author moel.mich
Sun, 09 Jun 2013 19:25:44 +0000
changeset 402 0bad639907a3
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added additional exception handling to the http server.
     1 // Knockout JavaScript library v2.1.0
     2 // (c) Steven Sanderson -
     3 // License: MIT (
     5 (function(window,document,navigator,undefined){
     6 var DEBUG=true;
     7 !function(factory) {
     8     // Support three module loading scenarios
     9     if (typeof require === 'function' && typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {
    10         // [1] CommonJS/Node.js
    11         var target = module['exports'] || exports; // module.exports is for Node.js
    12         factory(target);
    13     } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define['amd']) {
    14         // [2] AMD anonymous module
    15         define(['exports'], factory);
    16     } else {
    17         // [3] No module loader (plain <script> tag) - put directly in global namespace
    18         factory(window['ko'] = {});
    19     }
    20 }(function(koExports){
    21 // Internally, all KO objects are attached to koExports (even the non-exported ones whose names will be minified by the closure compiler).
    22 // In the future, the following "ko" variable may be made distinct from "koExports" so that private objects are not externally reachable.
    23 var ko = typeof koExports !== 'undefined' ? koExports : {};
    24 // Google Closure Compiler helpers (used only to make the minified file smaller)
    25 ko.exportSymbol = function(koPath, object) {
    26 	var tokens = koPath.split(".");
    28 	// In the future, "ko" may become distinct from "koExports" (so that non-exported objects are not reachable)
    29 	// At that point, "target" would be set to: (typeof koExports !== "undefined" ? koExports : ko)
    30 	var target = ko;
    32 	for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length - 1; i++)
    33 		target = target[tokens[i]];
    34 	target[tokens[tokens.length - 1]] = object;
    35 };
    36 ko.exportProperty = function(owner, publicName, object) {
    37   owner[publicName] = object;
    38 };
    39 ko.version = "2.1.0";
    41 ko.exportSymbol('version', ko.version);
    42 ko.utils = new (function () {
    43     var stringTrimRegex = /^(\s|\u00A0)+|(\s|\u00A0)+$/g;
    45     // Represent the known event types in a compact way, then at runtime transform it into a hash with event name as key (for fast lookup)
    46     var knownEvents = {}, knownEventTypesByEventName = {};
    47     var keyEventTypeName = /Firefox\/2/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'KeyboardEvent' : 'UIEvents';
    48     knownEvents[keyEventTypeName] = ['keyup', 'keydown', 'keypress'];
    49     knownEvents['MouseEvents'] = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mousemove', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave'];
    50     for (var eventType in knownEvents) {
    51         var knownEventsForType = knownEvents[eventType];
    52         if (knownEventsForType.length) {
    53             for (var i = 0, j = knownEventsForType.length; i < j; i++)
    54                 knownEventTypesByEventName[knownEventsForType[i]] = eventType;
    55         }
    56     }
    57     var eventsThatMustBeRegisteredUsingAttachEvent = { 'propertychange': true }; // Workaround for an IE9 issue -
    59     // Detect IE versions for bug workarounds (uses IE conditionals, not UA string, for robustness)
    60     var ieVersion = (function() {
    61         var version = 3, div = document.createElement('div'), iElems = div.getElementsByTagName('i');
    63         // Keep constructing conditional HTML blocks until we hit one that resolves to an empty fragment
    64         while (
    65             div.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE ' + (++version) + ']><i></i><![endif]-->',
    66             iElems[0]
    67         );
    68         return version > 4 ? version : undefined;
    69     }());
    70     var isIe6 = ieVersion === 6,
    71         isIe7 = ieVersion === 7;
    73     function isClickOnCheckableElement(element, eventType) {
    74         if ((ko.utils.tagNameLower(element) !== "input") || !element.type) return false;
    75         if (eventType.toLowerCase() != "click") return false;
    76         var inputType = element.type;
    77         return (inputType == "checkbox") || (inputType == "radio");
    78     }
    80     return {
    81         fieldsIncludedWithJsonPost: ['authenticity_token', /^__RequestVerificationToken(_.*)?$/],
    83         arrayForEach: function (array, action) {
    84             for (var i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++)
    85                 action(array[i]);
    86         },
    88         arrayIndexOf: function (array, item) {
    89             if (typeof Array.prototype.indexOf == "function")
    90                 return, item);
    91             for (var i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++)
    92                 if (array[i] === item)
    93                     return i;
    94             return -1;
    95         },
    97         arrayFirst: function (array, predicate, predicateOwner) {
    98             for (var i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++)
    99                 if (, array[i]))
   100                     return array[i];
   101             return null;
   102         },
   104         arrayRemoveItem: function (array, itemToRemove) {
   105             var index = ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(array, itemToRemove);
   106             if (index >= 0)
   107                 array.splice(index, 1);
   108         },
   110         arrayGetDistinctValues: function (array) {
   111             array = array || [];
   112             var result = [];
   113             for (var i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++) {
   114                 if (ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(result, array[i]) < 0)
   115                     result.push(array[i]);
   116             }
   117             return result;
   118         },
   120         arrayMap: function (array, mapping) {
   121             array = array || [];
   122             var result = [];
   123             for (var i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++)
   124                 result.push(mapping(array[i]));
   125             return result;
   126         },
   128         arrayFilter: function (array, predicate) {
   129             array = array || [];
   130             var result = [];
   131             for (var i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++)
   132                 if (predicate(array[i]))
   133                     result.push(array[i]);
   134             return result;
   135         },
   137         arrayPushAll: function (array, valuesToPush) {
   138             if (valuesToPush instanceof Array)
   139                 array.push.apply(array, valuesToPush);
   140             else
   141                 for (var i = 0, j = valuesToPush.length; i < j; i++)
   142                     array.push(valuesToPush[i]);
   143             return array;
   144         },
   146         extend: function (target, source) {
   147             if (source) {
   148                 for(var prop in source) {
   149                     if(source.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
   150                         target[prop] = source[prop];
   151                     }
   152                 }
   153             }
   154             return target;
   155         },
   157         emptyDomNode: function (domNode) {
   158             while (domNode.firstChild) {
   159                 ko.removeNode(domNode.firstChild);
   160             }
   161         },
   163         moveCleanedNodesToContainerElement: function(nodes) {
   164             // Ensure it's a real array, as we're about to reparent the nodes and
   165             // we don't want the underlying collection to change while we're doing that.
   166             var nodesArray = ko.utils.makeArray(nodes);
   168             var container = document.createElement('div');
   169             for (var i = 0, j = nodesArray.length; i < j; i++) {
   170                 ko.cleanNode(nodesArray[i]);
   171                 container.appendChild(nodesArray[i]);
   172             }
   173             return container;
   174         },
   176         setDomNodeChildren: function (domNode, childNodes) {
   177             ko.utils.emptyDomNode(domNode);
   178             if (childNodes) {
   179                 for (var i = 0, j = childNodes.length; i < j; i++)
   180                     domNode.appendChild(childNodes[i]);
   181             }
   182         },
   184         replaceDomNodes: function (nodeToReplaceOrNodeArray, newNodesArray) {
   185             var nodesToReplaceArray = nodeToReplaceOrNodeArray.nodeType ? [nodeToReplaceOrNodeArray] : nodeToReplaceOrNodeArray;
   186             if (nodesToReplaceArray.length > 0) {
   187                 var insertionPoint = nodesToReplaceArray[0];
   188                 var parent = insertionPoint.parentNode;
   189                 for (var i = 0, j = newNodesArray.length; i < j; i++)
   190                     parent.insertBefore(newNodesArray[i], insertionPoint);
   191                 for (var i = 0, j = nodesToReplaceArray.length; i < j; i++) {
   192                     ko.removeNode(nodesToReplaceArray[i]);
   193                 }
   194             }
   195         },
   197         setOptionNodeSelectionState: function (optionNode, isSelected) {
   198             // IE6 sometimes throws "unknown error" if you try to write to .selected directly, whereas Firefox struggles with setAttribute. Pick one based on browser.
   199             if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6") >= 0)
   200                 optionNode.setAttribute("selected", isSelected);
   201             else
   202                 optionNode.selected = isSelected;
   203         },
   205         stringTrim: function (string) {
   206             return (string || "").replace(stringTrimRegex, "");
   207         },
   209         stringTokenize: function (string, delimiter) {
   210             var result = [];
   211             var tokens = (string || "").split(delimiter);
   212             for (var i = 0, j = tokens.length; i < j; i++) {
   213                 var trimmed = ko.utils.stringTrim(tokens[i]);
   214                 if (trimmed !== "")
   215                     result.push(trimmed);
   216             }
   217             return result;
   218         },
   220         stringStartsWith: function (string, startsWith) {
   221             string = string || "";
   222             if (startsWith.length > string.length)
   223                 return false;
   224             return string.substring(0, startsWith.length) === startsWith;
   225         },
   227         buildEvalWithinScopeFunction: function (expression, scopeLevels) {
   228             // Build the source for a function that evaluates "expression"
   229             // For each scope variable, add an extra level of "with" nesting
   230             // Example result: with(sc[1]) { with(sc[0]) { return (expression) } }
   231             var functionBody = "return (" + expression + ")";
   232             for (var i = 0; i < scopeLevels; i++) {
   233                 functionBody = "with(sc[" + i + "]) { " + functionBody + " } ";
   234             }
   235             return new Function("sc", functionBody);
   236         },
   238         domNodeIsContainedBy: function (node, containedByNode) {
   239             if (containedByNode.compareDocumentPosition)
   240                 return (containedByNode.compareDocumentPosition(node) & 16) == 16;
   241             while (node != null) {
   242                 if (node == containedByNode)
   243                     return true;
   244                 node = node.parentNode;
   245             }
   246             return false;
   247         },
   249         domNodeIsAttachedToDocument: function (node) {
   250             return ko.utils.domNodeIsContainedBy(node, node.ownerDocument);
   251         },
   253         tagNameLower: function(element) {
   254             // For HTML elements, tagName will always be upper case; for XHTML elements, it'll be lower case.
   255             // Possible future optimization: If we know it's an element from an XHTML document (not HTML),
   256             // we don't need to do the .toLowerCase() as it will always be lower case anyway.
   257             return element && element.tagName && element.tagName.toLowerCase();
   258         },
   260         registerEventHandler: function (element, eventType, handler) {
   261             var mustUseAttachEvent = ieVersion && eventsThatMustBeRegisteredUsingAttachEvent[eventType];
   262             if (!mustUseAttachEvent && typeof jQuery != "undefined") {
   263                 if (isClickOnCheckableElement(element, eventType)) {
   264                     // For click events on checkboxes, jQuery interferes with the event handling in an awkward way:
   265                     // it toggles the element checked state *after* the click event handlers run, whereas native
   266                     // click events toggle the checked state *before* the event handler.
   267                     // Fix this by intecepting the handler and applying the correct checkedness before it runs.
   268                     var originalHandler = handler;
   269                     handler = function(event, eventData) {
   270                         var jQuerySuppliedCheckedState = this.checked;
   271                         if (eventData)
   272                             this.checked = eventData.checkedStateBeforeEvent !== true;
   273               , event);
   274                         this.checked = jQuerySuppliedCheckedState; // Restore the state jQuery applied
   275                     };
   276                 }
   277                 jQuery(element)['bind'](eventType, handler);
   278             } else if (!mustUseAttachEvent && typeof element.addEventListener == "function")
   279                 element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, false);
   280             else if (typeof element.attachEvent != "undefined")
   281                 element.attachEvent("on" + eventType, function (event) {
   282           , event);
   283                 });
   284             else
   285                 throw new Error("Browser doesn't support addEventListener or attachEvent");
   286         },
   288         triggerEvent: function (element, eventType) {
   289             if (!(element && element.nodeType))
   290                 throw new Error("element must be a DOM node when calling triggerEvent");
   292             if (typeof jQuery != "undefined") {
   293                 var eventData = [];
   294                 if (isClickOnCheckableElement(element, eventType)) {
   295                     // Work around the jQuery "click events on checkboxes" issue described above by storing the original checked state before triggering the handler
   296                     eventData.push({ checkedStateBeforeEvent: element.checked });
   297                 }
   298                 jQuery(element)['trigger'](eventType, eventData);
   299             } else if (typeof document.createEvent == "function") {
   300                 if (typeof element.dispatchEvent == "function") {
   301                     var eventCategory = knownEventTypesByEventName[eventType] || "HTMLEvents";
   302                     var event = document.createEvent(eventCategory);
   303                     event.initEvent(eventType, true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, element);
   304                     element.dispatchEvent(event);
   305                 }
   306                 else
   307                     throw new Error("The supplied element doesn't support dispatchEvent");
   308             } else if (typeof element.fireEvent != "undefined") {
   309                 // Unlike other browsers, IE doesn't change the checked state of checkboxes/radiobuttons when you trigger their "click" event
   310                 // so to make it consistent, we'll do it manually here
   311                 if (isClickOnCheckableElement(element, eventType))
   312                     element.checked = element.checked !== true;
   313                 element.fireEvent("on" + eventType);
   314             }
   315             else
   316                 throw new Error("Browser doesn't support triggering events");
   317         },
   319         unwrapObservable: function (value) {
   320             return ko.isObservable(value) ? value() : value;
   321         },
   323         toggleDomNodeCssClass: function (node, className, shouldHaveClass) {
   324             var currentClassNames = (node.className || "").split(/\s+/);
   325             var hasClass = ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(currentClassNames, className) >= 0;
   327             if (shouldHaveClass && !hasClass) {
   328                 node.className += (currentClassNames[0] ? " " : "") + className;
   329             } else if (hasClass && !shouldHaveClass) {
   330                 var newClassName = "";
   331                 for (var i = 0; i < currentClassNames.length; i++)
   332                     if (currentClassNames[i] != className)
   333                         newClassName += currentClassNames[i] + " ";
   334                 node.className = ko.utils.stringTrim(newClassName);
   335             }
   336         },
   338         setTextContent: function(element, textContent) {
   339             var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(textContent);
   340             if ((value === null) || (value === undefined))
   341                 value = "";
   343             'innerText' in element ? element.innerText = value
   344                                    : element.textContent = value;
   346             if (ieVersion >= 9) {
   347                 // Believe it or not, this actually fixes an IE9 rendering bug
   348                 // (See
   349        =;
   350             }
   351         },
   353         ensureSelectElementIsRenderedCorrectly: function(selectElement) {
   354             // Workaround for IE9 rendering bug - it doesn't reliably display all the text in dynamically-added select boxes unless you force it to re-render by updating the width.
   355             // (See,
   356             if (ieVersion >= 9) {
   357                 var originalWidth =;
   358        = 0;
   359        = originalWidth;
   360             }
   361         },
   363         range: function (min, max) {
   364             min = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(min);
   365             max = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(max);
   366             var result = [];
   367             for (var i = min; i <= max; i++)
   368                 result.push(i);
   369             return result;
   370         },
   372         makeArray: function(arrayLikeObject) {
   373             var result = [];
   374             for (var i = 0, j = arrayLikeObject.length; i < j; i++) {
   375                 result.push(arrayLikeObject[i]);
   376             };
   377             return result;
   378         },
   380         isIe6 : isIe6,
   381         isIe7 : isIe7,
   382         ieVersion : ieVersion,
   384         getFormFields: function(form, fieldName) {
   385             var fields = ko.utils.makeArray(form.getElementsByTagName("input")).concat(ko.utils.makeArray(form.getElementsByTagName("textarea")));
   386             var isMatchingField = (typeof fieldName == 'string')
   387                 ? function(field) { return === fieldName }
   388                 : function(field) { return fieldName.test( }; // Treat fieldName as regex or object containing predicate
   389             var matches = [];
   390             for (var i = fields.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   391                 if (isMatchingField(fields[i]))
   392                     matches.push(fields[i]);
   393             };
   394             return matches;
   395         },
   397         parseJson: function (jsonString) {
   398             if (typeof jsonString == "string") {
   399                 jsonString = ko.utils.stringTrim(jsonString);
   400                 if (jsonString) {
   401                     if (window.JSON && window.JSON.parse) // Use native parsing where available
   402                         return window.JSON.parse(jsonString);
   403                     return (new Function("return " + jsonString))(); // Fallback on less safe parsing for older browsers
   404                 }
   405             }
   406             return null;
   407         },
   409         stringifyJson: function (data, replacer, space) {   // replacer and space are optional
   410             if ((typeof JSON == "undefined") || (typeof JSON.stringify == "undefined"))
   411                 throw new Error("Cannot find JSON.stringify(). Some browsers (e.g., IE < 8) don't support it natively, but you can overcome this by adding a script reference to json2.js, downloadable from");
   412             return JSON.stringify(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(data), replacer, space);
   413         },
   415         postJson: function (urlOrForm, data, options) {
   416             options = options || {};
   417             var params = options['params'] || {};
   418             var includeFields = options['includeFields'] || this.fieldsIncludedWithJsonPost;
   419             var url = urlOrForm;
   421             // If we were given a form, use its 'action' URL and pick out any requested field values
   422             if((typeof urlOrForm == 'object') && (ko.utils.tagNameLower(urlOrForm) === "form")) {
   423                 var originalForm = urlOrForm;
   424                 url = originalForm.action;
   425                 for (var i = includeFields.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   426                     var fields = ko.utils.getFormFields(originalForm, includeFields[i]);
   427                     for (var j = fields.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
   428                         params[fields[j].name] = fields[j].value;
   429                 }
   430             }
   432             data = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(data);
   433             var form = document.createElement("form");
   434    = "none";
   435             form.action = url;
   436             form.method = "post";
   437             for (var key in data) {
   438                 var input = document.createElement("input");
   439        = key;
   440                 input.value = ko.utils.stringifyJson(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(data[key]));
   441                 form.appendChild(input);
   442             }
   443             for (var key in params) {
   444                 var input = document.createElement("input");
   445        = key;
   446                 input.value = params[key];
   447                 form.appendChild(input);
   448             }
   449             document.body.appendChild(form);
   450             options['submitter'] ? options['submitter'](form) : form.submit();
   451             setTimeout(function () { form.parentNode.removeChild(form); }, 0);
   452         }
   453     }
   454 })();
   456 ko.exportSymbol('utils', ko.utils);
   457 ko.exportSymbol('utils.arrayForEach', ko.utils.arrayForEach);
   458 ko.exportSymbol('utils.arrayFirst', ko.utils.arrayFirst);
   459 ko.exportSymbol('utils.arrayFilter', ko.utils.arrayFilter);
   460 ko.exportSymbol('utils.arrayGetDistinctValues', ko.utils.arrayGetDistinctValues);
   461 ko.exportSymbol('utils.arrayIndexOf', ko.utils.arrayIndexOf);
   462 ko.exportSymbol('utils.arrayMap', ko.utils.arrayMap);
   463 ko.exportSymbol('utils.arrayPushAll', ko.utils.arrayPushAll);
   464 ko.exportSymbol('utils.arrayRemoveItem', ko.utils.arrayRemoveItem);
   465 ko.exportSymbol('utils.extend', ko.utils.extend);
   466 ko.exportSymbol('utils.fieldsIncludedWithJsonPost', ko.utils.fieldsIncludedWithJsonPost);
   467 ko.exportSymbol('utils.getFormFields', ko.utils.getFormFields);
   468 ko.exportSymbol('utils.postJson', ko.utils.postJson);
   469 ko.exportSymbol('utils.parseJson', ko.utils.parseJson);
   470 ko.exportSymbol('utils.registerEventHandler', ko.utils.registerEventHandler);
   471 ko.exportSymbol('utils.stringifyJson', ko.utils.stringifyJson);
   472 ko.exportSymbol('utils.range', ko.utils.range);
   473 ko.exportSymbol('utils.toggleDomNodeCssClass', ko.utils.toggleDomNodeCssClass);
   474 ko.exportSymbol('utils.triggerEvent', ko.utils.triggerEvent);
   475 ko.exportSymbol('utils.unwrapObservable', ko.utils.unwrapObservable);
   477 if (!Function.prototype['bind']) {
   478     // Function.prototype.bind is a standard part of ECMAScript 5th Edition (December 2009,
   479     // In case the browser doesn't implement it natively, provide a JavaScript implementation. This implementation is based on the one in prototype.js
   480     Function.prototype['bind'] = function (object) {
   481         var originalFunction = this, args =, object = args.shift();
   482         return function () {
   483             return originalFunction.apply(object, args.concat(;
   484         };
   485     };
   486 }
   488 ko.utils.domData = new (function () {
   489     var uniqueId = 0;
   490     var dataStoreKeyExpandoPropertyName = "__ko__" + (new Date).getTime();
   491     var dataStore = {};
   492     return {
   493         get: function (node, key) {
   494             var allDataForNode = ko.utils.domData.getAll(node, false);
   495             return allDataForNode === undefined ? undefined : allDataForNode[key];
   496         },
   497         set: function (node, key, value) {
   498             if (value === undefined) {
   499                 // Make sure we don't actually create a new domData key if we are actually deleting a value
   500                 if (ko.utils.domData.getAll(node, false) === undefined)
   501                     return;
   502             }
   503             var allDataForNode = ko.utils.domData.getAll(node, true);
   504             allDataForNode[key] = value;
   505         },
   506         getAll: function (node, createIfNotFound) {
   507             var dataStoreKey = node[dataStoreKeyExpandoPropertyName];
   508             var hasExistingDataStore = dataStoreKey && (dataStoreKey !== "null");
   509             if (!hasExistingDataStore) {
   510                 if (!createIfNotFound)
   511                     return undefined;
   512                 dataStoreKey = node[dataStoreKeyExpandoPropertyName] = "ko" + uniqueId++;
   513                 dataStore[dataStoreKey] = {};
   514             }
   515             return dataStore[dataStoreKey];
   516         },
   517         clear: function (node) {
   518             var dataStoreKey = node[dataStoreKeyExpandoPropertyName];
   519             if (dataStoreKey) {
   520                 delete dataStore[dataStoreKey];
   521                 node[dataStoreKeyExpandoPropertyName] = null;
   522             }
   523         }
   524     }
   525 })();
   527 ko.exportSymbol('utils.domData', ko.utils.domData);
   528 ko.exportSymbol('utils.domData.clear', ko.utils.domData.clear); // Exporting only so specs can clear up after themselves fully
   530 ko.utils.domNodeDisposal = new (function () {
   531     var domDataKey = "__ko_domNodeDisposal__" + (new Date).getTime();
   532     var cleanableNodeTypes = { 1: true, 8: true, 9: true };       // Element, Comment, Document
   533     var cleanableNodeTypesWithDescendants = { 1: true, 9: true }; // Element, Document
   535     function getDisposeCallbacksCollection(node, createIfNotFound) {
   536         var allDisposeCallbacks = ko.utils.domData.get(node, domDataKey);
   537         if ((allDisposeCallbacks === undefined) && createIfNotFound) {
   538             allDisposeCallbacks = [];
   539             ko.utils.domData.set(node, domDataKey, allDisposeCallbacks);
   540         }
   541         return allDisposeCallbacks;
   542     }
   543     function destroyCallbacksCollection(node) {
   544         ko.utils.domData.set(node, domDataKey, undefined);
   545     }
   547     function cleanSingleNode(node) {
   548         // Run all the dispose callbacks
   549         var callbacks = getDisposeCallbacksCollection(node, false);
   550         if (callbacks) {
   551             callbacks = callbacks.slice(0); // Clone, as the array may be modified during iteration (typically, callbacks will remove themselves)
   552             for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++)
   553                 callbacks[i](node);
   554         }
   556         // Also erase the DOM data
   557         ko.utils.domData.clear(node);
   559         // Special support for jQuery here because it's so commonly used.
