changeset 29 a42cc76a2d5a
parent 28 8297924aa384
child 31 e68f1542d9d3
     1.1 --- a/TestsTab.qml	Mon Jun 02 21:56:03 2014 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/TestsTab.qml	Tue Jun 03 16:11:47 2014 +0200
     1.3 @@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
     1.4      //! [screen-properties]
     1.5          width: rectangleScreen.width
     1.6          height: rectangleScreen.height
     1.7 -        property int frameCounter:0;
     1.8 +        //property int frameCounter:0;
     1.9 +        property int firstFrame:-1;
    1.10          property var startTime:new Date();
    1.12          Rectangle {
    1.13 @@ -111,76 +112,87 @@
    1.14                  antialiasing: false
    1.15              }
    1.17 +            //onA: {}
    1.18 +
    1.19          }
    1.22 +        function doFrame(frameCount)
    1.23 +        {
    1.24 +            var current = new Date();
    1.25 +            var milliseconds = (current.getTime() - startTime.getTime());
    1.27 +            if (firstFrame==-1)
    1.28 +            {
    1.29 +                firstFrame=frameCount
    1.30 +            }
    1.31 +
    1.32 +
    1.33 +            var frameCounter=frameCount-firstFrame;
    1.34 +            labelFrameCount.text=frameCounter;
    1.35 +            labelTime.text=milliseconds/1000;
    1.36 +            labelTimePerFrame.text=(milliseconds/frameCounter).toFixed(3);
    1.37 +            labelFps.text=(1000/(milliseconds/frameCounter)).toFixed(0);
    1.38 +
    1.39 +            if (checkBoxDoClear.checked)
    1.40 +            {
    1.41 +                display.clear();
    1.42 +            }
    1.43 +
    1.44 +            if (checkBoxRenderToDisplay.checked)
    1.45 +            {
    1.46 +                if (checkBoxFillAndClearOnly.checked)
    1.47 +                {
    1.48 +                    //Trying to make it a worse case scenario for our frame diff algo
    1.49 +                    if (doFill)
    1.50 +                    {
    1.51 +                        display.fill();
    1.52 +                    }
    1.53 +                    else
    1.54 +                    {
    1.55 +                        display.clear();
    1.56 +                    }
    1.57 +
    1.58 +                    if (frameCounter%2)
    1.59 +                    {
    1.60 +                        doFill=!doFill;
    1.61 +                    }
    1.62 +                }
    1.63 +                else if (checkBoxOnePixelOnly.checked)
    1.64 +                {
    1.65 +                    display.setPixel(0,0,frameCounter%2);
    1.66 +                }
    1.67 +                else
    1.68 +                {
    1.69 +                    display.renderWindow(frameWindow);
    1.70 +                }
    1.71 +
    1.72 +                if (!checkBoxNoSwapBuffers.checked)
    1.73 +                {
    1.74 +                    display.swapBuffers();
    1.75 +                }
    1.76 +
    1.77 +            }
    1.78 +        }
    1.81          //! [timer]
    1.82          Timer {
    1.83              id: timer
    1.84 -            interval: frameWindow.timeoutInterval; running: true; repeat: true
    1.85 +            interval: frameWindow.timeoutInterval; running: false; repeat: true
    1.86              property bool doFill: true
    1.87              onTriggered: {
    1.88                  //visible = false
    1.89 -
    1.90 -                var current = new Date();
    1.91 -                var milliseconds = (current.getTime() - frameWindow.startTime.getTime());
    1.92 -
    1.93 -                frameWindow.frameCounter++;
    1.94 -                labelFrameCount.text=frameWindow.frameCounter;
    1.95 -                labelTime.text=milliseconds/1000;
    1.96 -                labelTimePerFrame.text=(milliseconds/frameWindow.frameCounter).toFixed(3);
    1.97 -                labelFps.text=(1000/(milliseconds/frameWindow.frameCounter)).toFixed(0);
    1.98 -
    1.99 -                if (checkBoxDoClear.checked)
   1.100 -                {
   1.101 -                    display.clear();
   1.102 -                }
   1.103 -
   1.104 -                if (checkBoxRenderToDisplay.checked)
   1.105 -                {
   1.106 -                    if (checkBoxFillAndClearOnly.checked)
   1.107 -                    {
   1.108 -                        //Trying to make it a worse case scenario for our frame diff algo
   1.109 -                        if (doFill)
   1.110 -                        {
   1.111 -                            display.fill();
   1.112 -                        }
   1.113 -                        else
   1.114 -                        {
   1.115 -                            display.clear();
   1.116 -                        }
   1.117 -
   1.118 -                        if (frameWindow.frameCounter%2)
   1.119 -                        {
   1.120 -                            doFill=!doFill;
   1.121 -                        }
   1.122 -                    }
   1.123 -                    else if (checkBoxOnePixelOnly.checked)
   1.124 -                    {
   1.125 -                        display.setPixel(0,0,frameWindow.frameCounter%2);
   1.126 -                    }
   1.127 -                    else
   1.128 -                    {
   1.129 -                        display.renderWindow(frameWindow);
   1.130 -                    }
   1.131 -
   1.132 -                    if (!checkBoxNoSwapBuffers.checked)
   1.133 -                    {
   1.134 -                        display.swapBuffers();
   1.135 -                    }
   1.136 -
   1.137 -                }
   1.138 +                //frameWindow.doFrame();
   1.140                  //Signal our timeout
   1.141 -                frameWindow.timeout();
   1.142 +                //frameWindow.timeout();
   1.143              }
   1.144          }
   1.145          //! [timer]
   1.146          Component.onCompleted: {
   1.147 -            visible = true
   1.148 +            visible = true;
   1.149 +            display.connectWindow(frameWindow,doFrame);
   1.150          }
   1.152      }
   1.153 @@ -202,7 +214,8 @@
   1.154              text: qsTr("Reset stats")
   1.155              onClicked: {
   1.156                  frameWindow.startTime = new Date();
   1.157 -                frameWindow.frameCounter = 0;
   1.158 +                //frameWindow.frameCounter = 0;
   1.159 +                frameWindow.firstFrame = -1;
   1.160              }
   1.161          }