationEventCount, RawToInt),
    42       new SmartAttribute(0xE7, SmartNames.RemainingLife, null, 
    43         SensorType.Level, 0),
    44       new SmartAttribute(0xE9, SmartNames.ControllerWritesToNAND, RawToInt,
    45         SensorType.Data, 0),
    46       new SmartAttribute(0xEA, SmartNames.HostWritesToController, RawToInt, 
    47         SensorType.Data, 1),
    48       new SmartAttribute(0xF1, SmartNames.HostWrites, RawToInt, 
    49         SensorType.Data, 1),
    50       new SmartAttribute(0xF2, SmartNames.HostReads, RawToInt, 
    51         SensorType.Data, 2)
    52     };
    54     private Sensor writeAmplification;
    56     public SSDSandforce(ISmart smart, string name, string firmwareRevision, 
    57       int index, ISettings settings) 
    58       : base(smart, name, firmwareRevision,  index, smartAttributes, settings) 
    59     {
    60       this.writeAmplification = new Sensor("Write Amplification", 1, 
    61         SensorType.Factor, this, settings);    
    62     }
    64     public override void UpdateAdditionalSensors(DriveAttributeValue[] values) {
    65       float? controllerWritesToNAND = null;
    66       float? hostWritesToController = null;
    67       foreach (DriveAttributeValue value in values) {
    68         if (value.Identifier == 0xE9)
    69           controllerWritesToNAND = RawToInt(value.RawValue, value.AttrValue, null);
    71         if (value.Identifier == 0xEA)
    72           hostWritesToController = RawToInt(value.RawValue, value.AttrValue, null);
    73       }
    74       if (controllerWritesToNAND.HasValue && hostWritesToController.HasValue) {
    75         if (hostWritesToController.Value > 0)
    76           writeAmplification.Value =
    77             controllerWritesToNAND.Value / hostWritesToController.Value;
    78         else
    79           writeAmplification.Value = 0;
    80         ActivateSensor(writeAmplification);
    81       }
    82     }
    83   }
    84 }