   560         // Many jQuery plugins (including jquery.tmpl) store data using jQuery's equivalent of domData
   561         // so notify it to tear down any resources associated with the node & descendants here.
   562         if ((typeof jQuery == "function") && (typeof jQuery['cleanData'] == "function"))
   563             jQuery['cleanData']([node]);
   565         // Also clear any immediate-child comment nodes, as these wouldn't have been found by
   566         // node.getElementsByTagName("*") in cleanNode() (comment nodes aren't elements)
   567         if (cleanableNodeTypesWithDescendants[node.nodeType])
   568             cleanImmediateCommentTypeChildren(node);
   569     }
   571     function cleanImmediateCommentTypeChildren(nodeWithChildren) {
   572         var child, nextChild = nodeWithChildren.firstChild;
   573         while (child = nextChild) {
   574             nextChild = child.nextSibling;
   575             if (child.nodeType === 8)
   576                 cleanSingleNode(child);
   577         }
   578     }
   580     return {
   581         addDisposeCallback : function(node, callback) {
   582             if (typeof callback != "function")
   583                 throw new Error("Callback must be a function");
   584             getDisposeCallbacksCollection(node, true).push(callback);
   585         },
   587         removeDisposeCallback : function(node, callback) {
   588             var callbacksCollection = getDisposeCallbacksCollection(node, false);
   589             if (callbacksCollection) {
   590                 ko.utils.arrayRemoveItem(callbacksCollection, callback);
   591                 if (callbacksCollection.length == 0)
   592                     destroyCallbacksCollection(node);
   593             }
   594         },
   596         cleanNode : function(node) {
   597             // First clean this node, where applicable
   598             if (cleanableNodeTypes[node.nodeType]) {
   599                 cleanSingleNode(node);
   601                 // ... then its descendants, where applicable
   602                 if (cleanableNodeTypesWithDescendants[node.nodeType]) {
   603                     // Clone the descendants list in case it changes during iteration
   604                     var descendants = [];
   605                     ko.utils.arrayPushAll(descendants, node.getElementsByTagName("*"));
   606                     for (var i = 0, j = descendants.length; i < j; i++)
   607                         cleanSingleNode(descendants[i]);
   608                 }
   609             }
   610         },
   612         removeNode : function(node) {
   613             ko.cleanNode(node);
   614             if (node.parentNode)
   615                 node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
   616         }
   617     }
   618 })();
   619 ko.cleanNode = ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.cleanNode; // Shorthand name for convenience
   620 ko.removeNode = ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.removeNode; // Shorthand name for convenience
   621 ko.exportSymbol('cleanNode', ko.cleanNode);
   622 ko.exportSymbol('removeNode', ko.removeNode);
   623 ko.exportSymbol('utils.domNodeDisposal', ko.utils.domNodeDisposal);
   624 ko.exportSymbol('utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback', ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback);
   625 ko.exportSymbol('utils.domNodeDisposal.removeDisposeCallback', ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.removeDisposeCallback);
   626 (function () {
   627     var leadingCommentRegex = /^(\s*)<!--(.*?)-->/;
   629     function simpleHtmlParse(html) {
   630         // Based on jQuery's "clean" function, but only accounting for table-related elements.
   631         // If you have referenced jQuery, this won't be used anyway - KO will use jQuery's "clean" function directly
   633         // Note that there's still an issue in IE < 9 whereby it will discard comment nodes that are the first child of
   634         // a descendant node. For example: "<div><!-- mycomment -->abc</div>" will get parsed as "<div>abc</div>"
   635         // This won't affect anyone who has referenced jQuery, and there's always the workaround of inserting a dummy node
   636         // (possibly a text node) in front of the comment. So, KO does not attempt to workaround this IE issue automatically at present.
   638         // Trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected
   639         var tags = ko.utils.stringTrim(html).toLowerCase(), div = document.createElement("div");
   641         // Finds the first match from the left column, and returns the corresponding "wrap" data from the right column
   642         var wrap = tags.match(/^<(thead|tbody|tfoot)/)              && [1, "<table>", "</table>"] ||
   643                    !tags.indexOf("<tr")                             && [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"] ||
   644                    (!tags.indexOf("<td") || !tags.indexOf("<th"))   && [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"] ||
   645                    /* anything else */                                 [0, "", ""];
   647         // Go to html and back, then peel off extra wrappers
   648         // Note that we always prefix with some dummy text, because otherwise, IE<9 will strip out leading comment nodes in descendants. Total madness.
   649         var markup = "ignored<div>" + wrap[1] + html + wrap[2] + "</div>";
   650         if (typeof window['innerShiv'] == "function") {
   651             div.appendChild(window['innerShiv'](markup));
   652         } else {
   653             div.innerHTML = markup;
   654         }
   656         // Move to the right depth
   657         while (wrap[0]--)
   658             div = div.lastChild;
   660         return ko.utils.makeArray(div.lastChild.childNodes);
   661     }
   663     function jQueryHtmlParse(html) {
   664         var elems = jQuery['clean']([html]);
   666         // As of jQuery 1.7.1, jQuery parses the HTML by appending it to some dummy parent nodes held in an in-memory document fragment.
   667         // Unfortunately, it never clears the dummy parent nodes from the document fragment, so it leaks memory over time.
   668         // Fix this by finding the top-most dummy parent element, and detaching it from its owner fragment.
   669         if (elems && elems[0]) {
   670             // Find the top-most parent element that's a direct child of a document fragment
   671             var elem = elems[0];
   672             while (elem.parentNode && elem.parentNode.nodeType !== 11 /* i.e., DocumentFragment */)
   673                 elem = elem.parentNode;
   674             // ... then detach it
   675             if (elem.parentNode)
   676                 elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);
   677         }
   679         return elems;
   680     }
   682     ko.utils.parseHtmlFragment = function(html) {
   683         return typeof jQuery != 'undefined' ? jQueryHtmlParse(html)   // As below, benefit from jQuery's optimisations where possible
   684                                             : simpleHtmlParse(html);  // ... otherwise, this simple logic will do in most common cases.
   685     };
   687     ko.utils.setHtml = function(node, html) {
   688         ko.utils.emptyDomNode(node);
   690         if ((html !== null) && (html !== undefined)) {
   691             if (typeof html != 'string')
   692                 html = html.toString();
   694             // jQuery contains a lot of sophisticated code to parse arbitrary HTML fragments,
   695             // for example <tr> elements which are not normally allowed to exist on their own.
   696             // If you've referenced jQuery we'll use that rather than duplicating its code.
   697             if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
   698                 jQuery(node)['html'](html);
   699             } else {
   700                 // ... otherwise, use KO's own parsing logic.
   701                 var parsedNodes = ko.utils.parseHtmlFragment(html);
   702                 for (var i = 0; i < parsedNodes.length; i++)
   703                     node.appendChild(parsedNodes[i]);
   704             }
   705         }
   706     };
   707 })();
   709 ko.exportSymbol('utils.parseHtmlFragment', ko.utils.parseHtmlFragment);
   710 ko.exportSymbol('utils.setHtml', ko.utils.setHtml);
   712 ko.memoization = (function () {
   713     var memos = {};
   715     function randomMax8HexChars() {
   716         return (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x100000000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1);
   717     }
   718     function generateRandomId() {
   719         return randomMax8HexChars() + randomMax8HexChars();
   720     }
   721     function findMemoNodes(rootNode, appendToArray) {
   722         if (!rootNode)
   723             return;
   724         if (rootNode.nodeType == 8) {
   725             var memoId = ko.memoization.parseMemoText(rootNode.nodeValue);
   726             if (memoId != null)
   727                 appendToArray.push({ domNode: rootNode, memoId: memoId });
   728         } else if (rootNode.nodeType == 1) {
   729             for (var i = 0, childNodes = rootNode.childNodes, j = childNodes.length; i < j; i++)
   730                 findMemoNodes(childNodes[i], appendToArray);
   731         }
   732     }
   734     return {
   735         memoize: function (callback) {
   736             if (typeof callback != "function")
   737                 throw new Error("You can only pass a function to ko.memoization.memoize()");
   738             var memoId = generateRandomId();
   739             memos[memoId] = callback;
   740             return "<!--[ko_memo:" + memoId + "]-->";
   741         },
   743         unmemoize: function (memoId, callbackParams) {
   744             var callback = memos[memoId];
   745             if (callback === undefined)
   746                 throw new Error("Couldn't find any memo with ID " + memoId + ". Perhaps it's already been unmemoized.");
   747             try {
   748                 callback.apply(null, callbackParams || []);
   749                 return true;
   750             }
   751             finally { delete memos[memoId]; }
   752         },
   754         unmemoizeDomNodeAndDescendants: function (domNode, extraCallbackParamsArray) {
   755             var memos = [];
   756             findMemoNodes(domNode, memos);
   757             for (var i = 0, j = memos.length; i < j; i++) {
   758                 var node = memos[i].domNode;
   759                 var combinedParams = [node];
   760                 if (extraCallbackParamsArray)
   761                     ko.utils.arrayPushAll(combinedParams, extraCallbackParamsArray);
   762                 ko.memoization.unmemoize(memos[i].memoId, combinedParams);
   763                 node.nodeValue = ""; // Neuter this node so we don't try to unmemoize it again
   764                 if (node.parentNode)
   765                     node.parentNode.removeChild(node); // If possible, erase it totally (not always possible - someone else might just hold a reference to it then call unmemoizeDomNodeAndDescendants again)
   766             }
   767         },
   769         parseMemoText: function (memoText) {
   770             var match = memoText.match(/^\[ko_memo\:(.*?)\]$/);
   771             return match ? match[1] : null;
   772         }
   773     };
   774 })();
   776 ko.exportSymbol('memoization', ko.memoization);
   777 ko.exportSymbol('memoization.memoize', ko.memoization.memoize);
   778 ko.exportSymbol('memoization.unmemoize', ko.memoization.unmemoize);
   779 ko.exportSymbol('memoization.parseMemoText', ko.memoization.parseMemoText);
   780 ko.exportSymbol('memoization.unmemoizeDomNodeAndDescendants', ko.memoization.unmemoizeDomNodeAndDescendants);
   781 ko.extenders = {
   782     'throttle': function(target, timeout) {
   783         // Throttling means two things:
   785         // (1) For dependent observables, we throttle *evaluations* so that, no matter how fast its dependencies
   786         //     notify updates, the target doesn't re-evaluate (and hence doesn't notify) faster than a certain rate
   787         target['throttleEvaluation'] = timeout;
   789         // (2) For writable targets (observables, or writable dependent observables), we throttle *writes*
   790         //     so the target cannot change value synchronously or faster than a certain rate
   791         var writeTimeoutInstance = null;
   792         return ko.dependentObservable({
   793             'read': target,
   794             'write': function(value) {
   795                 clearTimeout(writeTimeoutInstance);
   796                 writeTimeoutInstance = setTimeout(function() {
   797                     target(value);
   798                 }, timeout);
   799             }
   800         });
   801     },
   803     'notify': function(target, notifyWhen) {
   804         target["equalityComparer"] = notifyWhen == "always"
   805             ? function() { return false } // Treat all values as not equal
   806             : ko.observable["fn"]["equalityComparer"];
   807         return target;
   808     }
   809 };
   811 function applyExtenders(requestedExtenders) {
   812     var target = this;
   813     if (requestedExtenders) {
   814         for (var key in requestedExtenders) {
   815             var extenderHandler = ko.extenders[key];
   816             if (typeof extenderHandler == 'function') {
   817                 target = extenderHandler(target, requestedExtenders[key]);
   818             }
   819         }
   820     }
   821     return target;
   822 }
   824 ko.exportSymbol('extenders', ko.extenders);
   826 ko.subscription = function (target, callback, disposeCallback) {
   827 = target;
   828     this.callback = callback;
   829     this.disposeCallback = disposeCallback;
   830     ko.exportProperty(this, 'dispose', this.dispose);
   831 };
   832 ko.subscription.prototype.dispose = function () {
   833     this.isDisposed = true;
   834     this.disposeCallback();
   835 };
   837 ko.subscribable = function () {
   838     this._subscriptions = {};
   840     ko.utils.extend(this, ko.subscribable['fn']);
   841     ko.exportProperty(this, 'subscribe', this.subscribe);
   842     ko.exportProperty(this, 'extend', this.extend);
   843     ko.exportProperty(this, 'getSubscriptionsCount', this.getSubscriptionsCount);
   844 }
   846 var defaultEvent = "change";
   848 ko.subscribable['fn'] = {
   849     subscribe: function (callback, callbackTarget, event) {
   850         event = event || defaultEvent;
   851         var boundCallback = callbackTarget ? callback.bind(callbackTarget) : callback;
   853         var subscription = new ko.subscription(this, boundCallback, function () {
   854             ko.utils.arrayRemoveItem(this._subscriptions[event], subscription);
   855         }.bind(this));
   857         if (!this._subscriptions[event])
   858             this._subscriptions[event] = [];
   859         this._subscriptions[event].push(subscription);
   860         return subscription;
   861     },
   863     "notifySubscribers": function (valueToNotify, event) {
   864         event = event || defaultEvent;
   865         if (this._subscriptions[event]) {
   866             ko.utils.arrayForEach(this._subscriptions[event].slice(0), function (subscription) {
   867                 // In case a subscription was disposed during the arrayForEach cycle, check
   868                 // for isDisposed on each subscription before invoking its callback
   869                 if (subscription && (subscription.isDisposed !== true))
   870                     subscription.callback(valueToNotify);
   871             });
   872         }
   873     },
   875     getSubscriptionsCount: function () {
   876         var total = 0;
   877         for (var eventName in this._subscriptions) {
   878             if (this._subscriptions.hasOwnProperty(eventName))
   879                 total += this._subscriptions[eventName].length;
   880         }
   881         return total;
   882     },
   884     extend: applyExtenders
   885 };
   888 ko.isSubscribable = function (instance) {
   889     return typeof instance.subscribe == "function" && typeof instance["notifySubscribers"] == "function";
   890 };
   892 ko.exportSymbol('subscribable', ko.subscribable);
   893 ko.exportSymbol('isSubscribable', ko.isSubscribable);
   895 ko.dependencyDetection = (function () {
   896     var _frames = [];
   898     return {
   899         begin: function (callback) {
   900             _frames.push({ callback: callback, distinctDependencies:[] });
   901         },
   903         end: function () {
   904             _frames.pop();
   905         },
   907         registerDependency: function (subscribable) {
   908             if (!ko.isSubscribable(subscribable))
   909                 throw new Error("Only subscribable things can act as dependencies");
   910             if (_frames.length > 0) {
   911                 var topFrame = _frames[_frames.length - 1];
   912                 if (ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(topFrame.distinctDependencies, subscribable) >= 0)
   913                     return;
   914                 topFrame.distinctDependencies.push(subscribable);
   915                 topFrame.callback(subscribable);
   916             }
   917         }
   918     };
   919 })();
   920 var primitiveTypes = { 'undefined':true, 'boolean':true, 'number':true, 'string':true };
   922 ko.observable = function (initialValue) {
   923     var _latestValue = initialValue;
   925     function observable() {
   926         if (arguments.length > 0) {
   927             // Write
   929             // Ignore writes if the value hasn't changed
   930             if ((!observable['equalityComparer']) || !observable['equalityComparer'](_latestValue, arguments[0])) {
   931                 observable.valueWillMutate();
   932                 _latestValue = arguments[0];
   933                 if (DEBUG) observable._latestValue = _latestValue;
   934                 observable.valueHasMutated();
   935             }
   936             return this; // Permits chained assignments
   937         }
   938         else {
   939             // Read
   940             ko.dependencyDetection.registerDependency(observable); // The caller only needs to be notified of changes if they did a "read" operation
   941             return _latestValue;
   942         }
   943     }
   944     if (DEBUG) observable._latestValue = _latestValue;
   946     observable.valueHasMutated = function () { observable["notifySubscribers"](_latestValue); }
   947     observable.valueWillMutate = function () { observable["notifySubscribers"](_latestValue, "beforeChange"); }
   948     ko.utils.extend(observable, ko.observable['fn']);
   950     ko.exportProperty(observable, "valueHasMutated", observable.valueHasMutated);
   951     ko.exportProperty(observable, "valueWillMutate", observable.valueWillMutate);
   953     return observable;
   954 }
   956 ko.observable['fn'] = {
   957     "equalityComparer": function valuesArePrimitiveAndEqual(a, b) {
   958         var oldValueIsPrimitive = (a === null) || (typeof(a) in primitiveTypes);
   959         return oldValueIsPrimitive ? (a === b) : false;
   960     }
   961 };
   963 var protoProperty = ko.observable.protoProperty = "__ko_proto__";
   964 ko.observable['fn'][protoProperty] = ko.observable;
   966 ko.hasPrototype = function(instance, prototype) {
   967     if ((instance === null) || (instance === undefined) || (instance[protoProperty] === undefined)) return false;
   968     if (instance[protoProperty] === prototype) return true;
   969     return ko.hasPrototype(instance[protoProperty], prototype); // Walk the prototype chain
   970 };
   972 ko.isObservable = function (instance) {
   973     return ko.hasPrototype(instance, ko.observable);
   974 }
   975 ko.isWriteableObservable = function (instance) {
   976     // Observable
   977     if ((typeof instance == "function") && instance[protoProperty] === ko.observable)
   978         return true;
   979     // Writeable dependent observable
   980     if ((typeof instance == "function") && (instance[protoProperty] === ko.dependentObservable) && (instance.hasWriteFunction))
