Draft implementation of our bitmap to display format.
Thu, 22 May 2014 22:36:43 +0200
changeset 24c6b5c552980a
parent 23 d4e164906a1b
child 25 233a997193b8
Draft implementation of our bitmap to display format.
     1.1 --- a/inc/MainWindow.h	Thu May 22 21:32:45 2014 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/inc/MainWindow.h	Thu May 22 22:36:43 2014 +0200
     1.3 @@ -123,6 +123,8 @@
     1.4      FXFontDesc iCurrentFontDesc;
     1.5      FXFont* iCurrentFont;
     1.6      FXTGAImage* iFontImage;
     1.7 +	///Used the following to convert our bitmap into display format
     1.8 +	unsigned char* iPixelBuffer;
    1.10      struct hid_device_info *devices;
    1.11      hid_device *connected_device;
     2.1 --- a/src/test.cpp	Thu May 22 21:32:45 2014 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/src/test.cpp	Thu May 22 22:36:43 2014 +0200
     2.3 @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@
     2.4  MainWindow::MainWindow(FXApp *app)
     2.5  	: FXMainWindow(app, "HIDAPI Test Application", NULL, NULL, DECOR_ALL, 200,100, 600,900),
     2.6      iCurrentFont(NULL),
     2.7 -    iFontImage(NULL)
     2.8 +    iFontImage(NULL),
     2.9 +	iPixelBuffer(NULL)
    2.10  {
    2.11  	iBrightness=iVfd01.MaxBrightness();
    2.12  	devices = NULL;
    2.13 @@ -173,6 +174,9 @@
    2.14      delete iFontImage;
    2.15      iFontImage = NULL;
    2.17 +	delete[] iPixelBuffer;
    2.18 +	iPixelBuffer = NULL;
    2.19 +
    2.20  	if (connected_device)
    2.21  		hid_close(connected_device);
    2.22  	hid_exit();
    2.23 @@ -754,9 +758,13 @@
    2.24          delete iFontImage;
    2.25          iFontImage = NULL;
    2.26          //
    2.27 -        FXString text="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-[]{}();%$£&~#|_";
    2.28 +		delete[] iPixelBuffer;
    2.29 +		iPixelBuffer=NULL;
    2.30 +
    2.31 +        //FXString text="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-[]{}();%$£&~#|_";
    2.32 +		FXString text="0123456789ABCDEF";
    2.33          //Create an image the proper size for our text
    2.34 -        iFontImage = new FXTGAImage(getApp(),NULL,IMAGE_SHMI|IMAGE_SHMP,iCurrentFont->getTextWidth(text),iCurrentFont->getFontHeight());
    2.35 +        iFontImage = new FXTGAImage(getApp(),NULL,IMAGE_KEEP/*IMAGE_SHMI|IMAGE_SHMP*/,iCurrentFont->getTextWidth(text),iCurrentFont->getFontHeight());
    2.36          iFontImage->create();
    2.37          //Perform our drawing
    2.38              {
    2.39 @@ -771,13 +779,39 @@
    2.40              dc.drawText(0,iCurrentFont->getFontAscent(),text);
    2.41              //dc.end();
    2.42              }
    2.43 +
    2.44 +		//Save to file
    2.45          FXFileStream file;
    2.46          file.open("fonttest.tga",FXStreamSave);
    2.47          iFontImage->restore();
    2.48          iFontImage->savePixels(file);
    2.49          file.close();
    2.51 -        //
    2.52 +        //Create display pixel buffer from our image pixels
    2.53 +		int w=iFontImage->getWidth();
    2.54 +		int h=iFontImage->getHeight(); 
    2.55 +		int pixelBufferSize=(w*h)/8;
    2.56 +		iPixelBuffer = new unsigned char[pixelBufferSize];
    2.57 +		memset(iPixelBuffer,0x00,pixelBufferSize);
    2.58 +		for (int i=0;i<w;i++)
    2.59 +			{
    2.60 +			for (int j=0;j<h;j++)
    2.61 +				{
    2.62 +				int byteOffset=(i*h+j)/8;
    2.63 +				int bitOffset=(i*h+j)%8;
    2.64 +				FXColor color=iFontImage->getPixel(i,j);
    2.65 +				if (color!=0xffffffff)
    2.66 +					{
    2.67 +					iPixelBuffer[byteOffset] |= ( 1 << bitOffset );
    2.68 +					}
    2.69 +				}
    2.70 +			}
    2.71 +
    2.72 +		if (iVfd01.IsOpen())
    2.73 +			{
    2.74 +			iVfd01.SetPixelBlock(0,0,h-1,pixelBufferSize,iPixelBuffer);
    2.75 +			iVfd01.SwapBuffers();
    2.76 +			}
    2.78          }