sl@2: TEMPLATE = app sl@2: TARGET = MiniDisplayManager sl@2: QT += qml quick widgets sl@2: sl@2: # Avoid going to debug/release subdirectory sl@2: # so that our application will see the sl@2: # import path for the MiniDisplay module. sl@2: win32: DESTDIR = ./ sl@2: sl@2: SOURCES += main.cpp sl@2: sl@2: RESOURCES += \ sl@2: qml.qrc sl@2: sl@2: # Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Qt Creator's code model sl@2: QML_IMPORT_PATH = $$DESTDIR/MiniDisplay sl@2: sl@2: # Default rules for deployment. sl@2: include(deployment.pri) sl@2: sl@2: OTHER_FILES += \ sl@2: FontsTab.qml \ sl@2: main.qml \ sl@2: TestsTab.qml \ sl@2: DisplayTab.qml