   981         return true;
   982     // Anything else
   983     return false;
   984 }
   987 ko.exportSymbol('observable', ko.observable);
   988 ko.exportSymbol('isObservable', ko.isObservable);
   989 ko.exportSymbol('isWriteableObservable', ko.isWriteableObservable);
   990 ko.observableArray = function (initialValues) {
   991     if (arguments.length == 0) {
   992         // Zero-parameter constructor initializes to empty array
   993         initialValues = [];
   994     }
   995     if ((initialValues !== null) && (initialValues !== undefined) && !('length' in initialValues))
   996         throw new Error("The argument passed when initializing an observable array must be an array, or null, or undefined.");
   998     var result = ko.observable(initialValues);
   999     ko.utils.extend(result, ko.observableArray['fn']);
  1000     return result;
  1001 }
  1003 ko.observableArray['fn'] = {
  1004     'remove': function (valueOrPredicate) {
  1005         var underlyingArray = this();
  1006         var removedValues = [];
  1007         var predicate = typeof valueOrPredicate == "function" ? valueOrPredicate : function (value) { return value === valueOrPredicate; };
  1008         for (var i = 0; i < underlyingArray.length; i++) {
  1009             var value = underlyingArray[i];
  1010             if (predicate(value)) {
  1011                 if (removedValues.length === 0) {
  1012                     this.valueWillMutate();
  1013                 }
  1014                 removedValues.push(value);
  1015                 underlyingArray.splice(i, 1);
  1016                 i--;
  1017             }
  1018         }
  1019         if (removedValues.length) {
  1020             this.valueHasMutated();
  1021         }
  1022         return removedValues;
  1023     },
  1025     'removeAll': function (arrayOfValues) {
  1026         // If you passed zero args, we remove everything
  1027         if (arrayOfValues === undefined) {
  1028             var underlyingArray = this();
  1029             var allValues = underlyingArray.slice(0);
  1030             this.valueWillMutate();
  1031             underlyingArray.splice(0, underlyingArray.length);
  1032             this.valueHasMutated();
  1033             return allValues;
  1034         }
  1035         // If you passed an arg, we interpret it as an array of entries to remove
  1036         if (!arrayOfValues)
  1037             return [];
  1038         return this['remove'](function (value) {
  1039             return ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(arrayOfValues, value) >= 0;
  1040         });
  1041     },
  1043     'destroy': function (valueOrPredicate) {
  1044         var underlyingArray = this();
  1045         var predicate = typeof valueOrPredicate == "function" ? valueOrPredicate : function (value) { return value === valueOrPredicate; };
  1046         this.valueWillMutate();
  1047         for (var i = underlyingArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  1048             var value = underlyingArray[i];
  1049             if (predicate(value))
  1050                 underlyingArray[i]["_destroy"] = true;
  1051         }
  1052         this.valueHasMutated();
  1053     },
  1055     'destroyAll': function (arrayOfValues) {
  1056         // If you passed zero args, we destroy everything
  1057         if (arrayOfValues === undefined)
  1058             return this['destroy'](function() { return true });
  1060         // If you passed an arg, we interpret it as an array of entries to destroy
  1061         if (!arrayOfValues)
  1062             return [];
  1063         return this['destroy'](function (value) {
  1064             return ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(arrayOfValues, value) >= 0;
  1065         });
  1066     },
  1068     'indexOf': function (item) {
  1069         var underlyingArray = this();
  1070         return ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(underlyingArray, item);
  1071     },
  1073     'replace': function(oldItem, newItem) {
  1074         var index = this['indexOf'](oldItem);
  1075         if (index >= 0) {
  1076             this.valueWillMutate();
  1077             this()[index] = newItem;
  1078             this.valueHasMutated();
  1079         }
  1080     }
  1081 }
  1083 // Populate ko.observableArray.fn with read/write functions from native arrays
  1084 ko.utils.arrayForEach(["pop", "push", "reverse", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift"], function (methodName) {
  1085     ko.observableArray['fn'][methodName] = function () {
  1086         var underlyingArray = this();
  1087         this.valueWillMutate();
  1088         var methodCallResult = underlyingArray[methodName].apply(underlyingArray, arguments);
  1089         this.valueHasMutated();
  1090         return methodCallResult;
  1091     };
  1092 });
  1094 // Populate ko.observableArray.fn with read-only functions from native arrays
  1095 ko.utils.arrayForEach(["slice"], function (methodName) {
  1096     ko.observableArray['fn'][methodName] = function () {
  1097         var underlyingArray = this();
  1098         return underlyingArray[methodName].apply(underlyingArray, arguments);
  1099     };
  1100 });
  1102 ko.exportSymbol('observableArray', ko.observableArray);
  1103 ko.dependentObservable = function (evaluatorFunctionOrOptions, evaluatorFunctionTarget, options) {
  1104     var _latestValue,
  1105         _hasBeenEvaluated = false,
  1106         _isBeingEvaluated = false,
  1107         readFunction = evaluatorFunctionOrOptions;
  1109     if (readFunction && typeof readFunction == "object") {
  1110         // Single-parameter syntax - everything is on this "options" param
  1111         options = readFunction;
  1112         readFunction = options["read"];
  1113     } else {
  1114         // Multi-parameter syntax - construct the options according to the params passed
  1115         options = options || {};
  1116         if (!readFunction)
  1117             readFunction = options["read"];
  1118     }
  1119     // By here, "options" is always non-null
  1120     if (typeof readFunction != "function")
  1121         throw new Error("Pass a function that returns the value of the ko.computed");
  1123     var writeFunction = options["write"];
  1124     if (!evaluatorFunctionTarget)
  1125         evaluatorFunctionTarget = options["owner"];
  1127     var _subscriptionsToDependencies = [];
  1128     function disposeAllSubscriptionsToDependencies() {
  1129         ko.utils.arrayForEach(_subscriptionsToDependencies, function (subscription) {
  1130             subscription.dispose();
  1131         });
  1132         _subscriptionsToDependencies = [];
  1133     }
  1134     var dispose = disposeAllSubscriptionsToDependencies;
  1136     // Build "disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved" and "disposeWhenNodeIsRemovedCallback" option values
  1137     // (Note: "disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved" option both proactively disposes as soon as the node is removed using ko.removeNode(),
  1138     // plus adds a "disposeWhen" callback that, on each evaluation, disposes if the node was removed by some other means.)
  1139     var disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved = (typeof options["disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved"] == "object") ? options["disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved"] : null;
  1140     var disposeWhen = options["disposeWhen"] || function() { return false; };
  1141     if (disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved) {
  1142         dispose = function() {
  1143             ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.removeDisposeCallback(disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved, arguments.callee);
  1144             disposeAllSubscriptionsToDependencies();
  1145         };
  1146         ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved, dispose);
  1147         var existingDisposeWhenFunction = disposeWhen;
  1148         disposeWhen = function () {
  1149             return !ko.utils.domNodeIsAttachedToDocument(disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved) || existingDisposeWhenFunction();
  1150         }
  1151     }
  1153     var evaluationTimeoutInstance = null;
  1154     function evaluatePossiblyAsync() {
  1155         var throttleEvaluationTimeout = dependentObservable['throttleEvaluation'];
  1156         if (throttleEvaluationTimeout && throttleEvaluationTimeout >= 0) {
  1157             clearTimeout(evaluationTimeoutInstance);
  1158             evaluationTimeoutInstance = setTimeout(evaluateImmediate, throttleEvaluationTimeout);
  1159         } else
  1160             evaluateImmediate();
  1161     }
  1163     function evaluateImmediate() {
  1164         if (_isBeingEvaluated) {
  1165             // If the evaluation of a ko.computed causes side effects, it's possible that it will trigger its own re-evaluation.
  1166             // This is not desirable (it's hard for a developer to realise a chain of dependencies might cause this, and they almost
  1167             // certainly didn't intend infinite re-evaluations). So, for predictability, we simply prevent ko.computeds from causing
  1168             // their own re-evaluation. Further discussion at
  1169             return;
  1170         }
  1172         // Don't dispose on first evaluation, because the "disposeWhen" callback might
  1173         // e.g., dispose when the associated DOM element isn't in the doc, and it's not
  1174         // going to be in the doc until *after* the first evaluation
  1175         if (_hasBeenEvaluated && disposeWhen()) {
  1176             dispose();
  1177             return;
  1178         }
  1180         _isBeingEvaluated = true;
  1181         try {
  1182             // Initially, we assume that none of the subscriptions are still being used (i.e., all are candidates for disposal).
  1183             // Then, during evaluation, we cross off any that are in fact still being used.
  1184             var disposalCandidates = ko.utils.arrayMap(_subscriptionsToDependencies, function(item) {return;});
  1186             ko.dependencyDetection.begin(function(subscribable) {
  1187                 var inOld;
  1188                 if ((inOld = ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(disposalCandidates, subscribable)) >= 0)
  1189                     disposalCandidates[inOld] = undefined; // Don't want to dispose this subscription, as it's still being used
  1190                 else
  1191                     _subscriptionsToDependencies.push(subscribable.subscribe(evaluatePossiblyAsync)); // Brand new subscription - add it
  1192             });
  1194             var newValue =;
  1196             // For each subscription no longer being used, remove it from the active subscriptions list and dispose it
  1197             for (var i = disposalCandidates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  1198                 if (disposalCandidates[i])
  1199                     _subscriptionsToDependencies.splice(i, 1)[0].dispose();
  1200             }
  1201             _hasBeenEvaluated = true;
  1203             dependentObservable["notifySubscribers"](_latestValue, "beforeChange");
  1204             _latestValue = newValue;
  1205             if (DEBUG) dependentObservable._latestValue = _latestValue;
  1206         } finally {
  1207             ko.dependencyDetection.end();
  1208         }
  1210         dependentObservable["notifySubscribers"](_latestValue);
  1211         _isBeingEvaluated = false;
  1213     }
  1215     function dependentObservable() {
  1216         if (arguments.length > 0) {
  1217             set.apply(dependentObservable, arguments);
  1218         } else {
  1219             return get();
  1220         }
  1221     }
  1223     function set() {
  1224         if (typeof writeFunction === "function") {
  1225             // Writing a value
  1226             writeFunction.apply(evaluatorFunctionTarget, arguments);
  1227         } else {
  1228             throw new Error("Cannot write a value to a ko.computed unless you specify a 'write' option. If you wish to read the current value, don't pass any parameters.");
  1229         }
  1230     }
  1232     function get() {
  1233         // Reading the value
  1234         if (!_hasBeenEvaluated)
  1235             evaluateImmediate();
  1236         ko.dependencyDetection.registerDependency(dependentObservable);
  1237         return _latestValue;
  1238     }
  1240     dependentObservable.getDependenciesCount = function () { return _subscriptionsToDependencies.length; };
  1241     dependentObservable.hasWriteFunction = typeof options["write"] === "function";
  1242     dependentObservable.dispose = function () { dispose(); };
  1245     ko.utils.extend(dependentObservable, ko.dependentObservable['fn']);
  1247     if (options['deferEvaluation'] !== true)
  1248         evaluateImmediate();
  1250     ko.exportProperty(dependentObservable, 'dispose', dependentObservable.dispose);
  1251     ko.exportProperty(dependentObservable, 'getDependenciesCount', dependentObservable.getDependenciesCount);
  1253     return dependentObservable;
  1254 };
  1256 ko.isComputed = function(instance) {
  1257     return ko.hasPrototype(instance, ko.dependentObservable);
  1258 };
  1260 var protoProp = ko.observable.protoProperty; // == "__ko_proto__"
  1261 ko.dependentObservable[protoProp] = ko.observable;
  1263 ko.dependentObservable['fn'] = {};
  1264 ko.dependentObservable['fn'][protoProp] = ko.dependentObservable;
  1266 ko.exportSymbol('dependentObservable', ko.dependentObservable);
  1267 ko.exportSymbol('computed', ko.dependentObservable); // Make "ko.computed" an alias for "ko.dependentObservable"
  1268 ko.exportSymbol('isComputed', ko.isComputed);
  1270 (function() {
  1271     var maxNestedObservableDepth = 10; // Escape the (unlikely) pathalogical case where an observable's current value is itself (or similar reference cycle)
  1273     ko.toJS = function(rootObject) {
  1274         if (arguments.length == 0)
  1275             throw new Error("When calling ko.toJS, pass the object you want to convert.");
  1277         // We just unwrap everything at every level in the object graph
  1278         return mapJsObjectGraph(rootObject, function(valueToMap) {
  1279             // Loop because an observable's value might in turn be another observable wrapper
  1280             for (var i = 0; ko.isObservable(valueToMap) && (i < maxNestedObservableDepth); i++)
  1281                 valueToMap = valueToMap();
  1282             return valueToMap;
  1283         });
  1284     };
  1286     ko.toJSON = function(rootObject, replacer, space) {     // replacer and space are optional
  1287         var plainJavaScriptObject = ko.toJS(rootObject);
  1288         return ko.utils.stringifyJson(plainJavaScriptObject, replacer, space);
  1289     };
  1291     function mapJsObjectGraph(rootObject, mapInputCallback, visitedObjects) {
  1292         visitedObjects = visitedObjects || new objectLookup();
  1294         rootObject = mapInputCallback(rootObject);
  1295         var canHaveProperties = (typeof rootObject == "object") && (rootObject !== null) && (rootObject !== undefined) && (!(rootObject instanceof Date));
  1296         if (!canHaveProperties)
  1297             return rootObject;
  1299         var outputProperties = rootObject instanceof Array ? [] : {};
  1300, outputProperties);
  1302         visitPropertiesOrArrayEntries(rootObject, function(indexer) {
  1303             var propertyValue = mapInputCallback(rootObject[indexer]);
  1305             switch (typeof propertyValue) {
  1306                 case "boolean":
  1307                 case "number":
  1308                 case "string":
  1309                 case "function":
  1310                     outputProperties[indexer] = propertyValue;
  1311                     break;
  1312                 case "object":
  1313                 case "undefined":
  1314                     var previouslyMappedValue = visitedObjects.get(propertyValue);
  1315                     outputProperties[indexer] = (previouslyMappedValue !== undefined)
  1316                         ? previouslyMappedValue
  1317                         : mapJsObjectGraph(propertyValue, mapInputCallback, visitedObjects);
  1318                     break;
  1319             }
  1320         });
  1322         return outputProperties;
  1323     }
  1325     function visitPropertiesOrArrayEntries(rootObject, visitorCallback) {
  1326         if (rootObject instanceof Array) {
  1327             for (var i = 0; i < rootObject.length; i++)
  1328                 visitorCallback(i);
  1330             // For arrays, also respect toJSON property for custom mappings (fixes #278)
  1331             if (typeof rootObject['toJSON'] == 'function')
  1332                 visitorCallback('toJSON');
  1333         } else {
  1334             for (var propertyName in rootObject)
  1335                 visitorCallback(propertyName);
  1336         }
  1337     };
  1339     function objectLookup() {
  1340         var keys = [];
  1341         var values = [];
  1342 = function(key, value) {
  1343             var existingIndex = ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(keys, key);
  1344             if (existingIndex >= 0)
  1345                 values[existingIndex] = value;
  1346             else {
  1347                 keys.push(key);
  1348                 values.push(value);
  1349             }
  1350         };
  1351         this.get = function(key) {
  1352             var existingIndex = ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(keys, key);
  1353             return (existingIndex >= 0) ? values[existingIndex] : undefined;
  1354         };
  1355     };
  1356 })();
  1358 ko.exportSymbol('toJS', ko.toJS);
  1359 ko.exportSymbol('toJSON', ko.toJSON);
  1360 (function () {
  1361     var hasDomDataExpandoProperty = '__ko__hasDomDataOptionValue__';
  1363     // Normally, SELECT elements and their OPTIONs can only take value of type 'string' (because the values
  1364     // are stored on DOM attributes). ko.selectExtensions provides a way for SELECTs/OPTIONs to have values
  1365     // that are arbitrary objects. This is very convenient when implementing things like cascading dropdowns.
  1366     ko.selectExtensions = {
  1367         readValue : function(element) {
  1368             switch (ko.utils.tagNameLower(element)) {
  1369                 case 'option':
  1370                     if (element[hasDomDataExpandoProperty] === true)
  1371                         return ko.utils.domData.get(element, ko.bindingHandlers.options.optionValueDomDataKey);
  1372                     return element.getAttribute("value");
  1373                 case 'select':
  1374                     return element.selectedIndex >= 0 ? ko.selectExtensions.readValue(element.options[element.selectedIndex]) : undefined;
  1375                 default:
  1376                     return element.value;
  1377             }
  1378         },
  1380         writeValue: function(element, value) {
  1381             switch (ko.utils.tagNameLower(element)) {
  1382                 case 'option':
  1383                     switch(typeof value) {
  1384                         case "string":
  1385                             ko.utils.domData.set(element, ko.bindingHandlers.options.optionValueDomDataKey, undefined);
  1386                             if (hasDomDataExpandoProperty in element) { // IE <= 8 throws errors if you delete non-existent properties from a DOM node
  1387                                 delete element[hasDomDataExpandoProperty];
  1388                             }
  1389                             element.value = value;
  1390                             break;
  1391                         default:
  1392                             // Store arbitrary object using DomData
  1393                             ko.utils.domData.set(element, ko.bindingHandlers.options.optionValueDomDataKey, value);
  1394                             element[hasDomDataExpandoProperty] = true;
  1396                             // Special treatment of numbers is just for backward compatibility. KO 1.2.1 wrote numerical values to element.value.
