Quick and dirty usage of our new SharpDisplay layout for packed mode.
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
4 using System.Windows.Forms;
7 namespace Aga.Controls.Tree
9 internal class ClickColumnState : ColumnState
11 private Point _location;
13 public ClickColumnState(TreeViewAdv tree, TreeColumn column, Point location)
19 public override void KeyDown(KeyEventArgs args)
23 public override void MouseDown(TreeNodeAdvMouseEventArgs args)
27 public override bool MouseMove(MouseEventArgs args)
29 if (TreeViewAdv.Dist(_location, args.Location) > TreeViewAdv.ItemDragSensivity
30 && Tree.AllowColumnReorder)
32 Tree.Input = new ReorderColumnState(Tree, Column, args.Location);
38 public override void MouseUp(TreeNodeAdvMouseEventArgs args)
42 Tree.OnColumnClicked(Column);