author StephaneLenclud
Sun, 03 Feb 2013 18:01:50 +0100
changeset 433 090259cfd699
parent 256 6dc6410489f4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adding SoundGraphDisplay and SensorFrontView classes.
They were respectively based on SystemTray and SensorNotifyIcon.
SoundGraphDisplay is now able to load iMONDisplay.dll providing it lives on your PATH.
Adding option to sensor context menu for adding it into FrontView.
     1 /*
     3   This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
     4   License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
     5   file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
     7   Copyright (C) 2010 Michael Möller <mmoeller@openhardwaremonitor.org>
     9 */
    11 using System;
    12 using System.Collections.Generic;
    13 using System.Globalization;
    14 using System.IO.Ports;
    15 using System.Security;
    16 using System.Text;
    17 using System.Threading;
    18 using Microsoft.Win32;
    20 namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Heatmaster {
    21   internal class HeatmasterGroup : IGroup {
    23     private readonly List<Heatmaster> hardware = new List<Heatmaster>();
    24     private readonly StringBuilder report = new StringBuilder();
    26     private static string ReadLine(SerialPort port, int timeout) {
    27       int i = 0;
    28       StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    29       while (i < timeout) {
    30         while (port.BytesToRead > 0) {
    31           byte b = (byte)port.ReadByte();
    32           switch (b) {
    33             case 0xAA: return ((char)b).ToString();
    34             case 0x0D: return builder.ToString();
    35             default: builder.Append((char)b); break;
    36           }
    37         }
    38         i++;
    39         Thread.Sleep(1);
    40       }
    41       throw new TimeoutException();
    42     }
    44     private static string[] GetRegistryPortNames() {
    45       List<string> result = new List<string>();
    46       string[] paths = { "", "&MI_00" };
    47       try {
    48         foreach (string path in paths) {
    49           RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(
    50             @"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_10C4&PID_EA60" + path);
    51           if (key != null) {
    52             foreach (string subKeyName in key.GetSubKeyNames()) {
    53               RegistryKey subKey =
    54                 key.OpenSubKey(subKeyName + "\\" + "Device Parameters");
    55               if (subKey != null) {
    56                 string name = subKey.GetValue("PortName") as string;
    57                 if (name != null && !result.Contains(name))
    58                   result.Add(name);
    59               }
    60             }
    61           }
    62         }
    63       } catch (SecurityException) { }
    64       return result.ToArray();
    65     }
    67     public HeatmasterGroup(ISettings settings) {
    69       // No implementation for Heatmaster on Unix systems
    70       int p = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
    71       if ((p == 4) || (p == 128))
    72         return;
    74       string[] portNames = GetRegistryPortNames();      
    75       for (int i = 0; i < portNames.Length; i++) {
    76         bool isValid = false;
    77         try {        
    78           using (SerialPort serialPort =
    79             new SerialPort(portNames[i], 38400, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One)) {
    80             serialPort.NewLine = ((char)0x0D).ToString();            
    81             report.Append("Port Name: "); report.AppendLine(portNames[i]);
    83             try {
    84               serialPort.Open();
    85             } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) {
    86               report.AppendLine("Exception: Access Denied");
    87             }
    89             if (serialPort.IsOpen) {
    90               serialPort.DiscardInBuffer();
    91               serialPort.DiscardOutBuffer();
    92               serialPort.Write(new byte[] { 0xAA }, 0, 1);
    94               int j = 0;
    95               while (serialPort.BytesToRead == 0 && j < 10) {
    96                 Thread.Sleep(20);
    97                 j++;
    98               }
    99               if (serialPort.BytesToRead > 0) {
   100                 bool flag = false;
   101                 while (serialPort.BytesToRead > 0 && !flag) {
   102                   flag |= (serialPort.ReadByte() == 0xAA);
   103                 }
   104                 if (flag) {
   105                   serialPort.WriteLine("[0:0]RH");
   106                   try {
   107                     int k = 0;
   108                     int revision = 0;
   109                     while (k < 5) {
   110                       string line = ReadLine(serialPort, 100);
   111                       if (line.StartsWith("-[0:0]RH:",
   112                         StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
   113                         revision = int.Parse(line.Substring(9), 
   114                           CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
   115                         break;
   116                       }
   117                       k++;
   118                     }
   119                     isValid = (revision == 770);
   120                     if (!isValid) {
   121                       report.Append("Status: Wrong Hardware Revision " +
   122                         revision.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
   123                     }
   124                   } catch (TimeoutException) {
   125                     report.AppendLine("Status: Timeout Reading Revision");
   126                   }
   127                 } else {
   128                   report.AppendLine("Status: Wrong Startflag");
   129                 }
   130               } else {
   131                 report.AppendLine("Status: No Response");
   132               }
   133               serialPort.DiscardInBuffer();
   134             } else {
   135               report.AppendLine("Status: Port not Open");
   136             }            
   137           }
   138         } catch (Exception e) {
   139           report.AppendLine(e.ToString());
   140         }
   142         if (isValid) {
   143           report.AppendLine("Status: OK");
   144           hardware.Add(new Heatmaster(portNames[i], settings));
   145         }
   146         report.AppendLine();
   147       }
   148     }
   150     public IHardware[] Hardware {
   151       get {
   152         return hardware.ToArray();
   153       }
   154     }
   156     public string GetReport() {
   157       if (report.Length > 0) {
   158         StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder();
   159         r.AppendLine("Serial Port Heatmaster");
   160         r.AppendLine();
   161         r.Append(report);
   162         r.AppendLine();
   163         return r.ToString();
   164       } else
   165         return null;
   166     }
   168     public void Close() {
   169       foreach (Heatmaster heatmaster in hardware)
   170         heatmaster.Close();
   171     }
   172   }
   173 }