  1397                             element.value = typeof value === "number" ? value : "";
  1398                             break;
  1399                     }
  1400                     break;
  1401                 case 'select':
  1402                     for (var i = element.options.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  1403                         if (ko.selectExtensions.readValue(element.options[i]) == value) {
  1404                             element.selectedIndex = i;
  1405                             break;
  1406                         }
  1407                     }
  1408                     break;
  1409                 default:
  1410                     if ((value === null) || (value === undefined))
  1411                         value = "";
  1412                     element.value = value;
  1413                     break;
  1414             }
  1415         }
  1416     };
  1417 })();
  1419 ko.exportSymbol('selectExtensions', ko.selectExtensions);
  1420 ko.exportSymbol('selectExtensions.readValue', ko.selectExtensions.readValue);
  1421 ko.exportSymbol('selectExtensions.writeValue', ko.selectExtensions.writeValue);
  1423 ko.jsonExpressionRewriting = (function () {
  1424     var restoreCapturedTokensRegex = /\@ko_token_(\d+)\@/g;
  1425     var javaScriptAssignmentTarget = /^[\_$a-z][\_$a-z0-9]*(\[.*?\])*(\.[\_$a-z][\_$a-z0-9]*(\[.*?\])*)*$/i;
  1426     var javaScriptReservedWords = ["true", "false"];
  1428     function restoreTokens(string, tokens) {
  1429         var prevValue = null;
  1430         while (string != prevValue) { // Keep restoring tokens until it no longer makes a difference (they may be nested)
  1431             prevValue = string;
  1432             string = string.replace(restoreCapturedTokensRegex, function (match, tokenIndex) {
  1433                 return tokens[tokenIndex];
  1434             });
  1435         }
  1436         return string;
  1437     }
  1439     function isWriteableValue(expression) {
  1440         if (ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(javaScriptReservedWords, ko.utils.stringTrim(expression).toLowerCase()) >= 0)
  1441             return false;
  1442         return expression.match(javaScriptAssignmentTarget) !== null;
  1443     }
  1445     function ensureQuoted(key) {
  1446         var trimmedKey = ko.utils.stringTrim(key);
  1447         switch (trimmedKey.length && trimmedKey.charAt(0)) {
  1448             case "'":
  1449             case '"':
  1450                 return key;
  1451             default:
  1452                 return "'" + trimmedKey + "'";
  1453         }
  1454     }
  1456     return {
  1457         bindingRewriteValidators: [],
  1459         parseObjectLiteral: function(objectLiteralString) {
  1460             // A full tokeniser+lexer would add too much weight to this library, so here's a simple parser
  1461             // that is sufficient just to split an object literal string into a set of top-level key-value pairs
  1463             var str = ko.utils.stringTrim(objectLiteralString);
  1464             if (str.length < 3)
  1465                 return [];
  1466             if (str.charAt(0) === "{")// Ignore any braces surrounding the whole object literal
  1467                 str = str.substring(1, str.length - 1);
  1469             // Pull out any string literals and regex literals
  1470             var tokens = [];
  1471             var tokenStart = null, tokenEndChar;
  1472             for (var position = 0; position < str.length; position++) {
  1473                 var c = str.charAt(position);
  1474                 if (tokenStart === null) {
  1475                     switch (c) {
  1476                         case '"':
  1477                         case "'":
  1478                         case "/":
  1479                             tokenStart = position;
  1480                             tokenEndChar = c;
  1481                             break;
  1482                     }
  1483                 } else if ((c == tokenEndChar) && (str.charAt(position - 1) !== "\\")) {
  1484                     var token = str.substring(tokenStart, position + 1);
  1485                     tokens.push(token);
  1486                     var replacement = "@ko_token_" + (tokens.length - 1) + "@";
  1487                     str = str.substring(0, tokenStart) + replacement + str.substring(position + 1);
  1488                     position -= (token.length - replacement.length);
  1489                     tokenStart = null;
  1490                 }
  1491             }
  1493             // Next pull out balanced paren, brace, and bracket blocks
  1494             tokenStart = null;
  1495             tokenEndChar = null;
  1496             var tokenDepth = 0, tokenStartChar = null;
  1497             for (var position = 0; position < str.length; position++) {
  1498                 var c = str.charAt(position);
  1499                 if (tokenStart === null) {
  1500                     switch (c) {
  1501                         case "{": tokenStart = position; tokenStartChar = c;
  1502                                   tokenEndChar = "}";
  1503                                   break;
  1504                         case "(": tokenStart = position; tokenStartChar = c;
  1505                                   tokenEndChar = ")";
  1506                                   break;
  1507                         case "[": tokenStart = position; tokenStartChar = c;
  1508                                   tokenEndChar = "]";
  1509                                   break;
  1510                     }
  1511                 }
  1513                 if (c === tokenStartChar)
  1514                     tokenDepth++;
  1515                 else if (c === tokenEndChar) {
  1516                     tokenDepth--;
  1517                     if (tokenDepth === 0) {
  1518                         var token = str.substring(tokenStart, position + 1);
  1519                         tokens.push(token);
  1520                         var replacement = "@ko_token_" + (tokens.length - 1) + "@";
  1521                         str = str.substring(0, tokenStart) + replacement + str.substring(position + 1);
  1522                         position -= (token.length - replacement.length);
  1523                         tokenStart = null;
  1524                     }
  1525                 }
  1526             }
  1528             // Now we can safely split on commas to get the key/value pairs
  1529             var result = [];
  1530             var keyValuePairs = str.split(",");
  1531             for (var i = 0, j = keyValuePairs.length; i < j; i++) {
  1532                 var pair = keyValuePairs[i];
  1533                 var colonPos = pair.indexOf(":");
  1534                 if ((colonPos > 0) && (colonPos < pair.length - 1)) {
  1535                     var key = pair.substring(0, colonPos);
  1536                     var value = pair.substring(colonPos + 1);
  1537                     result.push({ 'key': restoreTokens(key, tokens), 'value': restoreTokens(value, tokens) });
  1538                 } else {
  1539                     result.push({ 'unknown': restoreTokens(pair, tokens) });
  1540                 }
  1541             }
  1542             return result;
  1543         },
  1545         insertPropertyAccessorsIntoJson: function (objectLiteralStringOrKeyValueArray) {
  1546             var keyValueArray = typeof objectLiteralStringOrKeyValueArray === "string"
  1547                 ? ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.parseObjectLiteral(objectLiteralStringOrKeyValueArray)
  1548                 : objectLiteralStringOrKeyValueArray;
  1549             var resultStrings = [], propertyAccessorResultStrings = [];
  1551             var keyValueEntry;
  1552             for (var i = 0; keyValueEntry = keyValueArray[i]; i++) {
  1553                 if (resultStrings.length > 0)
  1554                     resultStrings.push(",");
  1556                 if (keyValueEntry['key']) {
  1557                     var quotedKey = ensureQuoted(keyValueEntry['key']), val = keyValueEntry['value'];
  1558                     resultStrings.push(quotedKey);
  1559                     resultStrings.push(":");
  1560                     resultStrings.push(val);
  1562                     if (isWriteableValue(ko.utils.stringTrim(val))) {
  1563                         if (propertyAccessorResultStrings.length > 0)
  1564                             propertyAccessorResultStrings.push(", ");
  1565                         propertyAccessorResultStrings.push(quotedKey + " : function(__ko_value) { " + val + " = __ko_value; }");
  1566                     }
  1567                 } else if (keyValueEntry['unknown']) {
  1568                     resultStrings.push(keyValueEntry['unknown']);
  1569                 }
  1570             }
  1572             var combinedResult = resultStrings.join("");
  1573             if (propertyAccessorResultStrings.length > 0) {
  1574                 var allPropertyAccessors = propertyAccessorResultStrings.join("");
  1575                 combinedResult = combinedResult + ", '_ko_property_writers' : { " + allPropertyAccessors + " } ";
  1576             }
  1578             return combinedResult;
  1579         },
  1581         keyValueArrayContainsKey: function(keyValueArray, key) {
  1582             for (var i = 0; i < keyValueArray.length; i++)
  1583                 if (ko.utils.stringTrim(keyValueArray[i]['key']) == key)
  1584                     return true;
  1585             return false;
  1586         },
  1588         // Internal, private KO utility for updating model properties from within bindings
  1589         // property:            If the property being updated is (or might be) an observable, pass it here
  1590         //                      If it turns out to be a writable observable, it will be written to directly
  1591         // allBindingsAccessor: All bindings in the current execution context.
  1592         //                      This will be searched for a '_ko_property_writers' property in case you're writing to a non-observable
  1593         // key:                 The key identifying the property to be written. Example: for { hasFocus: myValue }, write to 'myValue' by specifying the key 'hasFocus'
  1594         // value:               The value to be written
  1595         // checkIfDifferent:    If true, and if the property being written is a writable observable, the value will only be written if
  1596         //                      it is !== existing value on that writable observable
  1597         writeValueToProperty: function(property, allBindingsAccessor, key, value, checkIfDifferent) {
  1598             if (!property || !ko.isWriteableObservable(property)) {
  1599                 var propWriters = allBindingsAccessor()['_ko_property_writers'];
  1600                 if (propWriters && propWriters[key])
  1601                     propWriters[key](value);
  1602             } else if (!checkIfDifferent || property() !== value) {
  1603                 property(value);
  1604             }
  1605         }
  1606     };
  1607 })();
  1609 ko.exportSymbol('jsonExpressionRewriting', ko.jsonExpressionRewriting);
  1610 ko.exportSymbol('jsonExpressionRewriting.bindingRewriteValidators', ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.bindingRewriteValidators);
  1611 ko.exportSymbol('jsonExpressionRewriting.parseObjectLiteral', ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.parseObjectLiteral);
  1612 ko.exportSymbol('jsonExpressionRewriting.insertPropertyAccessorsIntoJson', ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.insertPropertyAccessorsIntoJson);
  1613 (function() {
  1614     // "Virtual elements" is an abstraction on top of the usual DOM API which understands the notion that comment nodes
  1615     // may be used to represent hierarchy (in addition to the DOM's natural hierarchy).
  1616     // If you call the DOM-manipulating functions on ko.virtualElements, you will be able to read and write the state
  1617     // of that virtual hierarchy
  1618     //
  1619     // The point of all this is to support containerless templates (e.g., <!-- ko foreach:someCollection -->blah<!-- /ko -->)
  1620     // without having to scatter special cases all over the binding and templating code.
  1622     // IE 9 cannot reliably read the "nodeValue" property of a comment node (see
  1623     // but it does give them a nonstandard alternative property called "text" that it can read reliably. Other browsers don't have that property.
  1624     // So, use node.text where available, and node.nodeValue elsewhere
  1625     var commentNodesHaveTextProperty = document.createComment("test").text === "<!--test-->";
  1627     var startCommentRegex = commentNodesHaveTextProperty ? /^<!--\s*ko\s+(.*\:.*)\s*-->$/ : /^\s*ko\s+(.*\:.*)\s*$/;
  1628     var endCommentRegex =   commentNodesHaveTextProperty ? /^<!--\s*\/ko\s*-->$/ : /^\s*\/ko\s*$/;
  1629     var htmlTagsWithOptionallyClosingChildren = { 'ul': true, 'ol': true };
  1631     function isStartComment(node) {
  1632         return (node.nodeType == 8) && (commentNodesHaveTextProperty ? node.text : node.nodeValue).match(startCommentRegex);
  1633     }
  1635     function isEndComment(node) {
  1636         return (node.nodeType == 8) && (commentNodesHaveTextProperty ? node.text : node.nodeValue).match(endCommentRegex);
  1637     }
  1639     function getVirtualChildren(startComment, allowUnbalanced) {
  1640         var currentNode = startComment;
  1641         var depth = 1;
  1642         var children = [];
  1643         while (currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling) {
  1644             if (isEndComment(currentNode)) {
  1645                 depth--;
  1646                 if (depth === 0)
  1647                     return children;
  1648             }
  1650             children.push(currentNode);
  1652             if (isStartComment(currentNode))
  1653                 depth++;
  1654         }
  1655         if (!allowUnbalanced)
  1656             throw new Error("Cannot find closing comment tag to match: " + startComment.nodeValue);
  1657         return null;
  1658     }
  1660     function getMatchingEndComment(startComment, allowUnbalanced) {
  1661         var allVirtualChildren = getVirtualChildren(startComment, allowUnbalanced);
  1662         if (allVirtualChildren) {
  1663             if (allVirtualChildren.length > 0)
  1664                 return allVirtualChildren[allVirtualChildren.length - 1].nextSibling;
  1665             return startComment.nextSibling;
  1666         } else
  1667             return null; // Must have no matching end comment, and allowUnbalanced is true
  1668     }
  1670     function getUnbalancedChildTags(node) {
  1671         // e.g., from <div>OK</div><!-- ko blah --><span>Another</span>, returns: <!-- ko blah --><span>Another</span>
  1672         //       from <div>OK</div><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko -->,             returns: <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko -->
  1673         var childNode = node.firstChild, captureRemaining = null;
  1674         if (childNode) {
  1675             do {
  1676                 if (captureRemaining)                   // We already hit an unbalanced node and are now just scooping up all subsequent nodes
  1677                     captureRemaining.push(childNode);
  1678                 else if (isStartComment(childNode)) {
  1679                     var matchingEndComment = getMatchingEndComment(childNode, /* allowUnbalanced: */ true);
  1680                     if (matchingEndComment)             // It's a balanced tag, so skip immediately to the end of this virtual set
  1681                         childNode = matchingEndComment;
  1682                     else
  1683                         captureRemaining = [childNode]; // It's unbalanced, so start capturing from this point
  1684                 } else if (isEndComment(childNode)) {
  1685                     captureRemaining = [childNode];     // It's unbalanced (if it wasn't, we'd have skipped over it already), so start capturing
  1686                 }
  1687             } while (childNode = childNode.nextSibling);
  1688         }
  1689         return captureRemaining;
  1690     }
  1692     ko.virtualElements = {
  1693         allowedBindings: {},
  1695         childNodes: function(node) {
  1696             return isStartComment(node) ? getVirtualChildren(node) : node.childNodes;
  1697         },
  1699         emptyNode: function(node) {
  1700             if (!isStartComment(node))
  1701                 ko.utils.emptyDomNode(node);
  1702             else {
  1703                 var virtualChildren = ko.virtualElements.childNodes(node);
  1704                 for (var i = 0, j = virtualChildren.length; i < j; i++)
  1705                     ko.removeNode(virtualChildren[i]);
  1706             }
  1707         },
  1709         setDomNodeChildren: function(node, childNodes) {
  1710             if (!isStartComment(node))
  1711                 ko.utils.setDomNodeChildren(node, childNodes);
  1712             else {
  1713                 ko.virtualElements.emptyNode(node);
  1714                 var endCommentNode = node.nextSibling; // Must be the next sibling, as we just emptied the children
  1715                 for (var i = 0, j = childNodes.length; i < j; i++)
  1716                     endCommentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(childNodes[i], endCommentNode);
  1717             }
  1718         },
  1720         prepend: function(containerNode, nodeToPrepend) {
  1721             if (!isStartComment(containerNode)) {
  1722                 if (containerNode.firstChild)
  1723                     containerNode.insertBefore(nodeToPrepend, containerNode.firstChild);
  1724                 else
  1725                     containerNode.appendChild(nodeToPrepend);
  1726             } else {
  1727                 // Start comments must always have a parent and at least one following sibling (the end comment)
  1728                 containerNode.parentNode.insertBefore(nodeToPrepend, containerNode.nextSibling);
  1729             }
  1730         },
  1732         insertAfter: function(containerNode, nodeToInsert, insertAfterNode) {
  1733             if (!isStartComment(containerNode)) {
  1734                 // Insert after insertion point
  1735                 if (insertAfterNode.nextSibling)
  1736                     containerNode.insertBefore(nodeToInsert, insertAfterNode.nextSibling);
  1737                 else
  1738                     containerNode.appendChild(nodeToInsert);
  1739             } else {
  1740                 // Children of start comments must always have a parent and at least one following sibling (the end comment)
  1741                 containerNode.parentNode.insertBefore(nodeToInsert, insertAfterNode.nextSibling);
  1742             }
  1743         },
  1745         firstChild: function(node) {
  1746             if (!isStartComment(node))
  1747                 return node.firstChild;
  1748             if (!node.nextSibling || isEndComment(node.nextSibling))
  1749                 return null;
  1750             return node.nextSibling;
  1751         },
  1753         nextSibling: function(node) {
  1754             if (isStartComment(node))
  1755                 node = getMatchingEndComment(node);
  1756             if (node.nextSibling && isEndComment(node.nextSibling))
  1757                 return null;
  1758             return node.nextSibling;
  1759         },
  1761         virtualNodeBindingValue: function(node) {
  1762             var regexMatch = isStartComment(node);
  1763             return regexMatch ? regexMatch[1] : null;
  1764         },
  1766         normaliseVirtualElementDomStructure: function(elementVerified) {
  1767             // Workaround for
  1768             // (IE <= 8 or IE 9 quirks mode parses your HTML weirdly, treating closing </li> tags as if they don't exist, thereby moving comment nodes
  1769             // that are direct descendants of <ul> into the preceding <li>)
  1770             if (!htmlTagsWithOptionallyClosingChildren[ko.utils.tagNameLower(elementVerified)])
  1771                 return;
  1773             // Scan immediate children to see if they contain unbalanced comment tags. If they do, those comment tags
  1774             // must be intended to appear *after* that child, so move them there.
  1775             var childNode = elementVerified.firstChild;
  1776             if (childNode) {
  1777                 do {
  1778                     if (childNode.nodeType === 1) {
  1779                         var unbalancedTags = getUnbalancedChildTags(childNode);
  1780                         if (unbalancedTags) {
  1781                             // Fix up the DOM by moving the unbalanced tags to where they most likely were intended to be placed - *after* the child
  1782                             var nodeToInsertBefore = childNode.nextSibling;
  1783                             for (var i = 0; i < unbalancedTags.length; i++) {
  1784                                 if (nodeToInsertBefore)
  1785                                     elementVerified.insertBefore(unbalancedTags[i], nodeToInsertBefore);
  1786                                 else
  1787                                     elementVerified.appendChild(unbalancedTags[i]);
  1788                             }
  1789                         }
  1790                     }
  1791                 } while (childNode = childNode.nextSibling);
  1792             }
  1793         }
  1794     };
  1795 })();
  1796 ko.exportSymbol('virtualElements', ko.virtualElements);
  1797 ko.exportSymbol('virtualElements.allowedBindings', ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings);
  1798 ko.exportSymbol('virtualElements.emptyNode', ko.virtualElements.emptyNode);
  1799 //ko.exportSymbol('virtualElements.firstChild', ko.virtualElements.firstChild);     // firstChild is not minified
  1800 ko.exportSymbol('virtualElements.insertAfter', ko.virtualElements.insertAfter);
  1801 //ko.exportSymbol('virtualElements.nextSibling', ko.virtualElements.nextSibling);   // nextSibling is not minified
  1802 ko.exportSymbol('virtualElements.prepend', ko.virtualElements.prepend);
  1803 ko.exportSymbol('virtualElements.setDomNodeChildren', ko.virtualElements.setDomNodeChildren);
  1804 (function() {
  1805     var defaultBindingAttributeName = "data-bind";
  1807     ko.bindingProvider = function() {
  1808         this.bindingCache = {};
  1809     };
  1811     ko.utils.extend(ko.bindingProvider.prototype, {
  1812         'nodeHasBindings': function(node) {
  1813             switch (node.nodeType) {
  1814                 case 1: return node.getAttribute(defaultBindingAttributeName) != null;   // Element
  1815                 case 8: return ko.virtualElements.virtualNodeBindingValue(node) != null; // Comment node
  1816                 default: return false;
  1817             }
  1818         },
  1820         'getBindings': function(node, bindingContext) {
  1821             var bindingsString = this['getBindingsString'](node, bindingContext);
  1822             return bindingsString ? this['parseBindingsString'](bindingsString, bindingContext) : null;
  1823         },
  1825         // The following function is only used internally by this default provider.
  1826         // It's not part of the interface definition for a general binding provider.
  1827         'getBindingsString': function(node, bindingContext) {
  1828             switch (node.nodeType) {
  1829                 case 1: return node.getAttribute(defaultBindingAttributeName);   // Element
  1830                 case 8: return ko.virtualElements.virtualNodeBindingValue(node); // Comment node
  1831                 default: return null;
  1832             }
  1833         },
  1835         // The following function is only used internally by this default provider.
  1836         // It's not part of the interface definition for a general binding provider.
  1837         'parseBindingsString': function(bindingsString, bindingContext) {
  1838             try {
  1839                 var viewModel = bindingContext['$data'],
  1840                     scopes = (typeof viewModel == 'object' && viewModel != null) ? [viewModel, bindingContext] : [bindingContext],
  1841                     bindingFunction = createBindingsStringEvaluatorViaCache(bindingsString, scopes.length, this.bindingCache);
  1842                 return bindingFunction(scopes);
  1843             } catch (ex) {
  1844                 throw new Error("Unable to parse bindings.\nMessage: " + ex + ";\nBindings value: " + bindingsString);
  1845             }
  1846         }
  1847     });
  1849     ko.bindingProvider['instance'] = new ko.bindingProvider();
  1851     function createBindingsStringEvaluatorViaCache(bindingsString, scopesCount, cache) {
  1852         var cacheKey = scopesCount + '_' + bindingsString;
  1853         return cache[cacheKey]
  1854             || (cache[cacheKey] = createBindingsStringEvaluator(bindingsString, scopesCount));
  1855     }
  1857     function createBindingsStringEvaluator(bindingsString, scopesCount) {
  1858         var rewrittenBindings = " { " + ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.insertPropertyAccessorsIntoJson(bindingsString) + " } ";
  1859         return ko.utils.buildEvalWithinScopeFunction(rewrittenBindings, scopesCount);
  1860     }
  1861 })();
  1863 ko.exportSymbol('bindingProvider', ko.bindingProvider);
  1864 (function () {
  1865     ko.bindingHandlers = {};
  1867     ko.bindingContext = function(dataItem, parentBindingContext) {
  1868         if (parentBindingContext) {
  1869             ko.utils.extend(this, parentBindingContext); // Inherit $root and any custom properties
  1870             this['$parentContext'] = parentBindingContext;
  1871             this['$parent'] = parentBindingContext['$data'];
  1872             this['$parents'] = (parentBindingContext['$parents'] || []).slice(0);
  1873             this['$parents'].unshift(this['$parent']);
  1874         } else {
  1875             this['$parents'] = [];
  1876             this['$root'] = dataItem;
  1877         }
  1878         this['$data'] = dataItem;
  1879     }
  1880     ko.bindingContext.prototype['createChildContext'] = function (dataItem) {
  1881         return new ko.bindingContext(dataItem, this);
  1882     };
  1883     ko.bindingContext.prototype['extend'] = function(properties) {
  1884         var clone = ko.utils.extend(new ko.bindingContext(), this);
  1885         return ko.utils.extend(clone, properties);
  1886     };
  1888     function validateThatBindingIsAllowedForVirtualElements(bindingName) {
  1889         var validator = ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings[bindingName];
  1890         if (!validator)
  1891             throw new Error("The binding '" + bindingName + "' cannot be used with virtual elements")
  1892     }
  1894     function applyBindingsToDescendantsInternal (viewModel, elementOrVirtualElement, bindingContextsMayDifferFromDomParentElement) {
  1895         var currentChild, nextInQueue = ko.virtualElements.firstChild(elementOrVirtualElement);
  1896         while (currentChild = nextInQueue) {
  1897             // Keep a record of the next child *before* applying bindings, in case the binding removes the current child from its position
  1898             nextInQueue = ko.virtualElements.nextSibling(currentChild);
  1899             applyBindingsToNodeAndDescendantsInternal(viewModel, currentChild, bindingContextsMayDifferFromDomParentElement);
  1900         }
  1901     }
  1903     function applyBindingsToNodeAndDescendantsInternal (viewModel, nodeVerified, bindingContextMayDifferFromDomParentElement) {
  1904         var shouldBindDescendants = true;
  1906         // Perf optimisation: Apply bindings only if...
