Device selection in TreeView now fills in vendor and product ID in our text fields.
1.1 --- a/FrmMain.cs Wed May 14 16:37:44 2014 +0200
1.2 +++ b/FrmMain.cs Wed May 14 17:26:04 2014 +0200
1.3 @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
1.4 using System.Windows.Forms;
1.5 using System.Collections.Generic;
1.6 using System.Drawing;
1.7 +using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
1.9 namespace GenericHid
1.10 {
1.11 @@ -597,6 +598,7 @@
1.12 this.treeViewDevices.Name = "treeViewDevices";
1.13 this.treeViewDevices.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(284, 461);
1.14 this.treeViewDevices.TabIndex = 18;
1.15 + this.treeViewDevices.AfterSelect += new System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventHandler(this.treeViewDevices_AfterSelect);
1.16 //
1.17 // FrmMain
1.18 //
1.19 @@ -2708,5 +2710,21 @@
1.20 return _transDefaultFormFrmMain;
1.21 }
1.22 }
1.23 +
1.24 + private void treeViewDevices_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
1.25 + {
1.26 + //Node selected in our TreeView
1.27 + //Extract vendor and product IDs
1.28 + string deviceId = treeViewDevices.SelectedNode.Name;
1.29 + Regex regex = new Regex(@"VID_(....)&PID_(....).*");
1.30 + Match match = regex.Match(deviceId);
1.31 + if (match.Success)
1.32 + {
1.33 + //Take matches from each capturing group here. match.Groups[n].Value;
1.34 + //Put vendor and product ID in our text fields.
1.35 + txtVendorID.Text = match.Groups[1].Value;
1.36 + txtProductID.Text = match.Groups[2].Value;
1.37 + }
1.38 + }
1.39 }
1.40 }