moel@1: /* moel@1: moel@344: This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public moel@344: License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this moel@344: file, You can obtain one at moel@1: moel@344: Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Michael Möller moel@344: moel@1: */ moel@1: moel@1: using System.Collections.Generic; moel@166: using System.Globalization; moel@35: using System.Text; moel@1: moel@1: namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Nvidia { moel@1: moel@165: internal class NvidiaGroup : IGroup { moel@35: moel@298: private readonly List hardware = new List(); moel@195: private readonly StringBuilder report = new StringBuilder(); moel@1: moel@165: public NvidiaGroup(ISettings settings) { moel@1: if (!NVAPI.IsAvailable) moel@1: return; moel@1: moel@35: report.AppendLine("NVAPI"); moel@35: report.AppendLine(); moel@35: moel@140: string version; moel@140: if (NVAPI.NvAPI_GetInterfaceVersionString(out version) == NvStatus.OK) { moel@140: report.Append("Version: "); moel@140: report.AppendLine(version); moel@140: } moel@140: moel@1: NvPhysicalGpuHandle[] handles = moel@1: new NvPhysicalGpuHandle[NVAPI.MAX_PHYSICAL_GPUS]; moel@140: int count; moel@115: if (NVAPI.NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs == null) { moel@115: report.AppendLine("Error: NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs not available"); moel@115: report.AppendLine(); moel@115: return; moel@140: } else { moel@140: NvStatus status = NVAPI.NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs(handles, out count); moel@140: if (status != NvStatus.OK) { moel@195: report.AppendLine("Status: " + status); moel@140: report.AppendLine(); moel@140: return; moel@140: } moel@115: } moel@115: moel@140: IDictionary displayHandles = moel@140: new Dictionary(); moel@140: moel@140: if (NVAPI.NvAPI_EnumNvidiaDisplayHandle != null && moel@140: NVAPI.NvAPI_GetPhysicalGPUsFromDisplay != null) moel@140: { moel@140: NvStatus status = NvStatus.OK; moel@140: int i = 0; moel@140: while (status == NvStatus.OK) { moel@140: NvDisplayHandle displayHandle = new NvDisplayHandle(); moel@140: status = NVAPI.NvAPI_EnumNvidiaDisplayHandle(i, ref displayHandle); moel@140: i++; moel@140: moel@140: if (status == NvStatus.OK) { moel@140: NvPhysicalGpuHandle[] handlesFromDisplay = moel@140: new NvPhysicalGpuHandle[NVAPI.MAX_PHYSICAL_GPUS]; moel@140: uint countFromDisplay; moel@140: if (NVAPI.NvAPI_GetPhysicalGPUsFromDisplay(displayHandle, moel@140: handlesFromDisplay, out countFromDisplay) == NvStatus.OK) { moel@140: for (int j = 0; j < countFromDisplay; j++) { moel@140: if (!displayHandles.ContainsKey(handlesFromDisplay[j])) moel@140: displayHandles.Add(handlesFromDisplay[j], displayHandle); moel@140: } moel@140: } moel@140: } moel@140: } moel@140: } moel@1: moel@35: report.Append("Number of GPUs: "); moel@195: report.AppendLine(count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); moel@195: moel@195: for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { moel@140: NvDisplayHandle displayHandle; moel@195: displayHandles.TryGetValue(handles[i], out displayHandle); moel@195: hardware.Add(new NvidiaGPU(i, handles[i], displayHandle, settings)); moel@140: } moel@140: moel@35: report.AppendLine(); moel@1: } moel@1: moel@1: public IHardware[] Hardware { moel@1: get { moel@1: return hardware.ToArray(); moel@1: } moel@1: } moel@1: moel@1: public string GetReport() { moel@35: return report.ToString(); moel@1: } moel@1: moel@298: public void Close() { moel@298: foreach (Hardware gpu in hardware) moel@298: gpu.Close(); moel@298: } moel@1: } moel@1: }