  1907         // (1) We need to store the binding context on this node (because it may differ from the DOM parent node's binding context)
  1908         //     Note that we can't store binding contexts on non-elements (e.g., text nodes), as IE doesn't allow expando properties for those
  1909         // (2) It might have bindings (e.g., it has a data-bind attribute, or it's a marker for a containerless template)
  1910         var isElement = (nodeVerified.nodeType === 1);
  1911         if (isElement) // Workaround IE <= 8 HTML parsing weirdness
  1912             ko.virtualElements.normaliseVirtualElementDomStructure(nodeVerified);
  1914         var shouldApplyBindings = (isElement && bindingContextMayDifferFromDomParentElement)             // Case (1)
  1915                                || ko.bindingProvider['instance']['nodeHasBindings'](nodeVerified);       // Case (2)
  1916         if (shouldApplyBindings)
  1917             shouldBindDescendants = applyBindingsToNodeInternal(nodeVerified, null, viewModel, bindingContextMayDifferFromDomParentElement).shouldBindDescendants;
  1919         if (shouldBindDescendants) {
  1920             // We're recursing automatically into (real or virtual) child nodes without changing binding contexts. So,
  1921             //  * For children of a *real* element, the binding context is certainly the same as on their DOM .parentNode,
  1922             //    hence bindingContextsMayDifferFromDomParentElement is false
  1923             //  * For children of a *virtual* element, we can't be sure. Evaluating .parentNode on those children may
  1924             //    skip over any number of intermediate virtual elements, any of which might define a custom binding context,
  1925             //    hence bindingContextsMayDifferFromDomParentElement is true
  1926             applyBindingsToDescendantsInternal(viewModel, nodeVerified, /* bindingContextsMayDifferFromDomParentElement: */ !isElement);
  1927         }
  1928     }
  1930     function applyBindingsToNodeInternal (node, bindings, viewModelOrBindingContext, bindingContextMayDifferFromDomParentElement) {
  1931         // Need to be sure that inits are only run once, and updates never run until all the inits have been run
  1932         var initPhase = 0; // 0 = before all inits, 1 = during inits, 2 = after all inits
  1934         // Each time the dependentObservable is evaluated (after data changes),
  1935         // the binding attribute is reparsed so that it can pick out the correct
  1936         // model properties in the context of the changed data.
  1937         // DOM event callbacks need to be able to access this changed data,
  1938         // so we need a single parsedBindings variable (shared by all callbacks
  1939         // associated with this node's bindings) that all the closures can access.
  1940         var parsedBindings;
  1941         function makeValueAccessor(bindingKey) {
  1942             return function () { return parsedBindings[bindingKey] }
  1943         }
  1944         function parsedBindingsAccessor() {
  1945             return parsedBindings;
  1946         }
  1948         var bindingHandlerThatControlsDescendantBindings;
  1949         ko.dependentObservable(
  1950             function () {
  1951                 // Ensure we have a nonnull binding context to work with
  1952                 var bindingContextInstance = viewModelOrBindingContext && (viewModelOrBindingContext instanceof ko.bindingContext)
  1953                     ? viewModelOrBindingContext
  1954                     : new ko.bindingContext(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(viewModelOrBindingContext));
  1955                 var viewModel = bindingContextInstance['$data'];
  1957                 // Optimization: Don't store the binding context on this node if it's definitely the same as on node.parentNode, because
  1958                 // we can easily recover it just by scanning up the node's ancestors in the DOM
  1959                 // (note: here, parent node means "real DOM parent" not "virtual parent", as there's no O(1) way to find the virtual parent)
  1960                 if (bindingContextMayDifferFromDomParentElement)
  1961                     ko.storedBindingContextForNode(node, bindingContextInstance);
  1963                 // Use evaluatedBindings if given, otherwise fall back on asking the bindings provider to give us some bindings
  1964                 var evaluatedBindings = (typeof bindings == "function") ? bindings() : bindings;
  1965                 parsedBindings = evaluatedBindings || ko.bindingProvider['instance']['getBindings'](node, bindingContextInstance);
  1967                 if (parsedBindings) {
  1968                     // First run all the inits, so bindings can register for notification on changes
  1969                     if (initPhase === 0) {
  1970                         initPhase = 1;
  1971                         for (var bindingKey in parsedBindings) {
  1972                             var binding = ko.bindingHandlers[bindingKey];
  1973                             if (binding && node.nodeType === 8)
  1974                                 validateThatBindingIsAllowedForVirtualElements(bindingKey);
  1976                             if (binding && typeof binding["init"] == "function") {
  1977                                 var handlerInitFn = binding["init"];
  1978                                 var initResult = handlerInitFn(node, makeValueAccessor(bindingKey), parsedBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContextInstance);
  1980                                 // If this binding handler claims to control descendant bindings, make a note of this
  1981                                 if (initResult && initResult['controlsDescendantBindings']) {
  1982                                     if (bindingHandlerThatControlsDescendantBindings !== undefined)
  1983                                         throw new Error("Multiple bindings (" + bindingHandlerThatControlsDescendantBindings + " and " + bindingKey + ") are trying to control descendant bindings of the same element. You cannot use these bindings together on the same element.");
  1984                                     bindingHandlerThatControlsDescendantBindings = bindingKey;
  1985                                 }
  1986                             }
  1987                         }
  1988                         initPhase = 2;
  1989                     }
  1991                     // ... then run all the updates, which might trigger changes even on the first evaluation
  1992                     if (initPhase === 2) {
  1993                         for (var bindingKey in parsedBindings) {
  1994                             var binding = ko.bindingHandlers[bindingKey];
  1995                             if (binding && typeof binding["update"] == "function") {
  1996                                 var handlerUpdateFn = binding["update"];
  1997                                 handlerUpdateFn(node, makeValueAccessor(bindingKey), parsedBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContextInstance);
  1998                             }
  1999                         }
  2000                     }
  2001                 }
  2002             },
  2003             null,
  2004             { 'disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved' : node }
  2005         );
  2007         return {
  2008             shouldBindDescendants: bindingHandlerThatControlsDescendantBindings === undefined
  2009         };
  2010     };
  2012     var storedBindingContextDomDataKey = "__ko_bindingContext__";
  2013     ko.storedBindingContextForNode = function (node, bindingContext) {
  2014         if (arguments.length == 2)
  2015             ko.utils.domData.set(node, storedBindingContextDomDataKey, bindingContext);
  2016         else
  2017             return ko.utils.domData.get(node, storedBindingContextDomDataKey);
  2018     }
  2020     ko.applyBindingsToNode = function (node, bindings, viewModel) {
  2021         if (node.nodeType === 1) // If it's an element, workaround IE <= 8 HTML parsing weirdness
  2022             ko.virtualElements.normaliseVirtualElementDomStructure(node);
  2023         return applyBindingsToNodeInternal(node, bindings, viewModel, true);
  2024     };
  2026     ko.applyBindingsToDescendants = function(viewModel, rootNode) {
  2027         if (rootNode.nodeType === 1 || rootNode.nodeType === 8)
  2028             applyBindingsToDescendantsInternal(viewModel, rootNode, true);
  2029     };
  2031     ko.applyBindings = function (viewModel, rootNode) {
  2032         if (rootNode && (rootNode.nodeType !== 1) && (rootNode.nodeType !== 8))
  2033             throw new Error("ko.applyBindings: first parameter should be your view model; second parameter should be a DOM node");
  2034         rootNode = rootNode || window.document.body; // Make "rootNode" parameter optional
  2036         applyBindingsToNodeAndDescendantsInternal(viewModel, rootNode, true);
  2037     };
  2039     // Retrieving binding context from arbitrary nodes
  2040     ko.contextFor = function(node) {
  2041         // We can only do something meaningful for elements and comment nodes (in particular, not text nodes, as IE can't store domdata for them)
  2042         switch (node.nodeType) {
  2043             case 1:
  2044             case 8:
  2045                 var context = ko.storedBindingContextForNode(node);
  2046                 if (context) return context;
  2047                 if (node.parentNode) return ko.contextFor(node.parentNode);
  2048                 break;
  2049         }
  2050         return undefined;
  2051     };
  2052     ko.dataFor = function(node) {
  2053         var context = ko.contextFor(node);
  2054         return context ? context['$data'] : undefined;
  2055     };
  2057     ko.exportSymbol('bindingHandlers', ko.bindingHandlers);
  2058     ko.exportSymbol('applyBindings', ko.applyBindings);
  2059     ko.exportSymbol('applyBindingsToDescendants', ko.applyBindingsToDescendants);
  2060     ko.exportSymbol('applyBindingsToNode', ko.applyBindingsToNode);
  2061     ko.exportSymbol('contextFor', ko.contextFor);
  2062     ko.exportSymbol('dataFor', ko.dataFor);
  2063 })();
  2064 // For certain common events (currently just 'click'), allow a simplified data-binding syntax
  2065 // e.g. click:handler instead of the usual full-length event:{click:handler}
  2066 var eventHandlersWithShortcuts = ['click'];
  2067 ko.utils.arrayForEach(eventHandlersWithShortcuts, function(eventName) {
  2068     ko.bindingHandlers[eventName] = {
  2069         'init': function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
  2070             var newValueAccessor = function () {
  2071                 var result = {};
  2072                 result[eventName] = valueAccessor();
  2073                 return result;
  2074             };
  2075             return ko.bindingHandlers['event']['init'].call(this, element, newValueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel);
  2076         }
  2077     }
  2078 });
  2081 ko.bindingHandlers['event'] = {
  2082     'init' : function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
  2083         var eventsToHandle = valueAccessor() || {};
  2084         for(var eventNameOutsideClosure in eventsToHandle) {
  2085             (function() {
  2086                 var eventName = eventNameOutsideClosure; // Separate variable to be captured by event handler closure
  2087                 if (typeof eventName == "string") {
  2088                     ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, eventName, function (event) {
  2089                         var handlerReturnValue;
  2090                         var handlerFunction = valueAccessor()[eventName];
  2091                         if (!handlerFunction)
  2092                             return;
  2093                         var allBindings = allBindingsAccessor();
  2095                         try {
  2096                             // Take all the event args, and prefix with the viewmodel
  2097                             var argsForHandler = ko.utils.makeArray(arguments);
  2098                             argsForHandler.unshift(viewModel);
  2099                             handlerReturnValue = handlerFunction.apply(viewModel, argsForHandler);
  2100                         } finally {
  2101                             if (handlerReturnValue !== true) { // Normally we want to prevent default action. Developer can override this be explicitly returning true.
  2102                                 if (event.preventDefault)
  2103                                     event.preventDefault();
  2104                                 else
  2105                                     event.returnValue = false;
  2106                             }
  2107                         }
  2109                         var bubble = allBindings[eventName + 'Bubble'] !== false;
  2110                         if (!bubble) {
  2111                             event.cancelBubble = true;
  2112                             if (event.stopPropagation)
  2113                                 event.stopPropagation();
  2114                         }
  2115                     });
  2116                 }
  2117             })();
  2118         }
  2119     }
  2120 };
  2122 ko.bindingHandlers['submit'] = {
  2123     'init': function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
  2124         if (typeof valueAccessor() != "function")
  2125             throw new Error("The value for a submit binding must be a function");
  2126         ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "submit", function (event) {
  2127             var handlerReturnValue;
  2128             var value = valueAccessor();
  2129             try { handlerReturnValue =, element); }
  2130             finally {
  2131                 if (handlerReturnValue !== true) { // Normally we want to prevent default action. Developer can override this be explicitly returning true.
  2132                     if (event.preventDefault)
  2133                         event.preventDefault();
  2134                     else
  2135                         event.returnValue = false;
  2136                 }
  2137             }
  2138         });
  2139     }
  2140 };
  2142 ko.bindingHandlers['visible'] = {
  2143     'update': function (element, valueAccessor) {
  2144         var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
  2145         var isCurrentlyVisible = !( == "none");
  2146         if (value && !isCurrentlyVisible)
  2147    = "";
  2148         else if ((!value) && isCurrentlyVisible)
  2149    = "none";
  2150     }
  2151 }
  2153 ko.bindingHandlers['enable'] = {
  2154     'update': function (element, valueAccessor) {
  2155         var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
  2156         if (value && element.disabled)
  2157             element.removeAttribute("disabled");
  2158         else if ((!value) && (!element.disabled))
  2159             element.disabled = true;
  2160     }
  2161 };
  2163 ko.bindingHandlers['disable'] = {
  2164     'update': function (element, valueAccessor) {
  2165         ko.bindingHandlers['enable']['update'](element, function() { return !ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()) });
  2166     }
  2167 };
  2169 function ensureDropdownSelectionIsConsistentWithModelValue(element, modelValue, preferModelValue) {
  2170     if (preferModelValue) {
  2171         if (modelValue !== ko.selectExtensions.readValue(element))
  2172             ko.selectExtensions.writeValue(element, modelValue);
  2173     }
  2175     // No matter which direction we're syncing in, we want the end result to be equality between dropdown value and model value.
  2176     // If they aren't equal, either we prefer the dropdown value, or the model value couldn't be represented, so either way,
  2177     // change the model value to match the dropdown.
  2178     if (modelValue !== ko.selectExtensions.readValue(element))
  2179         ko.utils.triggerEvent(element, "change");
  2180 };
  2182 ko.bindingHandlers['value'] = {
  2183     'init': function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
  2184         // Always catch "change" event; possibly other events too if asked
  2185         var eventsToCatch = ["change"];
  2186         var requestedEventsToCatch = allBindingsAccessor()["valueUpdate"];
  2187         if (requestedEventsToCatch) {
  2188             if (typeof requestedEventsToCatch == "string") // Allow both individual event names, and arrays of event names
  2189                 requestedEventsToCatch = [requestedEventsToCatch];
  2190             ko.utils.arrayPushAll(eventsToCatch, requestedEventsToCatch);
  2191             eventsToCatch = ko.utils.arrayGetDistinctValues(eventsToCatch);
  2192         }
  2194         var valueUpdateHandler = function() {
  2195             var modelValue = valueAccessor();
  2196             var elementValue = ko.selectExtensions.readValue(element);
  2197             ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.writeValueToProperty(modelValue, allBindingsAccessor, 'value', elementValue, /* checkIfDifferent: */ true);
  2198         }
  2200         // Workaround for
  2201         // IE doesn't fire "change" events on textboxes if the user selects a value from its autocomplete list
  2202         var ieAutoCompleteHackNeeded = ko.utils.ieVersion && element.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" && element.type == "text"
  2203                                        && element.autocomplete != "off" && (!element.form || element.form.autocomplete != "off");
  2204         if (ieAutoCompleteHackNeeded && ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(eventsToCatch, "propertychange") == -1) {
  2205             var propertyChangedFired = false;
  2206             ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "propertychange", function () { propertyChangedFired = true });
  2207             ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "blur", function() {
  2208                 if (propertyChangedFired) {
  2209                     propertyChangedFired = false;
  2210                     valueUpdateHandler();
  2211                 }
  2212             });
  2213         }
  2215         ko.utils.arrayForEach(eventsToCatch, function(eventName) {
  2216             // The syntax "after<eventname>" means "run the handler asynchronously after the event"
  2217             // This is useful, for example, to catch "keydown" events after the browser has updated the control
  2218             // (otherwise, ko.selectExtensions.readValue(this) will receive the control's value *before* the key event)
  2219             var handler = valueUpdateHandler;
  2220             if (ko.utils.stringStartsWith(eventName, "after")) {
  2221                 handler = function() { setTimeout(valueUpdateHandler, 0) };
  2222                 eventName = eventName.substring("after".length);
  2223             }
  2224             ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, eventName, handler);
  2225         });
  2226     },
  2227     'update': function (element, valueAccessor) {
  2228         var valueIsSelectOption = ko.utils.tagNameLower(element) === "select";
  2229         var newValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
  2230         var elementValue = ko.selectExtensions.readValue(element);
  2231         var valueHasChanged = (newValue != elementValue);
  2233         // JavaScript's 0 == "" behavious is unfortunate here as it prevents writing 0 to an empty text box (loose equality suggests the values are the same).
  2234         // We don't want to do a strict equality comparison as that is more confusing for developers in certain cases, so we specifically special case 0 != "" here.
  2235         if ((newValue === 0) && (elementValue !== 0) && (elementValue !== "0"))
  2236             valueHasChanged = true;
  2238         if (valueHasChanged) {
  2239             var applyValueAction = function () { ko.selectExtensions.writeValue(element, newValue); };
  2240             applyValueAction();
  2242             // Workaround for IE6 bug: It won't reliably apply values to SELECT nodes during the same execution thread
  2243             // right after you've changed the set of OPTION nodes on it. So for that node type, we'll schedule a second thread
  2244             // to apply the value as well.
  2245             var alsoApplyAsynchronously = valueIsSelectOption;
  2246             if (alsoApplyAsynchronously)
  2247                 setTimeout(applyValueAction, 0);
  2248         }
  2250         // If you try to set a model value that can't be represented in an already-populated dropdown, reject that change,
  2251         // because you're not allowed to have a model value that disagrees with a visible UI selection.
  2252         if (valueIsSelectOption && (element.length > 0))
  2253             ensureDropdownSelectionIsConsistentWithModelValue(element, newValue, /* preferModelValue */ false);
  2254     }
  2255 };
  2257 ko.bindingHandlers['options'] = {
  2258     'update': function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
  2259         if (ko.utils.tagNameLower(element) !== "select")
  2260             throw new Error("options binding applies only to SELECT elements");
  2262         var selectWasPreviouslyEmpty = element.length == 0;
  2263         var previousSelectedValues = ko.utils.arrayMap(ko.utils.arrayFilter(element.childNodes, function (node) {
  2264             return node.tagName && (ko.utils.tagNameLower(node) === "option") && node.selected;
  2265         }), function (node) {
  2266             return ko.selectExtensions.readValue(node) || node.innerText || node.textContent;
  2267         });
  2268         var previousScrollTop = element.scrollTop;
  2270         var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
  2271         var selectedValue = element.value;
  2273         // Remove all existing <option>s.
  2274         // Need to use .remove() rather than .removeChild() for <option>s otherwise IE behaves oddly (
  2275         while (element.length > 0) {
  2276             ko.cleanNode(element.options[0]);
  2277             element.remove(0);
  2278         }
  2280         if (value) {
  2281             var allBindings = allBindingsAccessor();
  2282             if (typeof value.length != "number")
  2283                 value = [value];
  2284             if (allBindings['optionsCaption']) {
  2285                 var option = document.createElement("option");
  2286                 ko.utils.setHtml(option, allBindings['optionsCaption']);
  2287                 ko.selectExtensions.writeValue(option, undefined);
  2288                 element.appendChild(option);
  2289             }
  2290             for (var i = 0, j = value.length; i < j; i++) {
  2291                 var option = document.createElement("option");
  2293                 // Apply a value to the option element
  2294                 var optionValue = typeof allBindings['optionsValue'] == "string" ? value[i][allBindings['optionsValue']] : value[i];
  2295                 optionValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(optionValue);
  2296                 ko.selectExtensions.writeValue(option, optionValue);
  2298                 // Apply some text to the option element
  2299                 var optionsTextValue = allBindings['optionsText'];
  2300                 var optionText;
  2301                 if (typeof optionsTextValue == "function")
  2302                     optionText = optionsTextValue(value[i]); // Given a function; run it against the data value
  2303                 else if (typeof optionsTextValue == "string")
  2304                     optionText = value[i][optionsTextValue]; // Given a string; treat it as a property name on the data value
  2305                 else
  2306                     optionText = optionValue;				 // Given no optionsText arg; use the data value itself
  2307                 if ((optionText === null) || (optionText === undefined))
  2308                     optionText = "";
  2310                 ko.utils.setTextContent(option, optionText);
  2312                 element.appendChild(option);
  2313             }
  2315             // IE6 doesn't like us to assign selection to OPTION nodes before they're added to the document.
  2316             // That's why we first added them without selection. Now it's time to set the selection.
  2317             var newOptions = element.getElementsByTagName("option");
  2318             var countSelectionsRetained = 0;
  2319             for (var i = 0, j = newOptions.length; i < j; i++) {
  2320                 if (ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(previousSelectedValues, ko.selectExtensions.readValue(newOptions[i])) >= 0) {
  2321                     ko.utils.setOptionNodeSelectionState(newOptions[i], true);
  2322                     countSelectionsRetained++;
  2323                 }
  2324             }
  2326             element.scrollTop = previousScrollTop;
  2328             if (selectWasPreviouslyEmpty && ('value' in allBindings)) {
  2329                 // Ensure consistency between model value and selected option.
  2330                 // If the dropdown is being populated for the first time here (or was otherwise previously empty),
  2331                 // the dropdown selection state is meaningless, so we preserve the model value.
  2332                 ensureDropdownSelectionIsConsistentWithModelValue(element, ko.utils.unwrapObservable(allBindings['value']), /* preferModelValue */ true);
  2333             }
  2335             // Workaround for IE9 bug
  2336             ko.utils.ensureSelectElementIsRenderedCorrectly(element);
  2337         }
  2338     }
  2339 };
  2340 ko.bindingHandlers['options'].optionValueDomDataKey = '__ko.optionValueDomData__';
  2342 ko.bindingHandlers['selectedOptions'] = {
  2343     getSelectedValuesFromSelectNode: function (selectNode) {
  2344         var result = [];
  2345         var nodes = selectNode.childNodes;
  2346         for (var i = 0, j = nodes.length; i < j; i++) {
  2347             var node = nodes[i], tagName = ko.utils.tagNameLower(node);
  2348             if (tagName == "option" && node.selected)
  2349                 result.push(ko.selectExtensions.readValue(node));
  2350             else if (tagName == "optgroup") {
  2351                 var selectedValuesFromOptGroup = ko.bindingHandlers['selectedOptions'].getSelectedValuesFromSelectNode(node);
  2352                 Array.prototype.splice.apply(result, [result.length, 0].concat(selectedValuesFromOptGroup)); // Add new entries to existing 'result' instance
  2353             }
  2354         }
  2355         return result;
  2356     },
  2357     'init': function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
  2358         ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "change", function () {
  2359             var value = valueAccessor();
  2360             var valueToWrite = ko.bindingHandlers['selectedOptions'].getSelectedValuesFromSelectNode(this);
  2361             ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.writeValueToProperty(value, allBindingsAccessor, 'value', valueToWrite);
  2362         });
  2363     },
  2364     'update': function (element, valueAccessor) {
  2365         if (ko.utils.tagNameLower(element) != "select")
  2366             throw new Error("values binding applies only to SELECT elements");
  2368         var newValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
  2369         if (newValue && typeof newValue.length == "number") {
  2370             var nodes = element.childNodes;
  2371             for (var i = 0, j = nodes.length; i < j; i++) {
  2372                 var node = nodes[i];
  2373                 if (ko.utils.tagNameLower(node) === "option")
  2374                     ko.utils.setOptionNodeSelectionState(node, ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(newValue, ko.selectExtensions.readValue(node)) >= 0);
  2375             }
  2376         }
  2377     }
  2378 };
  2380 ko.bindingHandlers['text'] = {
  2381     'update': function (element, valueAccessor) {
  2382         ko.utils.setTextContent(element, valueAccessor());
  2383     }
  2384 };
  2386 ko.bindingHandlers['html'] = {
  2387     'init': function() {
  2388         // Prevent binding on the dynamically-injected HTML (as developers are unlikely to expect that, and it has security implications)
  2389         return { 'controlsDescendantBindings': true };
  2390     },
  2391     'update': function (element, valueAccessor) {
  2392         var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
  2393         ko.utils.setHtml(element, value);
  2394     }
  2395 };
  2397 ko.bindingHandlers['css'] = {
  2398     'update': function (element, valueAccessor) {
  2399         var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor() || {});
  2400         for (var className in value) {
  2401             if (typeof className == "string") {
  2402                 var shouldHaveClass = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value[className]);
  2403                 ko.utils.toggleDomNodeCssClass(element, className, shouldHaveClass);
  2404             }
  2405         }
  2406     }
  2407 };
  2409 ko.bindingHandlers['style'] = {
  2410     'update': function (element, valueAccessor) {
  2411         var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor() || {});
  2412         for (var styleName in value) {
  2413             if (typeof styleName == "string") {
  2414                 var styleValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value[styleName]);
  2415       [styleName] = styleValue || ""; // Empty string removes the value, whereas null/undefined have no effect
  2416             }
  2417         }
  2418     }
  2419 };
  2421 ko.bindingHandlers['uniqueName'] = {
  2422     'init': function (element, valueAccessor) {
  2423         if (valueAccessor()) {
  2424    = "ko_unique_" + (++ko.bindingHandlers['uniqueName'].currentIndex);
  2426             // Workaround IE 6/7 issue
  2427             // -
  2428             // -
  2429             if (ko.utils.isIe6 || ko.utils.isIe7)
  2430                 element.mergeAttributes(document.createElement("<input name='" + + "'/>"), false);
  2431         }
  2432     }
  2433 };
  2434 ko.bindingHandlers['uniqueName'].currentIndex = 0;
  2436 ko.bindingHandlers['checked'] = {
  2437     'init': function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
  2438         var updateHandler = function() {
  2439             var valueToWrite;
  2440             if (element.type == "checkbox") {
  2441                 valueToWrite = element.checked;
  2442             } else if ((element.type == "radio") && (element.checked)) {
  2443                 valueToWrite = element.value;
  2444             } else {
  2445                 return; // "checked" binding only responds to checkboxes and selected radio buttons
  2446             }
  2448             var modelValue = valueAccessor();
  2449             if ((element.type == "checkbox") && (ko.utils.unwrapObservable(modelValue) instanceof Array)) {
  2450                 // For checkboxes bound to an array, we add/remove the checkbox value to that array
  2451                 // This works for both observable and non-observable arrays
  2452                 var existingEntryIndex = ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(modelValue), element.value);
  2453                 if (element.checked && (existingEntryIndex < 0))
  2454                     modelValue.push(element.value);
  2455                 else if ((!element.checked) && (existingEntryIndex >= 0))
  2456                     modelValue.splice(existingEntryIndex, 1);
  2457             } else {
  2458                 ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.writeValueToProperty(modelValue, allBindingsAccessor, 'checked', valueToWrite, true);
  2459             }
  2460         };
  2461         ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "click", updateHandler);
  2463         // IE 6 won't allow radio buttons to be selected unless they have a name
  2464         if ((element.type == "radio") && !
  2465             ko.bindingHandlers['uniqueName']['init'](element, function() { return true });
  2466     },
  2467     'update': function (element, valueAccessor) {
  2468         var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
  2470         if (element.type == "checkbox") {
  2471             if (value instanceof Array) {
  2472                 // When bound to an array, the checkbox being checked represents its value being present in that array
  2473                 element.checked = ko.utils.arrayIndexOf(value, element.value) >= 0;
  2474             } else {
  2475                 // When bound to anything other value (not an array), the checkbox being checked represents the value being trueish
  2476                 element.checked = value;
  2477             }
  2478         } else if (element.type == "radio") {
  2479             element.checked = (element.value == value);
  2480         }
  2481     }
  2482 };
  2484 var attrHtmlToJavascriptMap = { 'class': 'className', 'for': 'htmlFor' };
  2485 ko.bindingHandlers['attr'] = {
  2486     'update': function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
  2487         var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()) || {};
  2488         for (var attrName in value) {
  2489             if (typeof attrName == "string") {
  2490                 var attrValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value[attrName]);
  2492                 // To cover cases like "attr: { checked:someProp }", we want to remove the attribute entirely
  2493                 // when someProp is a "no value"-like value (strictly null, false, or undefined)
  2494                 // (because the absence of the "checked" attr is how to mark an element as not checked, etc.)
  2495                 var toRemove = (attrValue === false) || (attrValue === null) || (attrValue === undefined);
  2496                 if (toRemove)
  2497                     element.removeAttribute(attrName);
  2499                 // In IE <= 7 and IE8 Quirks Mode, you have to use the Javascript property name instead of the
  2500                 // HTML attribute name for certain attributes. IE8 Standards Mode supports the correct behavior,
  2501                 // but instead of figuring out the mode, we'll just set the attribute through the Javascript
  2502                 // property for IE <= 8.
  2503                 if (ko.utils.ieVersion <= 8 && attrName in attrHtmlToJavascriptMap) {
  2504                     attrName = attrHtmlToJavascriptMap[attrName];
  2505                     if (toRemove)
  2506                         element.removeAttribute(attrName);
  2507                     else
  2508                         element[attrName] = attrValue;
  2509                 } else if (!toRemove) {
  2510                     element.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue.toString());
  2511                 }
  2512             }
  2513         }
  2514     }
  2515 };
  2517 ko.bindingHandlers['hasfocus'] = {
  2518     'init': function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
  2519         var writeValue = function(valueToWrite) {
  2520             var modelValue = valueAccessor();
  2521             ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.writeValueToProperty(modelValue, allBindingsAccessor, 'hasfocus', valueToWrite, true);
  2522         };
  2523         ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "focus", function() { writeValue(true) });
  2524         ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "focusin", function() { writeValue(true) }); // For IE
  2525         ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "blur",  function() { writeValue(false) });
  2526         ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "focusout",  function() { writeValue(false) }); // For IE
  2527     },
  2528     'update': function(element, valueAccessor) {
  2529         var value = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
  2530         value ? element.focus() : element.blur();
  2531         ko.utils.triggerEvent(element, value ? "focusin" : "focusout"); // For IE, which doesn't reliably fire "focus" or "blur" events synchronously
  2532     }
  2533 };
  2535 // "with: someExpression" is equivalent to "template: { if: someExpression, data: someExpression }"
  2536 ko.bindingHandlers['with'] = {
  2537     makeTemplateValueAccessor: function(valueAccessor) {
  2538         return function() { var value = valueAccessor(); return { 'if': value, 'data': value, 'templateEngine': ko.nativeTemplateEngine.instance } };
  2539     },
  2540     'init': function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
  2541         return ko.bindingHandlers['template']['init'](element, ko.bindingHandlers['with'].makeTemplateValueAccessor(valueAccessor));
  2542     },
  2543     'update': function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
  2544         return ko.bindingHandlers['template']['update'](element, ko.bindingHandlers['with'].makeTemplateValueAccessor(valueAccessor), allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext);
  2545     }
  2546 };
  2547 ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.bindingRewriteValidators['with'] = false; // Can't rewrite control flow bindings
  2548 ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings['with'] = true;
  2550 // "if: someExpression" is equivalent to "template: { if: someExpression }"
  2551 ko.bindingHandlers['if'] = {
  2552     makeTemplateValueAccessor: function(valueAccessor) {
  2553         return function() { return { 'if': valueAccessor(), 'templateEngine': ko.nativeTemplateEngine.instance } };
  2554     },
  2555     'init': function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
  2556         return ko.bindingHandlers['template']['init'](element, ko.bindingHandlers['if'].makeTemplateValueAccessor(valueAccessor));
  2557     },
  2558     'update': function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
  2559         return ko.bindingHandlers['template']['update'](element, ko.bindingHandlers['if'].makeTemplateValueAccessor(valueAccessor), allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext);
  2560     }
  2561 };
  2562 ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.bindingRewriteValidators['if'] = false; // Can't rewrite control flow bindings
  2563 ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings['if'] = true;
  2565 // "ifnot: someExpression" is equivalent to "template: { ifnot: someExpression }"
  2566 ko.bindingHandlers['ifnot'] = {
  2567     makeTemplateValueAccessor: function(valueAccessor) {
  2568         return function() { return { 'ifnot': valueAccessor(), 'templateEngine': ko.nativeTemplateEngine.instance } };
  2569     },
  2570     'init': function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
  2571         return ko.bindingHandlers['template']['init'](element, ko.bindingHandlers['ifnot'].makeTemplateValueAccessor(valueAccessor));
  2572     },
  2573     'update': function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
  2574         return ko.bindingHandlers['template']['update'](element, ko.bindingHandlers['ifnot'].makeTemplateValueAccessor(valueAccessor), allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext);
  2575     }
  2576 };
  2577 ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.bindingRewriteValidators['ifnot'] = false; // Can't rewrite control flow bindings
  2578 ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings['ifnot'] = true;
  2580 // "foreach: someExpression" is equivalent to "template: { foreach: someExpression }"
  2581 // "foreach: { data: someExpression, afterAdd: myfn }" is equivalent to "template: { foreach: someExpression, afterAdd: myfn }"
  2582 ko.bindingHandlers['foreach'] = {
  2583     makeTemplateValueAccessor: function(valueAccessor) {
  2584         return function() {
  2585             var bindingValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
  2587             // If bindingValue is the array, just pass it on its own
  2588             if ((!bindingValue) || typeof bindingValue.length == "number")
  2589                 return { 'foreach': bindingValue, 'templateEngine': ko.nativeTemplateEngine.instance };
  2591             // If is the array, preserve all relevant options
  2592             return {
  2593                 'foreach': bindingValue['data'],
  2594                 'includeDestroyed': bindingValue['includeDestroyed'],
  2595                 'afterAdd': bindingValue['afterAdd'],
  2596                 'beforeRemove': bindingValue['beforeRemove'],
  2597                 'afterRender': bindingValue['afterRender'],
  2598                 'templateEngine': ko.nativeTemplateEngine.instance
  2599             };
  2600         };
  2601     },
  2602     'init': function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
  2603         return ko.bindingHandlers['template']['init'](element, ko.bindingHandlers['foreach'].makeTemplateValueAccessor(valueAccessor));
  2604     },
  2605     'update': function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
  2606         return ko.bindingHandlers['template']['update'](element, ko.bindingHandlers['foreach'].makeTemplateValueAccessor(valueAccessor), allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext);
  2607     }
  2608 };
  2609 ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.bindingRewriteValidators['foreach'] = false; // Can't rewrite control flow bindings
  2610 ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings['foreach'] = true;
  2611 // If you want to make a custom template engine,
  2612 //
  2613 // [1] Inherit from this class (like ko.nativeTemplateEngine does)
  2614 // [2] Override 'renderTemplateSource', supplying a function with this signature:
  2615 //
  2616 //        function (templateSource, bindingContext, options) {
  2617 //            // - templateSource.text() is the text of the template you should render
  2618 //            // - bindingContext.$data is the data you should pass into the template
  2619 //            //   - you might also want to make bindingContext.$parent, bindingContext.$parents,
  2620 //            //     and bindingContext.$root available in the template too
  2621 //            // - options gives you access to any other properties set on "data-bind: { template: options }"
  2622 //            //
  2623 //            // Return value: an array of DOM nodes
  2624 //        }
  2625 //
  2626 // [3] Override 'createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock', supplying a function with this signature:
  2627 //
  2628 //        function (script) {
  2629 //            // Return value: Whatever syntax means "Evaluate the JavaScript statement 'script' and output the result"
  2630 //            //               For example, the jquery.tmpl template engine converts 'someScript' to '${ someScript }'
  2631 //        }
  2632 //
  2633 //     This is only necessary if you want to allow data-bind attributes to reference arbitrary template variables.
  2634 //     If you don't want to allow that, you can set the property 'allowTemplateRewriting' to false (like ko.nativeTemplateEngine does)
  2635 //     and then you don't need to override 'createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock'.
  2637 ko.templateEngine = function () { };
  2639 ko.templateEngine.prototype['renderTemplateSource'] = function (templateSource, bindingContext, options) {
  2640     throw new Error("Override renderTemplateSource");
  2641 };
  2643 ko.templateEngine.prototype['createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock'] = function (script) {
  2644     throw new Error("Override createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock");
  2645 };
  2647 ko.templateEngine.prototype['makeTemplateSource'] = function(template, templateDocument) {
  2648     // Named template
  2649     if (typeof template == "string") {
  2650         templateDocument = templateDocument || document;
  2651         var elem = templateDocument.getElementById(template);
  2652         if (!elem)
  2653             throw new Error("Cannot find template with ID " + template);
  2654         return new ko.templateSources.domElement(elem);
  2655     } else if ((template.nodeType == 1) || (template.nodeType == 8)) {
  2656         // Anonymous template
  2657         return new ko.templateSources.anonymousTemplate(template);
  2658     } else
  2659         throw new Error("Unknown template type: " + template);
  2660 };
  2662 ko.templateEngine.prototype['renderTemplate'] = function (template, bindingContext, options, templateDocument) {
  2663     var templateSource = this['makeTemplateSource'](template, templateDocument);
  2664     return this['renderTemplateSource'](templateSource, bindingContext, options);
  2665 };
  2667 ko.templateEngine.prototype['isTemplateRewritten'] = function (template, templateDocument) {
  2668     // Skip rewriting if requested
  2669     if (this['allowTemplateRewriting'] === false)
  2670         return true;
  2672     // Perf optimisation - see below
  2673     var templateIsInExternalDocument = templateDocument && templateDocument != document;
  2674     if (!templateIsInExternalDocument && this.knownRewrittenTemplates && this.knownRewrittenTemplates[template])
  2675         return true;
  2677     return this['makeTemplateSource'](template, templateDocument)['data']("isRewritten");
  2678 };
  2680 ko.templateEngine.prototype['rewriteTemplate'] = function (template, rewriterCallback, templateDocument) {
  2681     var templateSource = this['makeTemplateSource'](template, templateDocument);
  2682     var rewritten = rewriterCallback(templateSource['text']());
  2683     templateSource['text'](rewritten);
  2684     templateSource['data']("isRewritten", true);
  2686     // Perf optimisation - for named templates, track which ones have been rewritten so we can
  2687     // answer 'isTemplateRewritten' *without* having to use getElementById (which is slow on IE < 8)
  2688     //
  2689     // Note that we only cache the status for templates in the main document, because caching on a per-doc
  2690     // basis complicates the implementation excessively. In a future version of KO, we will likely remove
  2691     // this 'isRewritten' cache entirely anyway, because the benefit is extremely minor and only applies
  2692     // to rewritable templates, which are pretty much deprecated since KO 2.0.
  2693     var templateIsInExternalDocument = templateDocument && templateDocument != document;
  2694     if (!templateIsInExternalDocument && typeof template == "string") {
  2695         this.knownRewrittenTemplates = this.knownRewrittenTemplates || {};
  2696         this.knownRewrittenTemplates[template] = true;
  2697     }
  2698 };
  2700 ko.exportSymbol('templateEngine', ko.templateEngine);
  2702 ko.templateRewriting = (function () {
  2703     var memoizeDataBindingAttributeSyntaxRegex = /(<[a-z]+\d*(\s+(?!data-bind=)[a-z0-9\-]+(=(\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'))?)*\s+)data-bind=(["'])([\s\S]*?)\5/gi;
  2704     var memoizeVirtualContainerBindingSyntaxRegex = /<!--\s*ko\b\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*-->/g;
  2706     function validateDataBindValuesForRewriting(keyValueArray) {
  2707         var allValidators = ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.bindingRewriteValidators;
  2708         for (var i = 0; i < keyValueArray.length; i++) {
  2709             var key = keyValueArray[i]['key'];
  2710             if (allValidators.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
  2711                 var validator = allValidators[key];
  2713                 if (typeof validator === "function") {
  2714                     var possibleErrorMessage = validator(keyValueArray[i]['value']);
  2715                     if (possibleErrorMessage)
  2716                         throw new Error(possibleErrorMessage);
  2717                 } else if (!validator) {
  2718                     throw new Error("This template engine does not support the '" + key + "' binding within its templates");
  2719                 }
  2720             }
  2721         }
  2722     }
  2724     function constructMemoizedTagReplacement(dataBindAttributeValue, tagToRetain, templateEngine) {
  2725         var dataBindKeyValueArray = ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.parseObjectLiteral(dataBindAttributeValue);
  2726         validateDataBindValuesForRewriting(dataBindKeyValueArray);
  2727         var rewrittenDataBindAttributeValue = ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.insertPropertyAccessorsIntoJson(dataBindKeyValueArray);
  2729         // For no obvious reason, Opera fails to evaluate rewrittenDataBindAttributeValue unless it's wrapped in an additional
  2730         // anonymous function, even though Opera's built-in debugger can evaluate it anyway. No other browser requires this
  2731         // extra indirection.
  2732         var applyBindingsToNextSiblingScript = "ko.templateRewriting.applyMemoizedBindingsToNextSibling(function() { \
  2733             return (function() { return { " + rewrittenDataBindAttributeValue + " } })() \
  2734         })";
  2735         return templateEngine['createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock'](applyBindingsToNextSiblingScript) + tagToRetain;
  2736     }
  2738     return {
  2739         ensureTemplateIsRewritten: function (template, templateEngine, templateDocument) {
  2740             if (!templateEngine['isTemplateRewritten'](template, templateDocument))
  2741                 templateEngine['rewriteTemplate'](template, function (htmlString) {
  2742                     return ko.templateRewriting.memoizeBindingAttributeSyntax(htmlString, templateEngine);
  2743                 }, templateDocument);
  2744         },
  2746         memoizeBindingAttributeSyntax: function (htmlString, templateEngine) {
  2747             return htmlString.replace(memoizeDataBindingAttributeSyntaxRegex, function () {
  2748                 return constructMemoizedTagReplacement(/* dataBindAttributeValue: */ arguments[6], /* tagToRetain: */ arguments[1], templateEngine);
  2749             }).replace(memoizeVirtualContainerBindingSyntaxRegex, function() {
  2750                 return constructMemoizedTagReplacement(/* dataBindAttributeValue: */ arguments[1], /* tagToRetain: */ "<!-- ko -->", templateEngine);
  2751             });
  2752         },
  2754         applyMemoizedBindingsToNextSibling: function (bindings) {
  2755             return ko.memoization.memoize(function (domNode, bindingContext) {
  2756                 if (domNode.nextSibling)
  2757                     ko.applyBindingsToNode(domNode.nextSibling, bindings, bindingContext);
  2758             });
  2759         }
  2760     }
  2761 })();
  2763 ko.exportSymbol('templateRewriting', ko.templateRewriting);
  2764 ko.exportSymbol('templateRewriting.applyMemoizedBindingsToNextSibling', ko.templateRewriting.applyMemoizedBindingsToNextSibling); // Exported only because it has to be referenced by string lookup from within rewritten template
  2765 (function() {
  2766     // A template source represents a read/write way of accessing a template. This is to eliminate the need for template loading/saving
  2767     // logic to be duplicated in every template engine (and means they can all work with anonymous templates, etc.)
  2768     //
  2769     // Two are provided by default:
  2770     //  1. ko.templateSources.domElement       - reads/writes the text content of an arbitrary DOM element
  2771     //  2. ko.templateSources.anonymousElement - uses ko.utils.domData to read/write text *associated* with the DOM element, but
  2772     //                                           without reading/writing the actual element text content, since it will be overwritten
  2773     //                                           with the rendered template output.
  2774     // You can implement your own template source if you want to fetch/store templates somewhere other than in DOM elements.
  2775     // Template sources need to have the following functions:
  2776     //   text() 			- returns the template text from your storage location
  2777     //   text(value)		- writes the supplied template text to your storage location
  2778     //   data(key)			- reads values stored using data(key, value) - see below
  2779     //   data(key, value)	- associates "value" with this template and the key "key". Is used to store information like "isRewritten".
  2780     //
  2781     // Optionally, template sources can also have the following functions:
  2782     //   nodes()            - returns a DOM element containing the nodes of this template, where available
  2783     //   nodes(value)       - writes the given DOM element to your storage location
  2784     // If a DOM element is available for a given template source, template engines are encouraged to use it in preference over text()
  2785     // for improved speed. However, all templateSources must supply text() even if they don't supply nodes().
  2786     //
  2787     // Once you've implemented a templateSource, make your template engine use it by subclassing whatever template engine you were
  2788     // using and overriding "makeTemplateSource" to return an instance of your custom template source.
  2790     ko.templateSources = {};
  2792     // ---- ko.templateSources.domElement -----
  2794     ko.templateSources.domElement = function(element) {
  2795         this.domElement = element;
  2796     }
  2798     ko.templateSources.domElement.prototype['text'] = function(/* valueToWrite */) {
  2799         var tagNameLower = ko.utils.tagNameLower(this.domElement),
  2800             elemContentsProperty = tagNameLower === "script" ? "text"
  2801                                  : tagNameLower === "textarea" ? "value"
  2802                                  : "innerHTML";
  2804         if (arguments.length == 0) {
  2805             return this.domElement[elemContentsProperty];
  2806         } else {
  2807             var valueToWrite = arguments[0];
  2808             if (elemContentsProperty === "innerHTML")
  2809                 ko.utils.setHtml(this.domElement, valueToWrite);
  2810             else
  2811                 this.domElement[elemContentsProperty] = valueToWrite;
  2812         }
  2813     };
  2815     ko.templateSources.domElement.prototype['data'] = function(key /*, valueToWrite */) {
  2816         if (arguments.length === 1) {
  2817             return ko.utils.domData.get(this.domElement, "templateSourceData_" + key);
  2818         } else {
  2819             ko.utils.domData.set(this.domElement, "templateSourceData_" + key, arguments[1]);
  2820         }
  2821     };
  2823     // ---- ko.templateSources.anonymousTemplate -----
  2824     // Anonymous templates are normally saved/retrieved as DOM nodes through "nodes".
  2825     // For compatibility, you can also read "text"; it will be serialized from the nodes on demand.
  2826     // Writing to "text" is still supported, but then the template data will not be available as DOM nodes.
  2828     var anonymousTemplatesDomDataKey = "__ko_anon_template__";
  2829     ko.templateSources.anonymousTemplate = function(element) {
  2830         this.domElement = element;
  2831     }
  2832     ko.templateSources.anonymousTemplate.prototype = new ko.templateSources.domElement();
  2833     ko.templateSources.anonymousTemplate.prototype['text'] = function(/* valueToWrite */) {
  2834         if (arguments.length == 0) {
  2835             var templateData = ko.utils.domData.get(this.domElement, anonymousTemplatesDomDataKey) || {};
  2836             if (templateData.textData === undefined && templateData.containerData)
  2837                 templateData.textData = templateData.containerData.innerHTML;
  2838             return templateData.textData;
  2839         } else {
  2840             var valueToWrite = arguments[0];
  2841             ko.utils.domData.set(this.domElement, anonymousTemplatesDomDataKey, {textData: valueToWrite});
  2842         }
  2843     };
  2844     ko.templateSources.domElement.prototype['nodes'] = function(/* valueToWrite */) {
  2845         if (arguments.length == 0) {
  2846             var templateData = ko.utils.domData.get(this.domElement, anonymousTemplatesDomDataKey) || {};
  2847             return templateData.containerData;
  2848         } else {
  2849             var valueToWrite = arguments[0];
  2850             ko.utils.domData.set(this.domElement, anonymousTemplatesDomDataKey, {containerData: valueToWrite});
  2851         }
  2852     };
  2854     ko.exportSymbol('templateSources', ko.templateSources);
  2855     ko.exportSymbol('templateSources.domElement', ko.templateSources.domElement);
  2856     ko.exportSymbol('templateSources.anonymousTemplate', ko.templateSources.anonymousTemplate);
  2857 })();
  2858 (function () {
  2859     var _templateEngine;
  2860     ko.setTemplateEngine = function (templateEngine) {
  2861         if ((templateEngine != undefined) && !(templateEngine instanceof ko.templateEngine))
  2862             throw new Error("templateEngine must inherit from ko.templateEngine");
  2863         _templateEngine = templateEngine;
  2864     }
  2866     function invokeForEachNodeOrCommentInContinuousRange(firstNode, lastNode, action) {
  2867         var node, nextInQueue = firstNode, firstOutOfRangeNode = ko.virtualElements.nextSibling(lastNode);
  2868         while (nextInQueue && ((node = nextInQueue) !== firstOutOfRangeNode)) {
  2869             nextInQueue = ko.virtualElements.nextSibling(node);
  2870             if (node.nodeType === 1 || node.nodeType === 8)
  2871                 action(node);
  2872         }
  2873     }
  2875     function activateBindingsOnContinuousNodeArray(continuousNodeArray, bindingContext) {
  2876         // To be used on any nodes that have been rendered by a template and have been inserted into some parent element
  2877         // Walks through continuousNodeArray (which *must* be continuous, i.e., an uninterrupted sequence of sibling nodes, because
  2878         // the algorithm for walking them relies on this), and for each top-level item in the virtual-element sense,
  2879         // (1) Does a regular "applyBindings" to associate bindingContext with this node and to activate any non-memoized bindings
  2880         // (2) Unmemoizes any memos in the DOM subtree (e.g., to activate bindings that had been memoized during template rewriting)
  2882         if (continuousNodeArray.length) {
  2883             var firstNode = continuousNodeArray[0], lastNode = continuousNodeArray[continuousNodeArray.length - 1];
  2885             // Need to applyBindings *before* unmemoziation, because unmemoization might introduce extra nodes (that we don't want to re-bind)
  2886             // whereas a regular applyBindings won't introduce new memoized nodes
  2887             invokeForEachNodeOrCommentInContinuousRange(firstNode, lastNode, function(node) {
  2888                 ko.applyBindings(bindingContext, node);
  2889             });
  2890             invokeForEachNodeOrCommentInContinuousRange(firstNode, lastNode, function(node) {
  2891                 ko.memoization.unmemoizeDomNodeAndDescendants(node, [bindingContext]);
  2892             });
  2893         }
  2894     }
  2896     function getFirstNodeFromPossibleArray(nodeOrNodeArray) {
  2897         return nodeOrNodeArray.nodeType ? nodeOrNodeArray
  2898                                         : nodeOrNodeArray.length > 0 ? nodeOrNodeArray[0]
  2899                                         : null;
  2900     }
  2902     function executeTemplate(targetNodeOrNodeArray, renderMode, template, bindingContext, options) {
  2903         options = options || {};
  2904         var firstTargetNode = targetNodeOrNodeArray && getFirstNodeFromPossibleArray(targetNodeOrNodeArray);
  2905         var templateDocument = firstTargetNode && firstTargetNode.ownerDocument;
  2906         var templateEngineToUse = (options['templateEngine'] || _templateEngine);
  2907         ko.templateRewriting.ensureTemplateIsRewritten(template, templateEngineToUse, templateDocument);
  2908         var renderedNodesArray = templateEngineToUse['renderTemplate'](template, bindingContext, options, templateDocument);
  2910         // Loosely check result is an array of DOM nodes
  2911         if ((typeof renderedNodesArray.length != "number") || (renderedNodesArray.length > 0 && typeof renderedNodesArray[0].nodeType != "number"))
  2912             throw new Error("Template engine must return an array of DOM nodes");
  2914         var haveAddedNodesToParent = false;
  2915         switch (renderMode) {
  2916             case "replaceChildren":
  2917                 ko.virtualElements.setDomNodeChildren(targetNodeOrNodeArray, renderedNodesArray);
  2918                 haveAddedNodesToParent = true;
  2919                 break;
  2920             case "replaceNode":
  2921                 ko.utils.replaceDomNodes(targetNodeOrNodeArray, renderedNodesArray);
  2922                 haveAddedNodesToParent = true;
  2923                 break;
  2924             case "ignoreTargetNode": break;
  2925             default:
  2926                 throw new Error("Unknown renderMode: " + renderMode);
  2927         }
  2929         if (haveAddedNodesToParent) {
  2930             activateBindingsOnContinuousNodeArray(renderedNodesArray, bindingContext);
  2931             if (options['afterRender'])
  2932                 options['afterRender'](renderedNodesArray, bindingContext['$data']);
  2933         }
  2935         return renderedNodesArray;
  2936     }
  2938     ko.renderTemplate = function (template, dataOrBindingContext, options, targetNodeOrNodeArray, renderMode) {
  2939         options = options || {};
  2940         if ((options['templateEngine'] || _templateEngine) == undefined)
  2941             throw new Error("Set a template engine before calling renderTemplate");
  2942         renderMode = renderMode || "replaceChildren";
  2944         if (targetNodeOrNodeArray) {
  2945             var firstTargetNode = getFirstNodeFromPossibleArray(targetNodeOrNodeArray);
  2947             var whenToDispose = function () { return (!firstTargetNode) || !ko.utils.domNodeIsAttachedToDocument(firstTargetNode); }; // Passive disposal (on next evaluation)
  2948             var activelyDisposeWhenNodeIsRemoved = (firstTargetNode && renderMode == "replaceNode") ? firstTargetNode.parentNode : firstTargetNode;
  2950             return ko.dependentObservable( // So the DOM is automatically updated when any dependency changes
  2951                 function () {
  2952                     // Ensure we've got a proper binding context to work with
  2953                     var bindingContext = (dataOrBindingContext && (dataOrBindingContext instanceof ko.bindingContext))
  2954                         ? dataOrBindingContext
  2955                         : new ko.bindingContext(ko.utils.unwrapObservable(dataOrBindingContext));
  2957                     // Support selecting template as a function of the data being rendered
  2958                     var templateName = typeof(template) == 'function' ? template(bindingContext['$data']) : template;
  2960                     var renderedNodesArray = executeTemplate(targetNodeOrNodeArray, renderMode, templateName, bindingContext, options);
  2961                     if (renderMode == "replaceNode") {
  2962                         targetNodeOrNodeArray = renderedNodesArray;
  2963                         firstTargetNode = getFirstNodeFromPossibleArray(targetNodeOrNodeArray);
  2964                     }
  2965                 },
  2966                 null,
  2967                 { 'disposeWhen': whenToDispose, 'disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved': activelyDisposeWhenNodeIsRemoved }
  2968             );
  2969         } else {
  2970             // We don't yet have a DOM node to evaluate, so use a memo and render the template later when there is a DOM node
  2971             return ko.memoization.memoize(function (domNode) {
  2972                 ko.renderTemplate(template, dataOrBindingContext, options, domNode, "replaceNode");
  2973             });
  2974         }
  2975     };
  2977     ko.renderTemplateForEach = function (template, arrayOrObservableArray, options, targetNode, parentBindingContext) {
  2978         // Since setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping always calls executeTemplateForArrayItem and then
  2979         // activateBindingsCallback for added items, we can store the binding context in the former to use in the latter.
  2980         var arrayItemContext;
  2982         // This will be called by setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping to get the nodes to add to targetNode
  2983         var executeTemplateForArrayItem = function (arrayValue, index) {
  2984             // Support selecting template as a function of the data being rendered
  2985             var templateName = typeof(template) == 'function' ? template(arrayValue) : template;
  2986             arrayItemContext = parentBindingContext['createChildContext'](ko.utils.unwrapObservable(arrayValue));
  2987             arrayItemContext['$index'] = index;
  2988             return executeTemplate(null, "ignoreTargetNode", templateName, arrayItemContext, options);
  2989         }
  2991         // This will be called whenever setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping has added nodes to targetNode
  2992         var activateBindingsCallback = function(arrayValue, addedNodesArray, index) {
  2993             activateBindingsOnContinuousNodeArray(addedNodesArray, arrayItemContext);
  2994             if (options['afterRender'])
  2995                 options['afterRender'](addedNodesArray, arrayValue);
  2996         };
  2998         return ko.dependentObservable(function () {
  2999             var unwrappedArray = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(arrayOrObservableArray) || [];
  3000             if (typeof unwrappedArray.length == "undefined") // Coerce single value into array
  3001                 unwrappedArray = [unwrappedArray];
  3003             // Filter out any entries marked as destroyed
  3004             var filteredArray = ko.utils.arrayFilter(unwrappedArray, function(item) {
  3005                 return options['includeDestroyed'] || item === undefined || item === null || !ko.utils.unwrapObservable(item['_destroy']);
  3006             });
  3008             ko.utils.setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping(targetNode, filteredArray, executeTemplateForArrayItem, options, activateBindingsCallback);
  3010         }, null, { 'disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved': targetNode });
  3011     };
  3013     var templateSubscriptionDomDataKey = '__ko__templateSubscriptionDomDataKey__';
  3014     function disposeOldSubscriptionAndStoreNewOne(element, newSubscription) {
  3015         var oldSubscription = ko.utils.domData.get(element, templateSubscriptionDomDataKey);
  3016         if (oldSubscription && (typeof(oldSubscription.dispose) == 'function'))
  3017             oldSubscription.dispose();
  3018         ko.utils.domData.set(element, templateSubscriptionDomDataKey, newSubscription);
  3019     }
  3021     ko.bindingHandlers['template'] = {
  3022         'init': function(element, valueAccessor) {
  3023             // Support anonymous templates
  3024             var bindingValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
  3025             if ((typeof bindingValue != "string") && (!bindingValue['name']) && (element.nodeType == 1 || element.nodeType == 8)) {
  3026                 // It's an anonymous template - store the element contents, then clear the element
  3027                 var templateNodes = element.nodeType == 1 ? element.childNodes : ko.virtualElements.childNodes(element),
  3028                     container = ko.utils.moveCleanedNodesToContainerElement(templateNodes); // This also removes the nodes from their current parent
  3029                 new ko.templateSources.anonymousTemplate(element)['nodes'](container);
  3030             }
  3031             return { 'controlsDescendantBindings': true };
  3032         },
  3033         'update': function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
  3034             var bindingValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
  3035             var templateName;
  3036             var shouldDisplay = true;
  3038             if (typeof bindingValue == "string") {
  3039                 templateName = bindingValue;
  3040             } else {
  3041                 templateName = bindingValue['name'];
  3043                 // Support "if"/"ifnot" conditions
  3044                 if ('if' in bindingValue)
  3045                     shouldDisplay = shouldDisplay && ko.utils.unwrapObservable(bindingValue['if']);
  3046                 if ('ifnot' in bindingValue)
  3047                     shouldDisplay = shouldDisplay && !ko.utils.unwrapObservable(bindingValue['ifnot']);
  3048             }
  3050             var templateSubscription = null;
  3052             if ((typeof bindingValue === 'object') && ('foreach' in bindingValue)) { // Note: can't use 'in' operator on strings
  3053                 // Render once for each data point (treating data set as empty if shouldDisplay==false)
  3054                 var dataArray = (shouldDisplay && bindingValue['foreach']) || [];
  3055                 templateSubscription = ko.renderTemplateForEach(templateName || element, dataArray, /* options: */ bindingValue, element, bindingContext);
  3056             } else {
  3057                 if (shouldDisplay) {
  3058                     // Render once for this single data point (or use the viewModel if no data was provided)
  3059                     var innerBindingContext = (typeof bindingValue == 'object') && ('data' in bindingValue)
  3060                         ? bindingContext['createChildContext'](ko.utils.unwrapObservable(bindingValue['data'])) // Given an explitit 'data' value, we create a child binding context for it
  3061                         : bindingContext;                                                                       // Given no explicit 'data' value, we retain the same binding context
  3062                     templateSubscription = ko.renderTemplate(templateName || element, innerBindingContext, /* options: */ bindingValue, element);
  3063                 } else
  3064                     ko.virtualElements.emptyNode(element);
  3065             }
  3067             // It only makes sense to have a single template subscription per element (otherwise which one should have its output displayed?)
  3068             disposeOldSubscriptionAndStoreNewOne(element, templateSubscription);
  3069         }
  3070     };
  3072     // Anonymous templates can't be rewritten. Give a nice error message if you try to do it.
  3073     ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.bindingRewriteValidators['template'] = function(bindingValue) {
  3074         var parsedBindingValue = ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.parseObjectLiteral(bindingValue);
  3076         if ((parsedBindingValue.length == 1) && parsedBindingValue[0]['unknown'])
  3077             return null; // It looks like a string literal, not an object literal, so treat it as a named template (which is allowed for rewriting)
  3079         if (ko.jsonExpressionRewriting.keyValueArrayContainsKey(parsedBindingValue, "name"))
  3080             return null; // Named templates can be rewritten, so return "no error"
  3081         return "This template engine does not support anonymous templates nested within its templates";
  3082     };
  3084     ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings['template'] = true;
  3085 })();
  3087 ko.exportSymbol('setTemplateEngine', ko.setTemplateEngine);
  3088 ko.exportSymbol('renderTemplate', ko.renderTemplate);
  3090 (function () {
  3091     // Simple calculation based on Levenshtein distance.
  3092     function calculateEditDistanceMatrix(oldArray, newArray, maxAllowedDistance) {
  3093         var distances = [];
  3094         for (var i = 0; i <= newArray.length; i++)
  3095             distances[i] = [];
  3097         // Top row - transform old array into empty array via deletions
  3098         for (var i = 0, j = Math.min(oldArray.length, maxAllowedDistance); i <= j; i++)
  3099             distances[0][i] = i;
  3101         // Left row - transform empty array into new array via additions
  3102         for (var i = 1, j = Math.min(newArray.length, maxAllowedDistance); i <= j; i++) {
  3103             distances[i][0] = i;
  3104         }
  3106         // Fill out the body of the array
  3107         var oldIndex, oldIndexMax = oldArray.length, newIndex, newIndexMax = newArray.length;
  3108         var distanceViaAddition, distanceViaDeletion;
  3109         for (oldIndex = 1; oldIndex <= oldIndexMax; oldIndex++) {
  3110             var newIndexMinForRow = Math.max(1, oldIndex - maxAllowedDistance);
  3111             var newIndexMaxForRow = Math.min(newIndexMax, oldIndex + maxAllowedDistance);
  3112             for (newIndex = newIndexMinForRow; newIndex <= newIndexMaxForRow; newIndex++) {
  3113                 if (oldArray[oldIndex - 1] === newArray[newIndex - 1])
  3114                     distances[newIndex][oldIndex] = distances[newIndex - 1][oldIndex - 1];
  3115                 else {
  3116                     var northDistance = distances[newIndex - 1][oldIndex] === undefined ? Number.MAX_VALUE : distances[newIndex - 1][oldIndex] + 1;
  3117                     var westDistance = distances[newIndex][oldIndex - 1] === undefined ? Number.MAX_VALUE : distances[newIndex][oldIndex - 1] + 1;
  3118                     distances[newIndex][oldIndex] = Math.min(northDistance, westDistance);
  3119                 }
  3120             }
  3121         }
  3123         return distances;
  3124     }
  3126     function findEditScriptFromEditDistanceMatrix(editDistanceMatrix, oldArray, newArray) {
  3127         var oldIndex = oldArray.length;
  3128         var newIndex = newArray.length;
  3129         var editScript = [];
  3130         var maxDistance = editDistanceMatrix[newIndex][oldIndex];
  3131         if (maxDistance === undefined)
  3132             return null; // maxAllowedDistance must be too small
  3133         while ((oldIndex > 0) || (newIndex > 0)) {
  3134             var me = editDistanceMatrix[newIndex][oldIndex];
  3135             var distanceViaAdd = (newIndex > 0) ? editDistanceMatrix[newIndex - 1][oldIndex] : maxDistance + 1;
  3136             var distanceViaDelete = (oldIndex > 0) ? editDistanceMatrix[newIndex][oldIndex - 1] : maxDistance + 1;
  3137             var distanceViaRetain = (newIndex > 0) && (oldIndex > 0) ? editDistanceMatrix[newIndex - 1][oldIndex - 1] : maxDistance + 1;
  3138             if ((distanceViaAdd === undefined) || (distanceViaAdd < me - 1)) distanceViaAdd = maxDistance + 1;
  3139             if ((distanceViaDelete === undefined) || (distanceViaDelete < me - 1)) distanceViaDelete = maxDistance + 1;
  3140             if (distanceViaRetain < me - 1) distanceViaRetain = maxDistance + 1;
  3142             if ((distanceViaAdd <= distanceViaDelete) && (distanceViaAdd < distanceViaRetain)) {
  3143                 editScript.push({ status: "added", value: newArray[newIndex - 1] });
  3144                 newIndex--;
  3145             } else if ((distanceViaDelete < distanceViaAdd) && (distanceViaDelete < distanceViaRetain)) {
  3146                 editScript.push({ status: "deleted", value: oldArray[oldIndex - 1] });
  3147                 oldIndex--;
  3148             } else {
  3149                 editScript.push({ status: "retained", value: oldArray[oldIndex - 1] });
  3150                 newIndex--;
  3151                 oldIndex--;
  3152             }
  3153         }
  3154         return editScript.reverse();
  3155     }
  3157     ko.utils.compareArrays = function (oldArray, newArray, maxEditsToConsider) {
  3158         if (maxEditsToConsider === undefined) {
  3159             return ko.utils.compareArrays(oldArray, newArray, 1)                 // First consider likely case where there is at most one edit (very fast)
  3160                 || ko.utils.compareArrays(oldArray, newArray, 10)                // If that fails, account for a fair number of changes while still being fast
  3161                 || ko.utils.compareArrays(oldArray, newArray, Number.MAX_VALUE); // Ultimately give the right answer, even though it may take a long time
  3162         } else {
  3163             oldArray = oldArray || [];
  3164             newArray = newArray || [];
  3165             var editDistanceMatrix = calculateEditDistanceMatrix(oldArray, newArray, maxEditsToConsider);
  3166             return findEditScriptFromEditDistanceMatrix(editDistanceMatrix, oldArray, newArray);
  3167         }
  3168     };
  3169 })();
  3171 ko.exportSymbol('utils.compareArrays', ko.utils.compareArrays);
  3173 (function () {
  3174     // Objective:
  3175     // * Given an input array, a container DOM node, and a function from array elements to arrays of DOM nodes,
  3176     //   map the array elements to arrays of DOM nodes, concatenate together all these arrays, and use them to populate the container DOM node
  3177     // * Next time we're given the same combination of things (with the array possibly having mutated), update the container DOM node
  3178     //   so that its children is again the concatenation of the mappings of the array elements, but don't re-map any array elements that we
  3179     //   previously mapped - retain those nodes, and just insert/delete other ones
  3181     // "callbackAfterAddingNodes" will be invoked after any "mapping"-generated nodes are inserted into the container node
  3182     // You can use this, for example, to activate bindings on those nodes.
  3184     function fixUpVirtualElements(contiguousNodeArray) {
  3185         // Ensures that contiguousNodeArray really *is* an array of contiguous siblings, even if some of the interior
  3186         // ones have changed since your array was first built (e.g., because your array contains virtual elements, and
  3187         // their virtual children changed when binding was applied to them).
  3188         // This is needed so that we can reliably remove or update the nodes corresponding to a given array item
  3190         if (contiguousNodeArray.length > 2) {
  3191             // Build up the actual new contiguous node set
  3192             var current = contiguousNodeArray[0], last = contiguousNodeArray[contiguousNodeArray.length - 1], newContiguousSet = [current];
  3193             while (current !== last) {
  3194                 current = current.nextSibling;
  3195                 if (!current) // Won't happen, except if the developer has manually removed some DOM elements (then we're in an undefined scenario)
  3196                     return;
  3197                 newContiguousSet.push(current);
  3198             }
  3200             // ... then mutate the input array to match this.
  3201             // (The following line replaces the contents of contiguousNodeArray with newContiguousSet)
  3202             Array.prototype.splice.apply(contiguousNodeArray, [0, contiguousNodeArray.length].concat(newContiguousSet));
  3203         }
  3204     }
  3206     function mapNodeAndRefreshWhenChanged(containerNode, mapping, valueToMap, callbackAfterAddingNodes, index) {
  3207         // Map this array value inside a dependentObservable so we re-map when any dependency changes
  3208         var mappedNodes = [];
  3209         var dependentObservable = ko.dependentObservable(function() {
  3210             var newMappedNodes = mapping(valueToMap, index) || [];
  3212             // On subsequent evaluations, just replace the previously-inserted DOM nodes
  3213             if (mappedNodes.length > 0) {
  3214                 fixUpVirtualElements(mappedNodes);
  3215                 ko.utils.replaceDomNodes(mappedNodes, newMappedNodes);
  3216                 if (callbackAfterAddingNodes)
  3217                     callbackAfterAddingNodes(valueToMap, newMappedNodes);
  3218             }
  3220             // Replace the contents of the mappedNodes array, thereby updating the record
  3221             // of which nodes would be deleted if valueToMap was itself later removed
  3222             mappedNodes.splice(0, mappedNodes.length);
  3223             ko.utils.arrayPushAll(mappedNodes, newMappedNodes);
  3224         }, null, { 'disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved': containerNode, 'disposeWhen': function() { return (mappedNodes.length == 0) || !ko.utils.domNodeIsAttachedToDocument(mappedNodes[0]) } });
  3225         return { mappedNodes : mappedNodes, dependentObservable : dependentObservable };
  3226     }
  3228     var lastMappingResultDomDataKey = "setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping_lastMappingResult";
  3230     ko.utils.setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping = function (domNode, array, mapping, options, callbackAfterAddingNodes) {
  3231         // Compare the provided array against the previous one
  3232         array = array || [];
  3233         options = options || {};
  3234         var isFirstExecution = ko.utils.domData.get(domNode, lastMappingResultDomDataKey) === undefined;
  3235         var lastMappingResult = ko.utils.domData.get(domNode, lastMappingResultDomDataKey) || [];
  3236         var lastArray = ko.utils.arrayMap(lastMappingResult, function (x) { return x.arrayEntry; });
  3237         var editScript = ko.utils.compareArrays(lastArray, array);
  3239         // Build the new mapping result
  3240         var newMappingResult = [];
  3241         var lastMappingResultIndex = 0;
  3242         var nodesToDelete = [];
  3243         var newMappingResultIndex = 0;
  3244         var nodesAdded = [];
  3245         var insertAfterNode = null;
  3246         for (var i = 0, j = editScript.length; i < j; i++) {
  3247             switch (editScript[i].status) {
  3248                 case "retained":
  3249                     // Just keep the information - don't touch the nodes
  3250                     var dataToRetain = lastMappingResult[lastMappingResultIndex];
  3251                     dataToRetain.indexObservable(newMappingResultIndex);
  3252                     newMappingResultIndex = newMappingResult.push(dataToRetain);
  3253                     if (dataToRetain.domNodes.length > 0)
  3254                         insertAfterNode = dataToRetain.domNodes[dataToRetain.domNodes.length - 1];
  3255                     lastMappingResultIndex++;
  3256                     break;
  3258                 case "deleted":
  3259                     // Stop tracking changes to the mapping for these nodes
  3260                     lastMappingResult[lastMappingResultIndex].dependentObservable.dispose();
  3262                     // Queue these nodes for later removal
  3263                     fixUpVirtualElements(lastMappingResult[lastMappingResultIndex].domNodes);
  3264                     ko.utils.arrayForEach(lastMappingResult[lastMappingResultIndex].domNodes, function (node) {
  3265                         nodesToDelete.push({
  3266                           element: node,
  3267                           index: i,
  3268                           value: editScript[i].value
  3269                         });
  3270                         insertAfterNode = node;
  3271                     });
  3272                     lastMappingResultIndex++;
  3273                     break;
  3275                 case "added":
  3276                     var valueToMap = editScript[i].value;
  3277                     var indexObservable = ko.observable(newMappingResultIndex);
  3278                     var mapData = mapNodeAndRefreshWhenChanged(domNode, mapping, valueToMap, callbackAfterAddingNodes, indexObservable);
  3279                     var mappedNodes = mapData.mappedNodes;
  3281                     // On the first evaluation, insert the nodes at the current insertion point
  3282                     newMappingResultIndex = newMappingResult.push({
  3283                         arrayEntry: editScript[i].value,
  3284                         domNodes: mappedNodes,
  3285                         dependentObservable: mapData.dependentObservable,
  3286                         indexObservable: indexObservable
  3287                     });
  3288                     for (var nodeIndex = 0, nodeIndexMax = mappedNodes.length; nodeIndex < nodeIndexMax; nodeIndex++) {
  3289                         var node = mappedNodes[nodeIndex];
  3290                         nodesAdded.push({
  3291                           element: node,
  3292                           index: i,
  3293                           value: editScript[i].value
  3294                         });
  3295                         if (insertAfterNode == null) {
  3296                             // Insert "node" (the newly-created node) as domNode's first child
  3297                             ko.virtualElements.prepend(domNode, node);
  3298                         } else {
  3299                             // Insert "node" into "domNode" immediately after "insertAfterNode"
  3300                             ko.virtualElements.insertAfter(domNode, node, insertAfterNode);
  3301                         }
  3302                         insertAfterNode = node;
  3303                     }
  3304                     if (callbackAfterAddingNodes)
  3305                         callbackAfterAddingNodes(valueToMap, mappedNodes, indexObservable);
  3306                     break;
  3307             }
  3308         }
  3310         ko.utils.arrayForEach(nodesToDelete, function (node) { ko.cleanNode(node.element) });
  3312         var invokedBeforeRemoveCallback = false;
  3313         if (!isFirstExecution) {
  3314             if (options['afterAdd']) {
  3315                 for (var i = 0; i < nodesAdded.length; i++)
  3316                     options['afterAdd'](nodesAdded[i].element, nodesAdded[i].index, nodesAdded[i].value);
  3317             }
  3318             if (options['beforeRemove']) {
  3319                 for (var i = 0; i < nodesToDelete.length; i++)
  3320                     options['beforeRemove'](nodesToDelete[i].element, nodesToDelete[i].index, nodesToDelete[i].value);
  3321                 invokedBeforeRemoveCallback = true;
  3322             }
  3323         }
  3324         if (!invokedBeforeRemoveCallback && nodesToDelete.length) {
  3325             for (var i = 0; i < nodesToDelete.length; i++) {
  3326                 var element = nodesToDelete[i].element;
  3327                 if (element.parentNode)
  3328                     element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
  3329             }
  3330         }
  3332         // Store a copy of the array items we just considered so we can difference it next time
  3333         ko.utils.domData.set(domNode, lastMappingResultDomDataKey, newMappingResult);
  3334     }
  3335 })();
  3337 ko.exportSymbol('utils.setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping', ko.utils.setDomNodeChildrenFromArrayMapping);
  3338 ko.nativeTemplateEngine = function () {
  3339     this['allowTemplateRewriting'] = false;
  3340 }
  3342 ko.nativeTemplateEngine.prototype = new ko.templateEngine();
  3343 ko.nativeTemplateEngine.prototype['renderTemplateSource'] = function (templateSource, bindingContext, options) {
  3344     var useNodesIfAvailable = !(ko.utils.ieVersion < 9), // IE<9 cloneNode doesn't work properly
  3345         templateNodesFunc = useNodesIfAvailable ? templateSource['nodes'] : null,
  3346         templateNodes = templateNodesFunc ? templateSource['nodes']() : null;
  3348     if (templateNodes) {
  3349         return ko.utils.makeArray(templateNodes.cloneNode(true).childNodes);
  3350     } else {
  3351         var templateText = templateSource['text']();
  3352         return ko.utils.parseHtmlFragment(templateText);
  3353     }
  3354 };
  3356 ko.nativeTemplateEngine.instance = new ko.nativeTemplateEngine();
  3357 ko.setTemplateEngine(ko.nativeTemplateEngine.instance);
  3359 ko.exportSymbol('nativeTemplateEngine', ko.nativeTemplateEngine);
  3360 (function() {
  3361     ko.jqueryTmplTemplateEngine = function () {
  3362         // Detect which version of jquery-tmpl you're using. Unfortunately jquery-tmpl
  3363         // doesn't expose a version number, so we have to infer it.
  3364         // Note that as of Knockout 1.3, we only support jQuery.tmpl 1.0.0pre and later,
  3365         // which KO internally refers to as version "2", so older versions are no longer detected.
  3366         var jQueryTmplVersion = this.jQueryTmplVersion = (function() {
  3367             if ((typeof(jQuery) == "undefined") || !(jQuery['tmpl']))
  3368                 return 0;
  3369             // Since it exposes no official version number, we use our own numbering system. To be updated as jquery-tmpl evolves.
  3370             try {
  3371                 if (jQuery['tmpl']['tag']['tmpl']['open'].toString().indexOf('__') >= 0) {
  3372                     // Since 1.0.0pre, custom tags should append markup to an array called "__"
  3373                     return 2; // Final version of jquery.tmpl
  3374                 }
  3375             } catch(ex) { /* Apparently not the version we were looking for */ }
  3377             return 1; // Any older version that we don't support
  3378         })();
  3380         function ensureHasReferencedJQueryTemplates() {
  3381             if (jQueryTmplVersion < 2)
  3382                 throw new Error("Your version of jQuery.tmpl is too old. Please upgrade to jQuery.tmpl 1.0.0pre or later.");
  3383         }
  3385         function executeTemplate(compiledTemplate, data, jQueryTemplateOptions) {
  3386             return jQuery['tmpl'](compiledTemplate, data, jQueryTemplateOptions);
  3387         }
  3389         this['renderTemplateSource'] = function(templateSource, bindingContext, options) {
  3390             options = options || {};
  3391             ensureHasReferencedJQueryTemplates();
  3393             // Ensure we have stored a precompiled version of this template (don't want to reparse on every render)
  3394             var precompiled = templateSource['data']('precompiled');
  3395             if (!precompiled) {
  3396                 var templateText = templateSource['text']() || "";
  3397                 // Wrap in "with($whatever.koBindingContext) { ... }"
  3398                 templateText = "{{ko_with $item.koBindingContext}}" + templateText + "{{/ko_with}}";
  3400                 precompiled = jQuery['template'](null, templateText);
  3401                 templateSource['data']('precompiled', precompiled);
  3402             }
  3404             var data = [bindingContext['$data']]; // Prewrap the data in an array to stop jquery.tmpl from trying to unwrap any arrays
  3405             var jQueryTemplateOptions = jQuery['extend']({ 'koBindingContext': bindingContext }, options['templateOptions']);
  3407             var resultNodes = executeTemplate(precompiled, data, jQueryTemplateOptions);
  3408             resultNodes['appendTo'](document.createElement("div")); // Using "appendTo" forces jQuery/jQuery.tmpl to perform necessary cleanup work
  3410             jQuery['fragments'] = {}; // Clear jQuery's fragment cache to avoid a memory leak after a large number of template renders
  3411             return resultNodes;
  3412         };
  3414         this['createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock'] = function(script) {
  3415             return "{{ko_code ((function() { return " + script + " })()) }}";
  3416         };
  3418         this['addTemplate'] = function(templateName, templateMarkup) {
  3419             document.write("<script type='text/html' id='" + templateName + "'>" + templateMarkup + "</script>");
  3420         };
  3422         if (jQueryTmplVersion > 0) {
  3423             jQuery['tmpl']['tag']['ko_code'] = {
  3424                 open: "__.push($1 || '');"
  3425             };
  3426             jQuery['tmpl']['tag']['ko_with'] = {
  3427                 open: "with($1) {",
  3428                 close: "} "
  3429             };
  3430         }
  3431     };
  3433     ko.jqueryTmplTemplateEngine.prototype = new ko.templateEngine();
  3435     // Use this one by default *only if jquery.tmpl is referenced*
  3436     var jqueryTmplTemplateEngineInstance = new ko.jqueryTmplTemplateEngine();
  3437     if (jqueryTmplTemplateEngineInstance.jQueryTmplVersion > 0)
  3438         ko.setTemplateEngine(jqueryTmplTemplateEngineInstance);
  3440     ko.exportSymbol('jqueryTmplTemplateEngine', ko.jqueryTmplTemplateEngine);
  3441 })();
  3442 });
  3443 })(window,document,navigator);